Saturday, February 24, 2024

My Take On US News, Commentary and New Technologies Of Communication.

Ecclesiates 1:9 says "What has been will be again,    what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
  Although there are many  people in our current time who find it surprising how many in the media are members of the Democratic Party - this is nothing new. The same was true in 1980. For those of us who grew up with legacy media and traditional forms of communicating the news back in the day there has always been a majority in the media who defined themselves as liberal, progressive, and hold Democratic Party views. So, I am not alarmed by all this fighting going on in our culture today.  I always have pointed out in my evaluation of the future that when GenX came of age and would begin to emerge in leadership you would be led to believe the entire world was coming apart and Jesus would have to come back to end the divisions between everyone. Everything I said 30 years ago is now a realty.  I always stayed that the GenX perspective was "let's tear down every institution and go live in a tee-pee."

    We are living in a time that is changing and has surprising new technologies which were shown in cartoons that I watched as a kid. My favorite cartoon was "The Jetsons" which presented flat screen TV with face to face communications like we've had on Zoom. As a kid, my generation was introduced to a world of flying cars and Rosie the robot.  Even when I took my kids to Disney World back in their childhood year, we would venture into Tommorow Land and see new technologies that were coming that a here and normal in our world today,  Those young people I served my whole life "GenX" grew up with Steven Spielberg's Star Wars with RD2, laser swords, and Ewok's on flying motorcycles.  Technology is a bit behind compared to what we have been watching in movies and television.  One of my favorite movie which showed what is to come in our time was "Minority Report". With Tom Cruise. So, why all the big hoopla behind "the end of the world" perspective held by so many people?  We have been watching all forms of media presenting to us the new technologies that we coming in our time (including holograms). 
Back in the day, my grandmother used a Rotary Telephone like to one picture here on the left.  If you notice closely there is an alphabet above the numbers. In her day she learned to say when she was dialing a phone number - "I am calling Wyman-45830" based on the letters above the numbers which was her way of remember who to call. However, when "The "Princess Anne" telephone was introduced to her, she got confused nd didn't know how to use it.  It was a new technology. Even though she had grown up in a period moving from horse and buggies, to cars, planes, trains, space rockets revolving around the earth and a man landing and walking on the moon, she just had difficulty adjusting to a new technology of push botton telephones.  It all makes me wonder what she would have thought of cell  phones.  I often think to myself about her not knowing how to use a new phone technology when I struggle with Apps, the various computer applications we have to figure out and what's coming with the introduction of AI and Rosie the Robot in our time.  For me these are not "signs" of an end time.  Quaker Elias Hicks denounces "Trains" in his time saying it was leading "young people" away from the land into cities where there was no relationship to the dirt that the Bible told him that was humanity was to contend with and steward.  For him, trains took away young people away from their families and family farm.  It was the end of a world perspective that resulted in a split among Quakers.  In my view, we are in another one of those transitions periods and faced with the same as generations in the past had to adjust their lives to with the emerging technologies. 

    It makes me wonder how hologram technologies like meta, google glass, and other holographic imaging is going to change how we do business and relationship beaming ourselves in and out of rooms like "Star Trek" characters have done in the tv show and movies which began to present these ideas in 1966.  Again in my view, these are really not new technologies to what my generation was presented with as I was growing up; we are just now beginning to see the things our world is just now grabbing a hold of.

The unfortunate thing for the current emerging generation is to think that the Republican or Democratic parties are between a left and right political position.  The fact is that before their emergence as two separate parties, they were one party that split over the slavery issue and completed against other parties in their time. The current two-party system holds "one view" of things just from two different perspectives. They are still just a uni-party as they have always been which is why we need alternative parties to these one perspective positions on issues.  Currently, all we are hearing about in all social media is about these two parties and other political perspectives are not bing covered. Taking over these two parties is not the answer which is why I opted out of both of them and joined a party called "The Constitution Party" founded by Howard Phillips.  I believe in a multiple party system which is why I am going to support my generations presidential candidate Bobbie Kennedy. Jr. He has formed his own new party known as "We The People" Party.  The more the merrier.  It forces a change in the political landscape which eventually the news media will have to catch up with. Again in my view, its time for the legacy media and other new and commentary outlets to get engaged in the 21st Century issues facing us and abandon the 1980's approach that the two party system is offering. We are not living in a 1980's world.  The world has changed and so has the new technologies associated with it.  It's time for all of to embrace what is happening just like my grandparents had to do in their time moving from horse and buggies to the landing on a moon. What will our culture look like when we colonize the moon?

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