Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Sandy Foundation Shaken

     330 Years Ago, on October 28-29, 1682 William Penn landed in New Castle, Delaware.  This historic moment in history laid a foundation for a democratic republic which would later become the United States of America.  Penn's "Seed Of A Nation" was based on recipocal liberty. During the late seventeenth century, when Protestants persecuted Catholics, Catholics persecuted Protestants, and both persecuted Quakers and Jews, Penn established an American sanctuary which protected freedom of conscience. Almost everywhere else, colonists stole land from the Indians, but Penn traveled unarmed among the Indians and negotiated peaceful purchases. He insisted that women deserved equal rights with men. He gave Pennsylvania a written constitution which limited the power of government, provided a humane penal code, and guaranteed many fundamental liberties.  Penn is often referred to as  the architect behind our "frame of government," "our american justice system - trial by jury," and those "religious freedoms" we enjoy as Americans.  In fact, Penn was the only person who made major contributions to liberty in both the New World and the Old World.
      330 years later, a major hurricane named, "Sandy" hit the very locations Penn landed and where his charters extended.  The name "Sandy" means "defender of humanity."  It's extremely prophetic that this major storm was named "Sandy."  One of Penn's greatest and most controversial phamplets, written from his time in the tower of London, was entitled, "The Sandy Foundation Shaken."  Most people do not remember that New Jersey, which was hardest hit by the storm, was owned by William Penn before he was granted Pennsylvania by King Charles II. As early as 1660 George Fox and the Quakers had sought for over a decade a colony in America where they could practice their religion freely.  When a dispute over land holdings in West New Jersey (then a separate colony from East New Jersey) between John Fenwick and Edward Billinge arose, the Quakers (preferring to settle their differences among themselves) had Penn settle the dispute in England. In 1672, He wrote the "Concessions and Agreements" charter for a group of Quaker colonists who were settling in the newly acquired New Jersey. Among its provisions were the right to trial by jury, the freedom from arbitrary imprisonment for debt, and edict against capital punishment. Penn also strongly argued for religious freedom, writing "no Men. . . hath Power or authority to rule over Men's Consciences in Religious matters." This document has been called "the first clear statement in American history of the supremacy of the fundamental law [universal rights] over any statutes that might be enacted."  The New Jersey project was a success.  The colony reported having fertile land, ample game and being stocked with goods.  However, there wasn’t enough room for everyone from England, Germany, Scotland and Holland (places where Penn and his fellow Quakers had been spreading Quakerism).  Penn then looked to the Crown for land west of the Delaware River.
      There are some very interesting scriptures that apply to this historic moment we're in.  In Matthew 7:25-26 it says, "And the rain descended and the floods came and the wind blew, and they rushed against the house and it did not fall, for its foundation was laid on solid rock. everyone who hears these my words, but does not practice them, will be likened to the foolish man who built his house on sand."  The unfortuante thing is that our nation has departed from Penn's "Holy Experiment." His experiment faltered. Religious differences spawned political factionalism. In the Legislature, the Quaker party held the upper hand and resisted sharing power. Quakers themselves split into rival factions. Penn's trusted associates mismanaged funds. Penn was thrown into debtors' prison. He suffered two strokes, lost his memory and died penniless in 1718.  Although his vision for his colony only lasted for 80 years, Penn's real contribution was his honorable treatment of the first nations people - the Leni-lenopi tribe.  His treaties were honored during his lifetime... only to be broken by his own sons.  Those violations and acts of covenant breaking affect us to this day.  
     On Oct. 28-29, 2012  Hurricane "Sandy" came up the Atlantic and turned left into the Delaware Bay.  It came with 50 mph winds, affected 50 million people in the mid-atlantic and northeast, it did 50 billion dollars in damage, and killed 50 people.  50 is known as a Jubilee.  Hurricane Sandy caused Wall Street to shut down.  Recently, this past year my dear friend, Chuck Pierce,  prophesied that Atlantic City would go under water!  In Basking Ridge, New Jersey on June 8, 2012. God is going to give us power over the next storm in this area. There will be a storm on the coast, and the Lord says I am going to give you power. You are going to see My power working. Now I am here to say again, New Jersey, Newark, Rehoboth Beach in Delaware, Hartford area in CT and all the way to Yale – God is going to move in an unprecedented way – now get ready! The power of God has come into the atmosphere. This power is going to surprise you in a way that you have not been surprised. Some of you are saying how does this affect me? Well, some of you are going to wake up in the Presence of the Lord, and He is going to say I am waiting for you. He’s going to stand there and you are going to be arrested by HIS SPIRIT. God’s people are coming under a supernatural power and favor in this region.”  
     On the 50th year after the founding of Pennsylvania, The Liberty Bell, was presented in honor of William Penn.  Lev. 25:10 "Proclaim liberty throughout the land..." is inscribed on the top of the Bell. The revision of Penn’s Fourth Frame of Government in Pennsylvania was named the Charter of Privileges and was celebrated on its fiftieth anniversary in 1751.   50 represents Jubilee.  It appears that we are coming into a time of Jubilee where God himself is pressing the reset button on our nation!  As I wrote these words God spoke to me the following prophetic word...

Hear the word of The Lord! My people are called to be a people 
who hear and listen to my voice. My voice is not found in the majority. 
My voice is not found in what is popular... Nor in the voice of the many 
who share in the same opinion. My voice is the still small voice 
and there will you find the almighty. By the sword you shall fight 
but you shall fight from a broken place... I will be your defense. 
The Sandy Foundation is Shaken!


Monday, October 22, 2012

Don't Find Yourself On The Wrong Side Of History!

      Isaiah 43:18-19 "Remember not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."   So, this passage was written in a time when the first temple in Jerusalem had been destroyed by the Babylonian military.  During this period, the southern tribes had been confident that as long as they had the temple God was on their side. However, God had other plans.  In Acts 17:24 The Apostle Paul proclaimed that "God does not dwell in temples made of human hands."  So then why were the southern tribes so hell bent in rebuilding a second temple when God's plan was to incarnate himself in a human body?  Why are so many people still obsessed with buildings and institutions as being "symbols" of stability?   This passage from Isaiah 43 explains to us that people have difficulty forgetting the past and have hard times embracing cultural shifts.  
     In our most recent presidential discussions the focus has been on Jobs.  Most of the time, the republican side has been emphasizing that we need to reclaim "Manufacturing" from China and India.  Unfortunately, because America has been an industrial country in the past it has not fully grasped the idea that the new technologies of the future are not going to sustain a industrial base.  We are now moving to a "knowledge based economy."  A Knowledge based economy is a kind of economy based solely on the production, distribution and the use of knowledge. In short, it means that the most important thing in the coming economy model will be knowledge and skills, not the material products.  So why then is there so much emphasis on going backward to an economy based on the industrial revolution?  In short, it's because with changes as drastic as this thousands of workers are no longer needed to build products of the past.  The democratic emphasis has focused on the new economy and the jobs associated with it.  Did you know With a nationwide unemployment rate of 8.1%, many Americans are having a hard time finding work. Despite this, 3.8 million jobs in the U.S. remain unfilled?  Why? Because there is no one qualified or skilled enough with the tools necessary for these new economy jobs.  Job training is necessary.  But there are those who want to return to the age before the Internet.  They want their printing press jobs, their real estate jobs, their car salesman jobs back. But, what do I need a middle man for anymore when I can go online and purchase the items from anywhere in the world without their help.  These jobs are obsolete.  In the future, teaching jobs will shift because of holograms.  Pastoral care will be more about facilitation rather being mediators and gatekeepers of truth.  There are no gatekeepers.  Anyone can be a photographer.  Anyone can start their on newsblog.  Anyone can produce programming, create their own stories and post them on YouTube at low-costs.  What do I need all those former reporters of news for when i can catch a news-worthy story on my IPhone for?  So what are we going back to?  Why are we wanting to return to the former days?  You can't take  it back and move the culture to the golden age of the 1950's.  So what does this all mean?
        There is no economic fix.  The economy is obsolete as we've known it.  Their are new rules, new jobs, new leadership models, new structures to be built based on flat-lateral team driven organizations.  Telephone poles must be removed.  Cell phone towers will be replaced by telstar and new infrastructures will become important to build and sustain our new economy in the global market place.  Modernism demands conformity. Post-modernism demands diversity.  The 20th century led to world wars and the building of the modern industrial complex. However, the 21st century will force nation-states to break up and interdependent regional areas to produce products together.  As the scriptures say, "weapons will be beaten into plow-shares" maybe in our time, in our generation.  So when we want to cling to the "Good old days" - may I ask when were those good ole days in America?  When slavery was recognized?  When race riots took place in Chicago?  When thousands of Native Americans were dispossed and displaced?  There were no good old days!   Our best days are ahead.  So you need to be concerned... wherever you live and in whatever cultural background your from... to make sure your life is focused on the future- not the past.  You need to choose leaders who are moving us forward not backwards and serve organizations which assist in bringing understanding, tolerance, civility, and transformation toward the future in education, business, church-life, arts, media, government, and life-care. And if you sense you are called to be in anyone of these areas of work you need to get the education.  But make sure your educators have an eye on the future and not the past.  Otherwise, you may find yourself on the wrong side of history!

Friday, October 12, 2012


    Conquering negative emotions can be a challenge especially when you go through difficult moments in life.  In Phil. 3:18-19 explains that negative emotions can destroy our faith life.  So I often, try to find ways to encourage myself when I'm down emotionally.  I'm usually a very optimistic person, full of faith, and very attune to hearing the Lord on so many levels as I pray.  But, lately due to the grief and loss of my dearest family members I find my self second guessing, feeling depressed, feeling a little out of touch and fighting to distinguish God's voice in the midst of dark emotional states.  I've never had to deal with this before.
    What's even more difficult is to do my regular pastoral duties and visit with families only to learn that many of them are struggling with the same things or worse. As a result, I wonder if the Body Of Christ is under spiritual attack. The other day I went to visit with a family in our church and learned of some extreme things they've been going through.  What was strange as I left their house was I left their house encouraged and realized my problems seemed small in comparison to theirs. During my visit I found that as I encouraged them I found myself encouraging myself right out of a really bad emotional state that morning.  It's all too weird for me these days.  But God calls us all out of our negative places!
     I Samuel 30:6 says, "David encouraged himself in the Lord."  In this passage, David and all his men found their families had been kidnapped and all their stuff taken away.  All of his men were bitter about the situation.  As a result, David found himself in a place of discouragement.  When you let negative emotions get the best of you - you have to make a decision to get better or be bitter.  David made a decision.  But, how did he get into a positive place of faith again?  First he called his priest! Wow, what a thought.  He then asked Abiathar to bring him a priestly garment.  Why?  Because David understood the most important step to get out of self-pity, loathing, and negativity was to get before the Lord and seek direction directly from him.  God answers prayer.
    When I was in my mid-twenties, my grandmother asked me if I stilled prayed for my father to come to Christ (My father was an atheist).  I said, "No."  I had lost all faith for him and was discouraged about it so I ceased to pray about it.  I loved self-pity... it's a great negative emotion!  If you're going to have one.  She rebuked me, "Michael, you should never stop praying for him!"  "God answers prayer."  "I'm not going to die until he comes to the Lord."  Wow.  He did and she lived till she was 92.  God answered her prayers and mine too.  He doesn't forget the ones you prayed in the past. Lol.
      When David prayed he asked the Lord three things: (1) Shall I pursue the raiding party? (2) Will I catch them? and (3) finally, he asks "Will I be able to overtake them?"  These are the three things we need to consider when faced with negative emotions.  When injustice is done, you have the choice to go after justice or let it go.  It takes a great deal of discernment especially when in Micah 6:8 it asks "What does the Lord require of us?"  First thing out the gate - "to do justice."  What does justice look like in your situation?  Secondly, when faced with an injustice, in our day and age it could lead to court... and then you have to prove your case.  Here's right where I live right now.  I am involved in a court case.  My lawyer threatened to quit our  court case because he doesn't think we have enough money to finish.  I can't get mad at him since I recognize He doesn't have enough time and resources because of his own case management load... and our case is big.  So he gets discouraged and wants to quit.  Our side can win this.  We have the evidence.  We have the witnesses but can we really catch them?  Is it really worth going through all the hassle only to lose a case because the other side can outsmart you.  So David asked can we catch up to them?  Justice too often seems far away. Proverbs 29:6 states, "In the transgression of an evil man there is a snare,  and the just shall praise and rejoice."   Eventually, when you pursue justice, you end up in a place of gratitude and thankfulness.  David's final question to the Lord had to do with strength.  Do I have enough emotional strength to overcome this?  I love this place. It's a great place to get to.  Nothing but weakness.  II Cor. 12:9 says, "Christ strength is made PERFECT in our weakness."  Go figure.
      When I am weak he is strong.  How so... well the battle we all face are not ours.  It belongs to the Lord.  Without a battle we would not have a testimony.  But, when you're in that battle and sorely tested you don't think you can make it through and it doesn't seem God is listening or even cares.  Recently, someone reminded me that when I was a kid and had a test in school... the teacher was present but was silent behind the desk until the test was over.  When we turned our test papers in... our real question was one of seeking approval. How'd I do.
     Well, many times I believe God is present - especially in our weakness; sitting in his chair waiting for us to finish what we need to do or waiting for us to get over ourselves.  Tests are nothing more than checking our progress.  So what does God say to David?  Go for it!  You can overcome this. You can recover from anything that tries to steal you future.  The Apostle Paul said it this way, (2 Cor. 11:25) "Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, a night and a day I have spent in the deep. 26I have been on frequent journeys, in dangers from rivers, dangers from robbers, dangers from my countrymen, dangers from the Gentiles, dangers in the city, dangers in the wilderness, dangers on the sea, dangers among false brethren; 27I have been in labor and hardship, through many sleepless nights, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure. 28Apart from such external things, there is the daily pressure on me of concern for all the churches. 29Who is weak without my being weak? Who is led into sin without my intense concern? 30If I have to boast, I will boast of what pertains to my weakness. 31The God and Father of the Lord Jesus, He who is blessed forever, knows that I am not lying. 32In Damascus the ethnarch under Aretas the king was guarding the city of the Damascenes in order to seize me, 33and I was let down in a basket through a window in the wall, and so escaped his hands."  Even death itself, Paul considered a victory.  One day, during my mom's final weeks she got up in bed and said, Mike, I don't want to die!"  I said, "Mom, why would you want to stay. You've been complaining my whole life how you missed your mother. Why stick around here when you can go be with her?"  I understand her loss because I lost her.  But the promise I have is that I will be with her again one day in heaven too!
      So if your feeling weak emotionally, want to lay down in a box of kitty litter and throw it all over yourself, why not turn choose to begin the turn around?  Shake off those negative emotions that destroys you faith life. Get in the presence of God and ask him how David's three questions apply to your situation and see what he will answer.  I'm just glad to know, Christ's strength is made perfect in my weakness - and boy He must be strong in me right now! Thank you Jesus for helping all of us get through tough times.  As Robert Schuller Sr. said, "Tough times never last, tough minded people do!  Remember I'm praying for you too...

It's Wall Street Not Sesame Street!

Talk about incompetence.  Recently, our church has been engaged in a legal battle against a predatory lending company which has ravaged several churches over our region of the country.  This story is just another Maddoff story that has bilked churches out of millions of dollars, brought down two major banks, stolen minister retirement funds and has 14 people and 4 different companies involved in the criminal activity and subsequent cover up.  How we ever uncovered this mess is still an act of God to me.  However, this case has given me real insight to major corrupt financial structures built in our country's economic and legal systems.  You can blame the President, you can blame the House or Senate, but the real criminals are the banks and Wall St. who have yet been brought to justice.  Our country is in a crisis.  It not only needs prayer but we need Godly leadership.  Our problem in the Christian Community is that we have failed to educate and raise up young people with the educational background, tools and resources needed to enter into the financial field to fix this mess. All the American Church World has done is raised up more crooks like Maddoff rather than bring about Godly change in the workplace. Why?  Because our churches have spent years teaching escapism, short cuts, and church politics all the while when they should have been engaged in becoming salt and light within our culture.  You can preach all you want on purpose, power, dominionism, and the seven mountains and lead millions into delusion if you want. But without educating and raising up a generation who can compete in the global market place- all this preaching is a joke.  Try pastoring a church in this legal and business environment and then tell me how well we're doing as a nation. However, not to worry it's all catching up and will create a major leadership shift in our world because of incompetence.  Here's why...
       Ezekiel 34 explains "The Lord spoke his word to me. He said, “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel. Prophesy to these shepherds. Tell them, ‘This is what the Almighty Lord says: How horrible it will be for the shepherds of Israel who have been taking care of only themselves. Shouldn’t shepherds take care of the sheep? You eat the best parts of the sheep, dress in the wool, and butcher the finest sheep. Yet, you don’t take care of the sheep. You have not strengthened those that were weak, healed those that were sick, or bandaged those that were injured. You have not brought back those that strayed away or ow looked for those that were lost. You have ruled them harshly and violently. So they were scattered because there was no shepherd. When they were scattered, they became food for every wild animal."  God has called Leaders to Lead... this means to equip the body thoroughly for service. But how can you do that if you haven't gotten the equipping you needed to do your job?  Can't ask someone else to do what you're unwilling to do yourself!
           Here's what the American Church has been producing.  According to several major news outlets, The SEC has filed legal complaints against Ephren Taylor of running a fraud through his company, City Capital Corp. with a ponzi schemes targeting churches like New Birth Baptist Church in Atlanta and Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. The SEC alleges that Taylor told people he invested in economically disadvantaged businesses such as laundromats, but he was actually spending the money on marketing himself and his wife’s singing career.  South Florida's Liberty City Church of Christ was a victim to his scheme and lost $100,000 in investments from church members."  
         A former usher of a Mercer Island church pleaded guilty, recently, to securities fraud for stealing more than $3 million from church members and others, according to the King County, WA. Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. Stephen J. Klos, 86, pleaded guilty to 10 counts of securities fraud for running a Ponzi scheme that defrauded elderly victims, the prosecutor’s office said today. Prosecutors say Klos and another man, Robert Justice, paid later investors in the scheme with money from new clients, pocketing hundreds of thousands of dollars along the way. The scheme, according to the state Department of Financial Institutions (DFI), dated to 2004 when Klos began soliciting investments from members of his gym as well as members of the Mercer Island Covenant Church, where Klos served as an usher. The Securities Division of DFI began its investigation in 2007. The charges, filed in April 2011, arose from losses suffered by 10 people, although charging documents indicate Klos took money from at least 23 families.  Klos had been barred from securities and financial dealings in 1992 for running another Ponzi scheme that raised more than $3.4 million, according to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) records. No criminal charges were filed in the case, although SEC records indicate he had to pay back more than $380,000.
         Huffington Post reported a few days ago, "After years of etching their name into gospel music history, the Winans' family legacy has taken a slight detour with allegations surfacing that Michael Winans Jr. has been involved in a Ponzi scheme.  CBS Detroit reports that Michael Winans Jr. pleaded guilty on Wednesday to federal charges that he defrauded more than 1,000 investors out of $8 million in crude oil bonds over the course of 30 years. According to a press statement obtained by the local news affiliate, Winans promoted the fraudulent investment operation as if the Winans Foundation Trust were investing in Saudi Arabian oil bonds."  And the list goes on.  Why are people scammed?  Because our churches are being led into incompetency... within the clergy, legal and justice systems, and especially the financial sector. We need quality, competent, educated leadership to avert this stuff.
        We need people to be discipled in their faith and teach them how to apply it in every field of life. We need to teach thieves to stop stealing! (See Eph. 4)  The world is groaning for Christian integrity.   Do you know what a derivative is?  Do you understand the principles underlying capitolism?  Is it biblical?  Most don't know or care.  Banks are no longer banks - they're stores where you are led to purchase products at $35. a pop. Bank bailouts were supposed to be followed by financial reform to limit the banks’ destructive power. Instead, bailed-out banks are bigger than ever and have resisted reforms to limit their size and complexity.  Why?  Because banks are still doing "Speculative Banking."  They are interested in enriching themselves and their investors which is why churches are getting scammed and people everywhere are finding their personal economy threatened.  The bank failure is coming.  It's going to cost all of us and it could have been stopped if we were not blinded by our own moral incompetence.

An American Obsession With Ukraine

 In 1992, a young man from Hillsong Church came and spent time with my wife, Andra and I on his way to join a team planting a church in Kiev...