Struggling through grief is a difficult thing. Some days, I feel such a sense of loneliness. Other days, a deep need to organize myself... and then there have been those dark moments of depression wondering if anyone even cares. Not a fun way to journey. A few years ago, the Holy Spirit told me to sell my house and move to Kent Island. When I got here, I asked, "Lord why did you bring me to this wonder place?" He said, "I brought you here to mourn the death of your mother and father." I was stunned. "Why Lord, would you take them at this time in my life?" He said, "Because of the significant work I have for you in the days ahead, their death would have been a disruption to the work I have for you and you would not be able to finish the task assigned." Little did I realize how fast my parents would die and the grieving that has begun. I'm still shocked. My mom died last year on Feb 3, 2010 and my dad died two months ago on July 9, 2011. In between these two deaths, my family has also lost my Aunt Rose (Sept. 2010), My uncle Harold (Oct.2010)and my only nephew Jake Vier (Nov. 2010). Wow! A little much.... and so "The who cares" group in my life just want me to suck it up and move on. The "pissed of with their lives" group want to be pissed off at me because I'm not meeting their needs to be heard for the bad choices they've made in their lives over the past 18 months. Oh, and I haven't forgotten "The I'll always be there" group who are no where to be found in my time of grief. What's also bothersome is the "Your not allowed to be angry" group who don't want to hear any expressions of grief - because all your loved ones are better off and you need to let them go. Jerks!
You know what I like best about blogging. It's my blog. I get to say what I want when I want. I get to express my love for my President in the face of "Right-wing" idiots who "hate" rather than "Pray for those in authority that we might live a quiet and peaceful life." I get to say, "I don't have to be a pastor here" - I get to be Mike Berry! A great husband, father, pastor and friend - despite those "Who have said all manner of evil about me" as I've remained quiet and defense-less. Jesus can quiet the voices of the "Addicted to Chaos" over time... and my personal history speaks for itself. I've pastored, loved, and have served others for 35 years this month. I'm happy and looking forward to being used by God - in China, Mongolia, South America and in the former Soviet Union. I want to preach and lead people to Christ in the land my dad served - Viet Nam. Dad I miss you - Mom I miss you. Thanks for being the people who taught me the values I hold dear. To John and Carolyn - what can I say. "If it were not for you I would have never heard about Jesus." Thank you for being my grandparents. To my wife and kids - thanks for being the great people you are. The future is ours!!!!
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