Saturday, October 15, 2011


Occupy Wall Street is a broad expression of frustration and even anger about big corporate profits, tax breaks for the rich, corporate lobbying in Congress, and bank bailouts at a time when the poor and middle class are losing ground in a generally sour economy. “It really speaks to everyone getting fed up and tired of these corporations taking every bit of money we’ve worked so hard for,” says Brandon German, a protest organizer with Right to the City, an alliance of community groups that helped organize an Occupy Wall Street rally in Boston on Friday. “People are fed up and mobilizing.”People are tired of business as usual. The Occupy movement is a deconstructionist expression that is anti-institutional whether it is expressed against corporations, government, church, educational systems. At heart is "Modernism" and all of its systemization and standardization devalues people. It is based in hierarchy. Modernity is based on societal standardization. uniformity vs. diversity. It's all about corporate ladders and based on the idea of servant/leader models. It kills the Christ within me - tempting me to climb and ascend to exalt myself rather than humbling and killing the self-life. It calls us to become God rather than letting Christ rule in our hearts. II Thessalonians 2:2-4 says "... Do not allow your minds to be quickly unsettled or disturbed or kept excited or alarmed, whether it be by some [pretended] revelation of [the] Spirit or some word or by letter [alledged to be] from us, to the effect that the Day Of Lord has [already] arrived and is here. Le no one deceive or beguile you in any way, for that day will not come except the apostasy comes (unless the predicted great falling away of those who have professed to be Christians has come), and the man of sin be revealed, who is doomed (of perdition), who opposes and exalts himself so proudly and insolent against and over all that is worshiped., [even to his actually] taking his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming that he himself is God."The "man of sin" is revealed in the temple (our body) through inter-actions of relationship in business, church-life, both corporate and institution life. It tempts us with position, power, greed, ambition, divisiveness, lusts, manipulation and the need to control people and situations around us. It causes us to become unsettled, disturbed, ambition, adrenaline rushes, escapism, and a need to become Lord, not only of our own lives but the lives of others. It works to tear down, the temple of God, that Jesus said he could rebuild through the work of the cross. This anti-Christ spirit has a need to be recognized, affirmed, and "worshipped" by others. It has a need to be seen as the "Great White Hope" which slaughtered the native populations from the day "the cross of Cape Henry was planted till the killing fields of cambodia." It's not alright when Americans are killed domestically or on foreign soil by weapons of mass destruction. It is, however, okay to use excessive force and demand in on those "weaker" than us in the name of democracy. Proverbs 24 says a "harlot" (those who sell themselves out for position, authority and wealth) is a deep pit, she is a robber who gathers faithless men." Question is "what are we willing to exchange for our lives?" Christ or position in the temple of our own minds.I have come to believe that Phil. 2:5-11 is still the way to go "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus..." he humbled himself (not exalted himself), made no reputation for himself (wouldn't be wonderful to be free of what other people think of you), became fully human (not spiritual, holy or pontificators of truth) who the hell know the truth. We batter around as though we have some great revelation. II Thess. 2:2 exhorts us not to become "Excited, or alarmed" by some (pretended) revelations, words, or the use of letters from the apostles that leads us to the belief that we are somehow going to miss the Lord. God is god and we are not! The only responsibility I have in life is to exhibit the fruits of solitude in Gal. 5:23 which includes "self control." vs. 26 exhorts us "Let us not become vainglorious and self-conceited, competitive, challenging, provoking and irritating one another, envying and being jealous of one another. Ghee, that's a word for the American Church Leadership (65 years of age and older) who try to keep modernism as the center piece of the Gospel. The only thing I am responsible for is to "Occupy till he comes" - hold onto my faith, my convictions, and values. I am not called to climb the corporate ladder, and be successful in the eyes of the temple police and anti-christ heirarchies that are entrenched in the institutional church world. I stand for liberty of conscience (post-modernism) and the right of free speech (not political correctness whether left or right). Just as the early Quakers valued being thrown in jail - you have every right to exclude me from your high satanic positions, and wickedness in high places... but I also have the right for political and religious dissent. I will occupy till Christ comes.He will end all injustice, deal with the wicked, and bring in everlasting righteousness - not manufactored "kingdoms of self, anti-christ spirits (Bishopricks), uniform dogmas, and demands for my allegiance to "an anti-Christ spirit" that seeks to kill Christ in the sanctuary of my heart! God kill the Queen! The King and tear down the castles of my heart. Let nothing but Christ Occupy The Street of my heart and life.

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