The other night I was watching Oprah Winfrey's LifeClass on OWN. TD Jakes was the guest speaker.

His topic was on "how passion leads to purpose." It was a good program. However, it made me face the things in me that I don't want to challenge because I'm comfortable. Writing your own story, defining yourself, and pursuing the meaningful things you think are important is what life is all about. My grandfather, John Berry, use to sit me on his lap as a little boy and qoute Jesus' words, "What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul? Wat will a man give in exchange for his life?" These are two of the most important questions we must all ask ourselves. Life is precious. What am I willing to exchange (our time is a commodity) for a day of my life? Is it wasting time on meaningless relationships? Trying to earn other's approvals? The fact is, my life and all that's important to me is nobody else's business. If everyone was doing and pursuing what is important to them then they wouldn't be in my life trying to tell me how to spend my time. I know what I am called to do. It may not be something your interested in however it's important to me... and I have fifteen years to finish it! So I am on a project management track to complete what I believe God told me to do in 1988. Build a great church and conference center in Annapolis, Maryland. It takes time and is a great vision. My passion is to win the lost, disciple the found, heal the hurting. I love ministering prophetically all over the world but more than that I love my family, my church and the place I live and work everyday... It's a great place that challenges me to grow everyday. I will finish what I started.
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