Saturday, August 4, 2012

Is Chic Fil-A Profiting Off of Freedom Of Speech Or its anti-Gay positions?

I Chronicles 12:32 says "The men of Issachar understood the times to know what Israel ought to do."  Ever known what not to do?  In recent days, the American Church has been plagued with Priests, Leading Pastors, and church leaders once again getting caught in sex scandals, found guilty and sentenced to jail, or paying off their victims so they can continue in their positions. Then on top of that,  thousands of American Christians protest "gay marriage", rail against the president, and alienate the very people that Jesus called the church to reach.  I'm confused.  

I've traveled to over 23 nations and ministered in over 166 cities sharing the gospel over the last 20 years.  And, the churches in many of those nations have engaged the people in the gospel and led them to Christ.  Great churches are being planted, established and busting out of their buildings and in America church buildings are empty. The American public is growing hostile to the church.  Why?  If you would list to it's current "bramble bush" leadership it's because "prayer has been removed out of schools",  judgement is on our nation due to abortion, homosexuality, and the democrat in the White House.  But, if you compare the global Christian movements vs. the America church it boils down to "The Gospel" not being preached.  Most American Christians don't know how to talk with their fellow Americans about Jesus.

I love our country.  I am thankful for it's freedoms, it's liberty of conscience, and it's vision and values. My family arrived on the shores of Virginia in 1631 and has contributed much to the freedoms we enjoy today. However, this historic CHRISTIAN nation has dispossessed people, enslaved them, segregated and devalued life for over 400+ years of it's "Christian" history.  America has two tensions built in it's political life.   'We're in It Together' vs. 'You're on Your Own."  The only thing that has historically saved us from turning against ourselves has been historic moves of the Holy Spirit.  Hungry Christians crying out to God for God to touch our nation, not buying chicken from a fast food restaurant in support of a "Traditional BIBLICAL Marriage."  I don't even know what that means.  I guess if you really are in support of a "traditional Biblical Marriage" then you support polygamy and concubines. (Maybe this is why so many are open to have a Mormon in the White House). In fact, many great people in the scripture had multiple wives, had concubines.  Let's name a few, Lamech, Abraham, Jacob, King David, and Solomon to name a few.  Then there were people  engaged in homosexuality, adultery, and all kinds of sexual activity, otherwise there would have been no prohibition written.... and you know what "GOD" so loved the world he gave his only begotten son to  die for those engaged in similar practice.  The purpose of sharing the gospel is to liberate people from these sins not protesting against them and alienating them with some pious position.  Have we forgotten "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God."

Without getting political, for a minute... would you stop and think about how our current President has been faithful to his wife, has been engaged in raising to great kids, has a spirit-filled, intercessor mother-in-law praying in the White House who's been charged with being a Muslim and socialist, all the while being an example of civility.  Despite His own testimony to having become a Christian, many have rejected his testimony. (I guess because he received Christ under the ministry of Jeremiah Wright he's not a TRUE Christian) Even if he was a muslim... he does not believe he's a god or that Jesus and Lucifer are bothers like his republican opponent does.  My point is that we are not called by God to rail against leaders but we are called to pray for them.  I Peter states, "Likewise also these dreamers defile the flesh, reject authority, and speak evil of dignitaries. Yet Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him a reviling accusation, but said, 'The Lord rebuke you!'"   But these speak evil of whatever they do not know..."   However, we all have the right to dissent, disagree, and take positions that may not be the same interpretations that others may hold about scripture.  

If you want to protest something then, What are you doing about the 300,000 (9-12 year old) kids being abducted and sold into slavery off our streets?  What are we doing about the foods picked by slaves owned by corporations putting groceries in our supermarkets?  I am bothered about the fight for traditional marriage when over 62% of the evangelical community is divorced.  I know men and women standing in the pulpits of America and on television that have engaged in "Sex" outside of marriage, divorced each other, were caught in homosexuality, and remain in the pulpit saying God has forgiven them but protest others.  Is there any greater sin than a sexual sin?  

Let's talk about abortion... Is contraception abortion??? Is throwing out frozen fertilized eggs abortion?  When does life begin...figured that one out?  

Now let me be clear, I have been married for 27 years to the same wonderful wife I met in Phoenix, Arizona in 1983 at Sweetwater Church Of The Valley.  I have two wonderful daughters.
I gave my heart to the Lord in Feb. 1967 and was Baptized in The Holy Spirit in July of 1970. I started preaching on street corners when I was 14, taught Sunday school classes since I was 16 and haven't missed many Sunday morning churches services since I was 5. I have two bachelor degrees, two masters from two Main-line denominational seminaries, and finishing an earned doctorate from George Fox University. I have been in the full-time ministry since 1976 broadcasting, pastoring, evangelizing, and traveling - 36 years.  I don't consider myself "HOLY" or "SIN FREE."  There are none righteous - no not one!  Romans 3:23; 6:23.  So you won't find me protesting... because the Jesus I know "didn't condemn or stone others caught in sexual sin... he called them out of it.  "While we yet sinners, Christ died for us!"  Thank God!

I struggle finding "significant" ways today of reaching our culture for Christ.  I'm looking for others who are engaged in doing what Jesus has called us to do... Win The Lost, Disciple The Found, and Heal the hurting to show me more meaningful ways to share my faith.  Even though I have had the priviledge of leading many to Christ... I struggle in how to reach the masses who have never heard the gospel in America... who have been alienated by those in "Church Land" who forgot from whence they've come.  

I would appreciate your views, comments and insights to our current delimma in the American church.

According to a  recent Gallup Poll:

66% of American's are divorced

66% believe in using animals for testing

60% believe in stem cell research from Human Embryos

58% are having baby's outside of marriage

49% of all doctors believe in assisted suiside

35% believe in cloning animals
58% have had sex outside of their marriage
44% accept homosexuality as normal
70% believe in the death penalty

1 comment:

  1. Millions of children cut up and butcher in the 2nd and 3rd trimester.

    Oh thats right, these are fetuses, not children.

    Can you say 1984, all over again.


An American Obsession With Ukraine

 In 1992, a young man from Hillsong Church came and spent time with my wife, Andra and I on his way to join a team planting a church in Kiev...