Monday, December 19, 2011

The Power Of Story.

Every Christmas we tell the story of Jesus and how God incarnated himself in humankind's story. I have always wondered why the genealogy in Matthew 1 and Luke 3 were so important in telling the story. Most of us just skip over the so and so begat so and so but for me not any more.  The interesting aspect that now appeals to me about these listings is how there are more people in that list who's background is a little shady and not exactly who you would want to claim in your family line - just like most of us. We are not responsible for those in our families who generations ago made bad choices and hurt the family history.  Neither was Jesus. However, that's not the point.  The family story of the bible is one of redemption.  Jesus came to redeem our family history.
Ezek. 37:1-14 asks can these dead bones live.  Israel had a long history of people who obeyed or disobeyed... people long forgotten, dead, and their bones laid waste in a valley...  People who once thought their lives as important as our ancestors who've passed on from this life.  The prophet asks the question "can these dead bones live"?  The answer is yes. Their stories can come alive.  Through Christ family story and purpose can be redeemed and give us focus in directing our own lives.  When we pull the bones together (the story of our family) and give our family history flesh that provides meaning and hope - dead bones can live.  That's why I believe the story of Jesus' birth is so important because it puts flesh and bones on a story of God investing himself in our human stories.

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