Saturday, July 21, 2012

Stop The Violence Now!

     So yesterday, a young 24 year old gunman goes into a movie theatre and guns down over 60 people and leaves 12 dead and 50 wounded.  The movie set to play was the final chapter of "The Dark Night."  Batman. Americans have become so increasingly violent that I am now having difficulty with those who misuse the US constitution's 2nd amendment as an excuse for the continued violence.  The right to bear arms was to give ordinary Americans the right to overthrow the government should they find their government not fulfilling their constitutional duties.  It was not designed for murdering other Americans in a movie theatre.  But, the more disturbing trend to me is the increased violence on TV, video games, movies like "Hunger Games" and the like. Recently, when I took my young teenage daughter to "Hunger Games" I was appalled how easily the crowd cheered at the killings in the movie.  It was as though we were in the Colosseum in Rome where people were thrown to the lions and crowds cheered as the victims were torn apart by the animals.
     As a Christian, reclaiming my spiritual and family heritage as a Quaker, I am becoming more and more convinced to the ideas of the Quaker Peace Testimony.  Friends' peace testimony is largely derived from beliefs arising from the teachings of Jesus to love one's enemies.  To go to war and kill one another for the sake of peace or justice, in a world where we have learned to define successes, amass our fortunes or win our arguments at the expense of others like us (our enemies) is not how Jesus taught us how to resolve conflict nor did he define success in the way Americans define it.    Quakers believe that nonviolent confrontation of evil and peaceful reconciliation are always superior to violent measures. Peace testimony does not mean that Quakers engage only in passive resignation; in fact, they often practice passionate activism.  Another words, they run to conflicts to help bring resolve and reconciliation.  Quakerism focuses on "The Lion laying down with the Lamb."  
     Why is it our gaming industry teaches children violence and war as the way to resolve conflict and war?  Please explain to me why our country needs a "Standing Army" during non-war times?  Did you know that in early American history when a war was over the Army went home. There were no standing armies!  Sure would reduce the pentagon budget. Americans have become increasing violent and militaristic. It's time to STOP THE VIOLENCE in our culture.  It's time for peace-making with our borders.  Where is the courage to stand up against building more weapons, bombs, and increased militarization?  Can you see Jesus holding a gun and killing his enemies? 
       I am concerned - our kids kill people now and laugh when violence happens...  We need a shaking as a nation. We need to come to our senses... especially in the Christian community.  I'm afraid to many "Religionist" in our culture see Jesus, guns, and standing armies as the means of peace-making. The unfortunate thing is there is no evidence of that in our land today... just more violent shooting in a movie theater.  

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