Friday, March 15, 2024

An American Obsession With Ukraine

 In 1992, a young man from Hillsong Church came and spent time with my wife, Andra and I on his way to join a team planting a church in Kiev, Ukraine.  The church plant was to be a partnership with an American leader who had been broadcasting contemporary Christian music across the former Soviet Union via television that resulted in many Russian speaking people being open and receptive to hearing the gospel for the very first time.  The impact of this work resulted in a need to plant churches in all the former Soviet Union States of which the Ukraine had been a part.  The Ukraine, historically, has played an important role in spreading the gospel prior to the founding of the Soviet Union for over a thousand years. However, when Lenin-Marxism came on the scene, the Leninist political state sought to remove the Christian faith from all aspect of life and influence throughout its empire. In fact, it burned every Bible and outlawed the Christian faith from public life.  All of its endeavors were stepped in Marxism and atheism became its religious foundation. So, to hear that the former Soviet Union was an now an opening field for the gospel was an exciting venture for those of us who grew up in the period before communism fell.  When the Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, began dismantling the union of his nation and opening it up to the West; CBN president, Dr. Pat Robertson, took the opportunity to run his networks "SuperBook" cartoon series on television, along with a contemporary music program all across the former Soviet Union's television network.  This result in 30,000 letters a day coming from children, young people and families responding to the messages that were presented through these programs.  
It was great to to hear about the stories behind CBN's efforts but I had no idea that it would result in my journey and participation in joining Hillsong in its church planting efforts in the Ukraine.

    As the vision was presented in my office one day by Hillsong's original youth pastor Darko Culjak, I heard some very challenging word's from the Holy Spirit. The Lord had me share what he said to me with Darko who was staying with me at the time.  The Lord said, "the American team that Darko was sent by Hillsong to support was not going to turn up in Kiev and that Darko would find himself left alone there with no help to plant the church and I was to come along side of him and help him in this endeavor.  The result came about in October that year with hundreds and thousands of people responding to the gospel and Darko planting a church on his own.  Over the next few years I assisted him in many ways and Hillsong saw to it that the church was firmly established in that city.  All this is rich history and focused me in new ways of presenting the gospel to the unchurched world in my own nation as well as other endeavors I have participated in throughout the world.  Darko became a close friend and was a great inspiration to me personally.

Let me be clear, neither Hillsong, Darko, or myself were ever focused on the development of the Ukrainian government as it emerged from communism.  However, it has always been clear from the beginning of it's independence from Russia that many of the former communist leadership assumed power in the new government as it emerged.  In my personal view, I viewed this newly formed government as being corrupt from its beginning and would not change until we reached the people with the gospel.  All of us involved in this outreach never really thought about how this newly formed government would develop because our focus was helping those we ministered to daily.  Obviously this nation, like all other former Soviet Union nations in Eastern Europe would have to carve out its own path - which brings me to the point I would like to share.  Our job, as believers, it not disrupt a culture and replace it with ideologies, western ideas, or political philosophies. We are to present "The Gospel" and disciple the people to Christ and trust them to incorporate it into their own cultural contexts - without Westernizing their thinking.  Our western countries have their own problems - which is why I think American's need to stay out of toppling or taking sides in disputes that our not our business.  Our country is in trouble enough as it is and we need to address our problems first by example to demonstrate to others how to bring about changes in our own cultural context before we lecture anyone else on theirs.  Our nation in order to be "a city on a hill" needs to lead by example not by military campaigns.  We have no business spending our tax money on anything right now but getting rid of the 34 trillion dollars debt we have as a nation.  Our nation is now 4% Christian and as Christians were are being called to win people to Christ.  In my view, we all need to be activity involved in our governmental processes because it was designed to work that way as a democratic Republic. However, legislating the Christian faith will never change the heart of a people. As the early Quakers of Philadelphia rightly pointed out, "There is only one who can speak to our condition - Jesus."  This begins with presenting unchurched people with the gospel - not church.  Church going is not the gospel.  Jesus is the transformer of individual hearts and lives, families, communities and nations.   

    I am so thankful to have played a small part in Darko's journey into the Ukraine and seeing so many your people come to the Lord through his faithfulness to his calling to reach people.  What a great story these Ukrainian people have. They are wonderful people and need our continued prayer support as they navigate themselves forward through this difficult period.  We too, need to hold our nation in prayer as we navigate our lives through this period of change with a focus of introducing a generation who has never heard the gospel like those in the Ukraine experienced some thirty years ago.

                                                           Hillsong Church Kiev, Ukraine

Saturday, February 24, 2024

My Take On US News, Commentary and New Technologies Of Communication.

Ecclesiates 1:9 says "What has been will be again,    what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
  Although there are many  people in our current time who find it surprising how many in the media are members of the Democratic Party - this is nothing new. The same was true in 1980. For those of us who grew up with legacy media and traditional forms of communicating the news back in the day there has always been a majority in the media who defined themselves as liberal, progressive, and hold Democratic Party views. So, I am not alarmed by all this fighting going on in our culture today.  I always have pointed out in my evaluation of the future that when GenX came of age and would begin to emerge in leadership you would be led to believe the entire world was coming apart and Jesus would have to come back to end the divisions between everyone. Everything I said 30 years ago is now a realty.  I always stayed that the GenX perspective was "let's tear down every institution and go live in a tee-pee."

    We are living in a time that is changing and has surprising new technologies which were shown in cartoons that I watched as a kid. My favorite cartoon was "The Jetsons" which presented flat screen TV with face to face communications like we've had on Zoom. As a kid, my generation was introduced to a world of flying cars and Rosie the robot.  Even when I took my kids to Disney World back in their childhood year, we would venture into Tommorow Land and see new technologies that were coming that a here and normal in our world today,  Those young people I served my whole life "GenX" grew up with Steven Spielberg's Star Wars with RD2, laser swords, and Ewok's on flying motorcycles.  Technology is a bit behind compared to what we have been watching in movies and television.  One of my favorite movie which showed what is to come in our time was "Minority Report". With Tom Cruise. So, why all the big hoopla behind "the end of the world" perspective held by so many people?  We have been watching all forms of media presenting to us the new technologies that we coming in our time (including holograms). 
Back in the day, my grandmother used a Rotary Telephone like to one picture here on the left.  If you notice closely there is an alphabet above the numbers. In her day she learned to say when she was dialing a phone number - "I am calling Wyman-45830" based on the letters above the numbers which was her way of remember who to call. However, when "The "Princess Anne" telephone was introduced to her, she got confused nd didn't know how to use it.  It was a new technology. Even though she had grown up in a period moving from horse and buggies, to cars, planes, trains, space rockets revolving around the earth and a man landing and walking on the moon, she just had difficulty adjusting to a new technology of push botton telephones.  It all makes me wonder what she would have thought of cell  phones.  I often think to myself about her not knowing how to use a new phone technology when I struggle with Apps, the various computer applications we have to figure out and what's coming with the introduction of AI and Rosie the Robot in our time.  For me these are not "signs" of an end time.  Quaker Elias Hicks denounces "Trains" in his time saying it was leading "young people" away from the land into cities where there was no relationship to the dirt that the Bible told him that was humanity was to contend with and steward.  For him, trains took away young people away from their families and family farm.  It was the end of a world perspective that resulted in a split among Quakers.  In my view, we are in another one of those transitions periods and faced with the same as generations in the past had to adjust their lives to with the emerging technologies. 

    It makes me wonder how hologram technologies like meta, google glass, and other holographic imaging is going to change how we do business and relationship beaming ourselves in and out of rooms like "Star Trek" characters have done in the tv show and movies which began to present these ideas in 1966.  Again in my view, these are really not new technologies to what my generation was presented with as I was growing up; we are just now beginning to see the things our world is just now grabbing a hold of.

The unfortunate thing for the current emerging generation is to think that the Republican or Democratic parties are between a left and right political position.  The fact is that before their emergence as two separate parties, they were one party that split over the slavery issue and completed against other parties in their time. The current two-party system holds "one view" of things just from two different perspectives. They are still just a uni-party as they have always been which is why we need alternative parties to these one perspective positions on issues.  Currently, all we are hearing about in all social media is about these two parties and other political perspectives are not bing covered. Taking over these two parties is not the answer which is why I opted out of both of them and joined a party called "The Constitution Party" founded by Howard Phillips.  I believe in a multiple party system which is why I am going to support my generations presidential candidate Bobbie Kennedy. Jr. He has formed his own new party known as "We The People" Party.  The more the merrier.  It forces a change in the political landscape which eventually the news media will have to catch up with. Again in my view, its time for the legacy media and other new and commentary outlets to get engaged in the 21st Century issues facing us and abandon the 1980's approach that the two party system is offering. We are not living in a 1980's world.  The world has changed and so has the new technologies associated with it.  It's time for all of to embrace what is happening just like my grandparents had to do in their time moving from horse and buggies to the landing on a moon. What will our culture look like when we colonize the moon?

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Real Story Behind A Stolen Election: Do We Have Voter Suppression? Or Was The 2020 Presidential Election Stolen As Reported By Some?

  The American Population, in my view, has forgotten the fact our country is not a a democracy. We are a democratic-republic.  There is a difference in our country's founding that made us different from a democracy. Our founding father's did not believe in a democracy.  In fact, we should review what they actually said and ask ourselves why the choose the form of government we have. Their work, the founders believed, was an "Holy Experiment" because, as everyone who had read their Aristotle and Cicero and studied ancient history knew.  It was designed as a republic s – in which political power rests with the people and their representatives – and democracies were historically rare and acutely susceptible to subversion. That subversion came both from within – from decadence, the sapping of public virtue and demagoguery – as well as from monarchies and other enemies abroad. Benjamin Franklyn, in viewing what our continental congress had designed made an important statement the form of government that was chosen for us in 1787.   When asked whether the federal constitution of 1787 established a monarchy or a republic, Benjamin Franklin is famously said to have answered: “A republic, if you can keep it.” His point was that establishing a republic on paper was easy and preserving it the hard part

The way our republic was designed to function is that the American people in each state vote for who they want to represent them.  Each state legislators then choose state representatives to go and represent their states voters in an electoral college to cast a vote for president on January 6th every four years.  However,  there is no Constitutional provision or Federal law that requires electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their States. Some States, however, require electors to cast their votes according to the popular vote.  It should be noted that whomever the electoral college votes for President is decided by the electoral college and it is not decided by the overall population of the vote nation-wide.  This is the evidence that your form of government is not a democracy - rather it is distinguished as a democratic republic in which our state representatives choose who will be president.   

     Electoral College Makes The Decision 
Just Because someone gets the popular vote, nationally, does not mean they will become the President.  Who the electoral college votes for according to our form of government is the legitimate President.  This was the case when Al Gore won the popular vote nationally and George W. Bush won the electoral college vote.  The electoral college has the legal right to make this decision - which is why Joe Biden is the legitimate President of the US and Donald Trump was not re-elected. However, the popular vote was made in each state does not determine the outcome of the electoral college - whether we as Americans agree with this or not.   If we want to ensure our state representatives follow through on the popular vote of our state processes then we either have to ensure our state constitutions reflect our wishes and/or write additional language in our Federal Constitution to ensure that our representatives sent to the electoral college do as our states popular vote has decided.  This is where we have to do our work as a people to ensure a fair and equal election.  Again, it is important to point out that we are not a democracy (where a national popular vote determines a Presidential election outcome); we are a democratic republic who's representatives cast their vote supposedly on our behalf.  If our state representatives choose to vote differently than our state's popular vote choices then we have to take the issue up on our state level at this time.

     Why did our founding fathers choose this system of voting?  Delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 argued over a lot of things, but one of their biggest debates was over how the United States should elect its president.  Some among the Founding Fathers believed that direct nationwide election by the people would be the most democratic method. Others argued that a straightforward popular vote was unfair, as it would give too much power to larger, more populous states. They also worried that public opinion could be too easily manipulated, and feared direct election might lead to a tyrannical leader determined to grab absolute power for himself. The result of this struggle was the Electoral College, the system by which the American people vote not for president and vice president, but for a smaller group of people, known as electors.

      How are these electors chosen?  “Every state appoints, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector.” So, if you are among those who want to change how this electoral process decides our election or amend the federal constitutional design you have a right to do so. However, you have to use the existing system, as it was designed by the founding fathers, to change the laws governing our election process.  This is a matter of fact regardless who you decide to vote for in the upcoming elections - and yes, who the electoral college chooses to be our president is the only legitimate President Of The United States and who we are called to pray for all those in leadership in whatever capacity they serve in government. 

     I Timothy 2:1-2 says it clearly, "I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people, to ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity."

Monday, June 20, 2022


    We are living through one of the most remarkable periods of life in our generation. You can look at the positive side or negative side - either way change is coming. Too many people are voicing their displeasure with this time of transition we are going through, First, we can certainly see that our nation(s) is filled with governmental turmoil because of the shift. However, what is disturbing is the Body of Christ's response to it. Have we forgotten: (1)  I Timothy 2:1-3 "
First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be offered for everyone— for kings and all those in authority— so that we may lead tranquil and quiet lives in all godliness and dignity?" Or (2) II Peter 2:9-10 "The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations  - those who walk according to the flesh-  and despise authority. They are presumptuous, self-willed. They are not afraid to speak evil off dignities." Or have we forgotten (3) Exodus 22:28 "You shall not revile God, nor CURSE A RULER OF YOUR PEOPLE." Its That plain and simple.

Here are promises that the scripture promises that when we pray for those in authority "we will live a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. (I Tim. 2:3)  Exodus 14:14 " The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent." 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 That we should study to be quiet.  Lamentations 3:26 says, "It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD. Amos 5:13 says, "Therefore the prudent shall keep silence in that time; for it is an evil time." Isaiah 30:15 For thus said the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength. But, you would not.  There are consequences when we speak against those in authority.

Romans 13:1-2 states, "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment." The most important thing for all believers to remember is that God has set up the type of government over us that we need and/or deserve.  Our job is not to speak evil of those appointed or elected but to pray for them.  Do we believe that God can still change the hearts of those in authority over us? Proverbs 21:1 says, “The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.” Just remember God is God and we're not. Nor, have we been chosen to be in authority beyond what God has appointed us to do. So, instead of railing against authority we need to sit down and be quiet.  We need to listen, hear, and discern what the voice of the Lord is saying - as our thoughts are aligned with the "Word Of God."  God does nothing contrary to scripture. Do we still trust God to align the nation(s) with his purpose for them?

Even if we disagree with the direction our government is going - Prayer can and will change things. This does not exempt us from participating in our own democratic republic whether what party we choose to identify with or   non-affiliation. But, the concern I have is that there are those in the body of Christ who will say unkind things, demean, and even defile others because someone may have a different view than we share.  Aligning ourselves with the above scriptures is a command for those who name Jesus as their savior. Acts 23:4-5 gives us an example that we need to note. "But those standing nearby said, “How dare you insult the high priest of God!” “Brothers,” Paul replied,  I was not awarethat he was the high priest, for it is written:  Do not speak evil about the ruler of your people.’” I think these words from the Apostle Paul make it clear how we should handle ourselves in regards to rulers.  To engage in insulting a leader is not acceptable. Paul also understood which party he belonged to. We can disagree with laws and administrative policies implemented by our government - and we can work to change them. However, we need to refrain from being divisive and playing into any media likewise that chooses to sow seeds of offense .

In my own personal view, I believe that God is calling the Body of Christ to take this time to settle down, be quiet and listen, learn, converse, and discern together what the Lord is doing to advance his work of transformation in our own lives, our faith communities, and culture. However, let me be clear, none of us have anything to say if we have not addressed our own personal transformation. Community transformation can only happen when personal transformation happens first. This begins by aligning ourselves with what God says in his word and bringing our self-life to death. Ephesians 4:22-24 says it best: "Put off your former way of life, your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be renewed in the spirit of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness."

Sunday, July 4, 2021

The Attempted Overthrow Of The United States Of America

Over the last few years, I have been writing a few articles about the fact that the United States Of America is a democratic republic.  It is a unique form of government that was developed by Algernon Sidney, a member of the British parliament during the 17th century, and given to us by William Penn in the founding of Pennsylvania. Originally, this form of government was developed to replace the British government and monarchy during the period just after the beheading of Charles I. Algernon Sidney was a republican political theorist, whose writings were considered radical. He became an American hero and inspiration for the American Revolution in 1776.  He was executed in 1683 for treason against King Charles II. His political writing was used as "evidence" against him but became the foundation of our form of government known today as the Democratic Republic. 
        As I have stated in past blogs, in early November 2016, just before the election of President Trump, God spoke to me that Hillary Clinton would not become the president of the US, since she would have handed over our national sovereignty to the globalist. The Lord then spoke to me something I was completely unaware of, during the time, that He was placing Donald Trump into the presidency of the United States to protect our democratic republic. I didn't even understand these words until I began reading the "Discourses Of Government" written by Algernon Sidney. That night, the Lord explained to me that He had given us this form of government to protect his church and advance his kingdom through the nations because His work was almost extinguished because of the civil wars of Europe.  I had no knowledge of this history either even though I am a lover of history. However, I have shared and pointed out that our democratic republic was under threat because our form of government and constitution is a disruptor to other forms of government for those craving power. This is why there is a threat to the government at this time. Powerful globalists understand that to "create a new world order" (Like George Bush Sr. called it) they would have to get rid of Algernon Sidney's democratic-republic notions and replace our form of government.  But, God has other plans which is why it is interesting to watch it all being exposed.  Last year, President Trump acknowledged that, despite all his accomplishments in just one term, that the greatest work he had before him was to defend the democratic republic from being stolen and dismantled.  In my own perspective, this is why I think we could witness the overthrow of our form of government. Some suggest that we should move to a more European parliamentary form of government.  Because of the lack of teaching of American history in our educational system, most Americans are not aware that this was the form of government that the founders of our nation rejected and designed our form of government based on Algernon Sidney's "Discourses On Government" and John Lockes' "Two Treaties Of Government."
       A number of months ago, just before the 2020 election, God gave me a picture of Donald Trump in a vision and explained to me that He was doing this work just as God had shown me in November 2016.  Then I had a new vision of Senator Ted Cruz flash before me and the Lord said, Ted Cruz, will be used by The Lord to restore the constitution to its rightful place. This vision came was just a few days before the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, At that moment I wasn't sure if the Lord was going to raise up  Mr. Cruz to the Supreme court or place him in the presidency. I also inquired of the Lord, "How could Ted Cruz become president if Vice President Mike Pence would run as president after President Trump's term was up?" So, I thought well maybe Mr. Cruz was going to the Supreme Court.  However, here we are now faced with the fact that President Trump did not continue in office. Again let me be clear, this discussion is not about who becomes president - this is about God preserving the Democratic-Republic for the sake of His church and kingdom work. Advocates for moving toward a democracy need to read why our founding fathers voted against that form of government. Right now, however, as the results of the 2020 election move goes I am thoroughly convinced, President Trump, whether in office or out of office, will continue this great assignment that God has given him - which is to protect the democratic republic. God has given The Body Of Christ a reprieve from the globalist agenda for the last four years and exhorted us to repent for our national sin and called us to pray for an awakening.  As election fraud is exposed across the nation, we are going to witness whether our leaders and institutions are going to remain committed and will follow the US constitution or not.  
Recently, I asked The Lord, why he put Joe Biden in office?  He responded immediately to me explaining that He put him in the office to avert another civil war.  He did this so that The Body Of Christ would be given another opportunity to do the work of Isaiah 58:12 "Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings." What we are facing is not about politics. Ephesians 6:12 "For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places."  This is a spiritual war and it's important to remember what attitude we should have as believers. II Cor. 10:3-5 "For though we live in the flesh, we do not wage war according to the flesh. The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world. Instead, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We tear down arguments and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God..."  We are called to the work of restoration, the ministry of reconciliation, and the healing of our national wounds. We are called to praying, evangelism, and disciplining our nation to the Lord.  From a prophetic perspective the next phase of God's plan and purpose - to refamiliarize us with the history behind our democratic republic and national constitution.  This nation was formed to protect God's kingdom work that was almost destroyed by the religious civil wars of Europe. God moved his people to the shores of America and gave us a form of government that protected His work.  The first amendment was given to protect the freedom of worship.
    Notice, Freedom to worship was not the fourth or fifth amendment - it was written for God's priority to continue his kingdom work throughout the nations. The United States Of American has given more to world missions supplied more missionaries and given their lives to preserve freedom throughout the world.  Despite our national sins, Romans 3:23 is still true, "For All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."  All nations have sinned and are guilty of far more atrocities than our nation has ever done.  Fascism killed 6 million Jews - America liberated the camps.  Communism murdered millions who opposed them and the United States has fought and championed freedom for those nations that were under the hand of those oppressive governments. Godly Americans, became abolitionists, fought for women's rights, championed human dignity, and gave us a nation that requires us to work together to finish God's assignment and task for our nation. We are living in an unfinished national vision - where we the people will mean all the people - with equal justice and equal application of the law. The current attempted overthrow of our nation will not be successful as long as the Body Of Christ steps up and does what it has been called to do - discipling our nation to Jesus.  Let's continue to believe what God's word proclaims in Rev. 11:15 "“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign forever and ever.”  The globalist, oligarchy class, and communist may have a plan but God has a greater plan - and His plan will prevail.

                                   Edward Hicks painting of "The Peaceable Kingdom"
                                                    God's intent for our nation!

Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Administrative State Vs. The American Democratic Republic


... and to the Republic for which it stands.  The Pledge of Allegiance has been something that every American has recited in school, during some event or gathering in their lifetime.  But, do most Americans recognize the word "Republic?" It may come as a surprise to many, especially millennials (who have not been taught American history), that we are not a democracy but rather we are a "Democratic Republic." Just exactly what is that?  Why is it important? And is it worth preserving?  In this brief article, we will try to explore and answer these questions.     
    A few years ago, I was invited to attend The Delaware Family Policy Counsels annual gathering. The special speaker was Sebastian Gorka - a British born Hungarian-American military and intelligence analyst, who served as a deputy assistant to President Trump. During his talk, he referenced that America was a democratic republic.  Toward the end of the session, time was given to take questions.  I stood up and went to the mike and asked him, "Do You Think Most Americans, even here, in this room full of Christians, understand what a democratic republic is?" He responded, of "course they do!"  At that moment, I thought how could he even think that Americans knew this. I didn't.  The only time I even remember some type of teaching on how our government functioned was in seventh grade in 1970.  Like many other Americans, I was educated in the public school system, and in my mind, it is the government's job to educate young people about our history, our form of government, our economic system (based on Adam Smith's free economic theory or John Keynes, Keynesian Economic theory which espouses the need for governmental regulation of the free markets).  These two theories have been with us since the Great Depression and taught in our universities. Both have created a tension in our economic system between the ideas of a self-regulated system vs. a government perspective to make the system accountable.  Neither is Marxist.
    While in seminary in 1988, I took a course in Liberation Theology where I was introduced to Marxism as an economic theory which the professor claim was needed to deal with the unchristian "Greed" built into our American economic system. My professor proposed that until we could find a more "Christianly" economic theory, we should abandon "capitalism," and move our nation to marxism until we could find a better system that would be more favorable to discipling people to resist the "spirit of greed" in our culture. My only problem with his presentation was Communism was embedded with the same greed he was denouncing just as much as capitalism has. Why? Because it's a part of the human condition.  We call it sin. For those who grew up without any experience or view of Marxism as practiced in the 20th century, it's important to note that every Marxist country was based on atheism. Totalitarianism, Dictatorship, or an Oligarchy form of government.  

Let's define a few terms:
  • Totalitarianism is a concept for a form of government or political system that prohibits opposition parties, restricts individual opposition to the state and its claims, and exercises an extremely high degree of control over public and private life.
  • An Oligarchy is a form of power structure in which power rests with a small number of people. These people may be distinguished by nobility, wealth, education, corporate, religious, political, or military control.
  • Marxism advocates socialism in forms both similar and in stark contrast to Marx and Friedrich Engels' conception of socialism, advocating some form of collective ownership over large-scale production.
  • Democracy is based on the rule of the majority of the population and is a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.
  • A Democratic Republic is a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections; and exercises power according to the "Rule Of Law" under a constitution, including separation of powers with an elected head of state. It is often referred to as a constitutional republic or representative democracy.
    As a nation, our government is based on a Democratic Republic form of government developed under the contributing works Algernon Sidney's, "Discourses Concerning Government," John Locke's' "Two Tracts On Government" based on the idea of separation of powers, The Political Writings Of William Penn, and Quaker Constitutionalism and the political thought Of JohnDickinson. In Fact, many scholars remain in ignorance that America as we know it was originally invented by the Quakers - It was called, "The Holy Experiment," later referred to as "The American Experiment."  Although this is not a comprehensive history of the country's formation, I have referenced some very important foundational sources largely neglected by mainstream historians and their understanding of why "Philadelphia is the righteous root" and foundation for our nation's democratic republic. Let me state clearly, without these foundations America doesn't work well which is why we are faced with the huge political divide. If you don't understand Quakerism you will not understand why this form of government is so vastly different from other forms of government throughout the world. Too many American's think that the European models offered today is something we should embrace. I would argue that what our founding leadership gave us is a unique gift that needs to be re-explored, discussed, and taught again.
Recently, social critic, Os Guinness has written another important book on the American Revolution of 1776 and the French Revolution of 1789.  Os' insightful work explains why our current American political crisis has its footing in both revolutions and that we need to decide which direction we are going as a nation together.  My claim is that his work is an important contribution, however, without understanding 
Algernon Sidney's, "Discourses Concerning Government," and John Locke's' "Two Tracts On Government" we are about to lose what "The American Experiment is all about and find ourselves with a form of government being imposed on us by an Elitist Oligarchy.  A few years ago, Through a word that The Holy Spirit spoke to me, and through my reading of these materials I have referenced, I concluded that our democratic-republic was formed for the church to flourish and carry the gospel to the ends of the earth without freedom of an oppressive government.  Most Americans, not only do not know their American History but have no idea about European history and why so many Christians left Europe to come to a new land and develop a new nation.  They did not come here to start a plantation system based on enslavement.  That was brought in by secular commercial interests and had nothing to do with the calling to spreading the gospel in North America. We'll save this thought for another time.  William Penn's "Seed Of A Nation" is the vision and mission is the foundation of why America. It's time to dust off the books and go research this for yourselves instead of having to be spoon-fed by someone else what to believe about these things.  Despite the vision, remember America's founders and contributors were just as flawed as we are.  Romans 3:23 is still true, "For we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Our national sin historically is slavery, and just as our world had to become sensitive to the Jewish holocaust and its post-traumatic after effects, we need to confront ourselves, repent as a nation for our national sin of slavery, address dehumanization, make reparations, and assist tow people groups - Native American and the African American communities toward healing the effects and trauma that both communities are still having difficulty overcoming. Enough said.          
    Now turning to our current political situation, regardless of our national election outcomes, the iniquity of our land is not just going away and we are going to make huge mistakes based on poor decision-making processes. Proverbs 24:4 states that "We make wise decisions by keeping abreast of all the facts." We need to stop being lazy and believing what other people tell us. We need to sit down, make time in our schedule to get to know God's word first, read our own history as a nation, and make choices on our own without depending on so-called "prophets" who declare this is what God is saying, or politicians who tell us what right and wrong is, and preachers who have no idea what they are talking about. I'd like to know why the American church has not judged "prophecy as they are called to do. Why is it a practice to just accept someone else's word for it?  Prophecy is to be judge. There are false prophets, false apostles, and false teachers. I John 4:1 says, "Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world."  Where is the discernment? Where is the accountability? Who is responsible to reprimand and discipline those who mislead the Body Of Christ with their false prophecies, teachings, or divisiveness? Proverbs 27:5 states, "Better an open reprimand than concealed love."

    So, where are we now?  During the election cycle of 2016, I felt and came to the opinion that God raised up President Donald Trump to preserve our democratic republic. At the time I had no idea how my thoughts and promptings from the Holy Spirit would turn out so accurately. Here we are right now caught between two confusing ideas; An American idea based on "A democratic republic" model and a European socialism model that is threatening our very foundation and cultural existence." Our president's work has uncovered how deeply flawed our administrative wing of the government is failing. Recently, several commentators have said that the greatest threat to our nation is the perils of an administrative state who want to move us to a form of oligarchy.  Our current election was not a choice between two presidential candidates as some suppose but a choice between William Penn's Holy Experiment and an administrative state ruled by an oligarchy. This is why as the Body Of Christ we have to educate, teach, and pray for the restoration of our democratic republic.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians. 6:12"

Monday, November 2, 2020

Kingdom Culture Vs. Cancel Culture

Over the last few years, we have been, increasing, encountering a culture both within and outside     The Christian faith with people not being able to get along.  Diverse opinions, theologies or political dissent has divided friends, family, workplaces and churches. Too often these day, dialogues become dialogues. Honor, respect and diversity of views have become reasons for ending relationships. As you may know, it's now referred to as the cancel culture. People just don't seem to know how to have a relationship with one another. I can understand when those who do not know Christ sever their relationships with one another; however, I don't understand Christians who think its okay to divorce, to separate and divide themselves from each other, and then write off their relationships with one another and then just say God told me to do it. In other words, without scriptural foundation they end relationships blaming God told me. Who can argue with that mindset?  Well, let me start out by saying two things: (1) God never instructs his people to do things contrary to his word; and (2) God never told you that regardless of your feelings, emotions, or thoughts. God does not advocate the cancel culture. It's contrary to the Word Of God.  
       Most of the time, regardless of age, people who are arrested develop- mentally, both emotionally and spiritually have difficulty in their relationships because they were not properly taught by their parents how to properly relate to others.  This is certainly nothing new since the New Testament has a huge repertoire of how we should address offenses, unforgiveness, hurt, bitterness, division, conflicts, trust or I just don't need this. The scripture teaches us how to handle ALL of our relationships with God. Fundamentally, how you handle your relationship with others is a direct witness of how you see God, how you see yourself, and how you see others. Your mishandling of relationships in your life speaks volumes on what kind of person you are. If you really believe you are a Christian you just don't get an option just to opt out.  Relationships are designed to grind. ALL relationships are painful at times.  They are designed to reveal what's inside of us - those unhealed areas of our life that need to be taken to the Cross and brought to death within us. The scriptures are clear to those who believe that they are to be like Christ - who was mistreated, called names, spit upon, beaten, and crucified. Even while he was hanging on the cross the two thieves were hurling insults and mocking him. He took all that and then forgave ALL who participated in that effort to silence his voice from their lives. He rose above it all and provided a way for us to be transformed.  Ephesians  4:17-18 says: "So I tell you and encourage you in the Lord's name not to live any longer like other people in the world. Their minds are set on worthless things. They can't understand because they are in the dark. They are excluded from the life that God approves of. because of their ignorance and stubbornness."  Being a part of the Cancel Culture is living like other people in the world. It is evidence of an antiChrist spirit in yourself.  

A cancel culture mindset is all about you and your lack of ability to examine how you're bad decisions impact others around you - especially when you get others to side with you without a due process. Just because you think it's God, you think your right, and you think it's okay doesn't mean you're right. The Apostle Paul makes it clear your mind is set on worthless things and your choices are based in ignorance and stubbornness (you're need to be right) What else is evident is when you drag others into your views to affirm and support you without working through the processes required in the Bible on how to handle difficulty in relationship. Matthew 18:15 states clearly, "If your brother sins against you, go and confront him privately. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. However, going to others and rehearsing your thoughts without doing this is a violation of the Word of God. You have now sown discord in the Body Of Christ.    Anytime conflict, resentment, fear, lack of trust, pain emerges within you and I - the things that trigger us, make us mad, overwhelmed, frustrated, and want to pull away, divorce, or sever a relationship we need to turn to the word of God and handle it properly.  It's not okay to be a part of a cancel culture and cut people off with a text, an email, or deleting them off your social media  without having a good  heartfelt conversation working through every piece of what it takes to reconcile your relationship with others. We will discuss this further by looking at a few scriptures.    You are not suppose to make your problem the problem of others, especially when they are mutual friends.  When you rehearse your "resentments, hurts, bitterness, etc. without going through with the one who has caused offense - alone first.   You doing nothing more than defiling the others around you. Who gets to challenge our mindset? Ephesian 4:17-22 states three things:  Put Off The Old Mindset, Be Renewed In The Spirit Of Your Mind, and Put On Christ.  Your life speaks clearly and reflects your choices especially when you're having inner conflicts. Conflicts are a part of life.  There is no way to ignore them, stick your head in the sand and hope they go away. You have to have that conversation. You have to obey the Word Of God. In John 2:3 says "If we say we know God but do not obey his commands, we are lying. The truth is not in us." Aren’t you glad Jesus isn’t a part of the cancel culture? If you are a real follower of Jesus you are a part of a kingdom culture not a cancel culture. Here's what Kingdom Culture people do:

Ephesians 4:29-32
"Don't say anything that would hurt another person,
Instead, speak only what is good so that you can give help wherever it is needed.
That way, what you say will help those who hear you.
Don't grieve the Holy Spirit any reason to be upset with you...
He has put His seal on you for the day you will be set free from the world of sin.
Get rid of your bitterness, hot tempers, anger, loud quarreling, cursing and hatred.
Be kind to each other, sympathetic, forgiving each other 
as God has forgiven you through Christ

This is still true even in the face of a cancel culture. Friendship takes love, listening commitment, faith, time, perseverance, death to self and loyalty in the face of all odds and challenges you face in life. Real Christians who call themselves friends listen, counsel, pray and stay with you regardless of the challenge it takes to stay in relationships. It's not about you! It's always about staying a true to your friend. Just know that as your friend, I are committed to you and are praying for you regardless of the challenges you face in your life... because that’s the character and nature of the God we serve. ... while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. No greater love 💕 does a man have than to lay his life down for his friends (Jesus said this). Aren’t you glad he’s not a part of the cancel culture! What kind Of Friend do You want To Be? One that reflects the character and nature of God? or one who thinks a cancel culture is okay?

Romans 12:17
"Do your best to live at peace with everyone." 

Throughout Scripture Christians are told to love others. Love does no harm to its neighbor. We are not to hurt others physically or emotionally. Words do hurt people. Think before you say something to hurt someone’s feelings. Not only words said directly to the person, but words said when that person is not around. And think before you press that delete button!

An American Obsession With Ukraine

 In 1992, a young man from Hillsong Church came and spent time with my wife, Andra and I on his way to join a team planting a church in Kiev...