Each of these men's writings would later become the basis for our constitutional government. Most American's today have no clue who these men were and what they fought and died for. (We will save that for another time). Let's just say that French philosopher, statesman, and historian Alexis de Tocqueville once said, "Upon my arrival in the United States the religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention, and the longer I stayed there, the more I perceived the great political consequences resulting from this new state of things." From the earliest days of Quakerism, through the First and Second Great Awakenings, nothing shaped the character and national identity more than the Christian faith. Every historical outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our national history began with intercessors who were moved by God to prayer. Without intercessory prayer, we may not have been able to overcome the deep divisions and conflicts our nation has experienced. The same holds true today.
Rees Howell was a powerful Welsh intercessor used by God in the 20th century. He took his calling to be an intercessor very seriously. He believed that no situation was too small or too big. To him, intercessory prayer was meant to be used against every sphere of darkness and decay in his time. During World War II, Hitler engaged The German people into the biggest land-grab in European history. Hitler went to war throughout all of Europe with a tyrannical vision of building an Arian German Empire under his control. Hitler was crushing nation after nation under his seemingly unstoppable war machine. Scores of people were dying, and the fate of the world was hanging in the balance. When Hitler's focus turned to Britain in 1940, very little stood in his way. Under the black clouds of world war, Rees and the young people under his leadership at The Swansea Bible College of Wales began to contend in intercession for God's intervention to save Europe from the grip of Hitler's power. As a result, many Christian people attributed the defeat of Hitler and the end of the war to the intercessory prayers that were made on Europe's behalf through Rees and the young people who joined him in prayer. One thing for sure, Rees knew that the battles raging against his nation would naturally require him to take direct responsibility to see that the prayer needs of his and surrounding nations would be answered. Rees Howell would later write, “Effectual praying must be guided praying…no longer to pray for all kinds of things at his own whim or fancy, but only the prayers that the Holy Ghost gave him.” In other words, "we are called as intercessors to be led to pray specifically what the Holy Spirit wants us to intercede for instead of just praying for what we desire. This is the reason why prophetic words are useful for intercessors. They can be a guide for prayer.
Even though the Body of Christ has been entangled in our national sin of dehumanization, colonialization, and slavery; we have the opportunity to become a people who are repairers of the breach, restorer of paths to dwell in and raise up age-old foundations for future generations (See Isaiah 58:12). Like Guliiver, we are being called to break off the shackles of indifference, the sin of racism, apathy and status quo. We don't need a revival we need an awakening! The Body of Christ needs to wake up! Our current state of affairs will not be changed by an election, political promises, or a government. It will only be changed by doing the work of the Lord on our knees in prayer. This is why the Gulliver Prophecy is a "Word From the Lord" that is so critical at this time for those called to do the work of intercession on behalf of our nation. This is why it needs it be reviewed, studied and discerned! It is not about "revival!" This particular call to intercession is a call for a city, a region, and nation. Intercessors must do their work in their assigned areas if our nation is to avert judgement. God knows our broken churches, cities, and nation need prayer! Remember, God brought His Church to America so that His work would prevail from our early national history through to the time of the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit promised in the last days of human history.
In 2005, Bob Jones said,
And this is the reason why I am taking the time in this series to write about Bob Jones' Gulliver Prophecy. The call of the Holy Spirit in this hour is for the Church to awaken, to rise up, and take a firm stand for justice. However, like Gulliver, (who was a slave trader in the book, "Gulliver's Travels") the American Church has gotten tied down and is laying halfway in the dirt as a result of having gotten entangled in America's sin of slavery, segregation, and racism. It is a historic fact, that the White Eurocentric Church led the way, in battling the Native populations to dispossess them of their land and tried to force them into perpetual slavery for their newly formed plantations as cheap labor. It is the Body Of Christ that led the way in tearing Native children from their families and placed them into their colonialized "residential schools" to strip them of their identities and culture. The Church led the way in making African Americans sit in the back of their churches long before they were forced to sit on the back of the bus. God is not sitting back and just letting all this unjust history get swept away under the rug. He is calling the Church to unentangle itself and get up and do the right thing. If it doesn't, you can forget about another great outpouring of the Spirit in our time and generation. The whole Hebrew Bible and New Testament holds people accountable for what they've done and what runs in them - sin, transgression, and iniquity. Gulliver laying halfway in the dirt speaks to the fact that there is iniquity in the church that must be dealt with. The sins of the American Church have resulted in deep divisions in our nation and as a people, we are being called by the Holy Spirit to repentance, healing, and a place of reconciliation. The German people are taught to never forget the history and atrocities of World War II. Likewise, the dispossession, genocide of Native people and slavery of Africans brought to the shores of Virginia in 1619 and onward must never be forgotten. This history needs to be exposed, held out in front of the American Church and nation in the same way that the German people always need to be reminded of their history of anti-Semitism. Why? It is so that it never happens again!

In 2005, Bob Jones said,
"I saw a great man had fallen to sleep in the past, and his body was laying on his back and he was halfway buried in dirt. We could call him Gulliver and little people, from little input, had tied him down, and the only reason he was tied down he’d been asleep for a long time, about thirty-eight years, and he was waking up, you could also call him the Body of Christ coming together."
When reviewing the Gulliver Prophecy again, each of us need to recognize in this prophetic word that not only was Gulliver lying halfway in the dirt, but as Bob Jones says, "We can call him - The Body of Christ." We know that the Latin root of humility is "humus" or dirt, reminding us that humility and mortality are tied together. In a nation where arrogance and exceptionalism is held high, God is calling The Body of Christ to understand that He is calling us "from the dirt" or "from a place of humility" to rise up; while letting us know that our mortal fate is tied down by the iniquity of the land. We need to recognize that as the Body of Christ, we are called to come out of a place of humility, brokenness, and recognize that what runs in the land – also runs in us! Genesis 2:7 informs us that, "The body was formed by God from the dust of the ground." The Body is referred to throughout scripture as the dwelling place of the human spirit, a tabernacle and even the temple of God (Jn. 2:21; Ro. 12:4-5; I Cor. 6:19-20). In Job 4:19, this scripture speaks of humanity as, those who live in houses of clay, whose foundations are in the dust. Genesis 3:19 tells us "...you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” The land was one of the most vibrant symbols for the people of ancient Israel. In the land they found both a promise and challenge. For them the land was a physical symbol of Israel's identity, life and a place for the gathering of the hopes, mission and purpose of the covenant people.
Have you ever taken a close look at the ground you walk on? What does it mean to you? What has it meant to the people in the past who lived and worked on it centuries before you came? This leads to ask what is the condition of the soil? How we see God, how we see others, and how we see ourselves certainly impacts how we view the land and its use. Recently, I heard a Native American friend of mine say, “The Land was not made for us, we were made for the Land.
In Mark chapter 4 Jesus said, “Listen! Behold, a sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seed fell along the path, and the birds came and devoured it. Other seed fell on rocky ground, where it did not have much soil, and immediately it sprang up since it had no depth of soil. And when the sun rose, it was scorched, and since it had no root, it withered away. Other seed fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it, and it yielded no grain and other seeds fell into good soil and produced grain, growing up and increasing and yielding thirtyfold, sixtyfold and a hundredfold.” And he said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” Later in the chapter, Jesus explains that the "fruitfulness" of the gospel is determined by the condition of the land. This suggests to us that, even though the Body Of Christ may be "planted" or "rooted" in the land, the Gospel may or may not prevail in a given area because of the condition of the soil. Does the history that occurred on the land have an impact on its inhabitants and the future? Here are a few scriptures to consider:
- In Genesis 4:10 after Cain had murdered his brother Abel The LORD said, "What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground.”
- Genesis 16:16; "Then in the fourth generation they will return here, for the iniquity of the Amorite is not yet complete."
- Jeremiah presents land-loss as pollution and harlotry (See Hosea). “The land is polluted in that it has become impure by covenant breaking and violation of the relation with Yahweh”. Harlotry was the result of Israel ceasing to trust the “Land-Giver” and engaging in alternative ways of securing its own existence.
- Those who were remained in the land after the exile were the ultimately cursed and destroyed (See Dt 28:37).
This is why I believe that Bob's picture of "The Body of Christ" lying halfway in the dirt is an important aspect of this prophecy. I think it suggests to all of us that our life experiences are influenced and conditioned by our relationship to “a place”. Ephesian 6:12 says, "We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers and wickedness in high places."
Years ago when I was in Bible College, I had a professor who had served as a missionary in Latin America. He told us of a city he had gone to preach the Gospel in where he witnessed an unusual occurrence. He told us how the city was situated between two countries. One side of the city was in one country and the other was in another. As he went into the streets to share the Gospel he found that one side of the city was open and receptive and the other side of the city was unreceptive. He attributed this to the "iniquity in the land" having not been dealt with which resulted in the people being unreceptive to the Gospel. In my perspective from reading scriptures on “Earth-Care”, the land suffers because of what humans do. Certainly, examples of peoples' deteriorating health in some cities has been tied to past corporate pollution pouring out into our rivers. Likewise, the Hebrew scripture teaches that what our ancestors have done affects the spiritual condition of a city. The ground has done nothing to deserve this action; land is not the culprit but the innocent victim. These are not new scientific notions - they're biblical. Likewise, the Body of Christ, in a given region, can be impacted in a negative way when proper "intercession" is NOT made in its behalf.
One final aspect I'd like to consider has to do with another perspective as to why “Gulliver may be laying halfway in the dirt." Remember Bob Jones stated that "This is a picture of the current condition of the Body of Christ. It is planted "halfway" into the dirt. Our question should be, "Why is the body laying halfway in the dirt?" Quite often, when things are planted halfway in the dirt, the "roots" of the plant are exposed. One possibility is that The Body of Christ is not committed fully to the land. In our time and generation, most Americans are not tied to the land. We are no longer an agricultural or agrarian society. We are disconnected from the dirt. So we are not committed to the idea of a “place”. We are just committed to our jobs until a better one comes along. We are only committed to our churches until they cease to meet our expectations. We are only committed to our local schools until our kids graduate from them. We don't even know our neighbors. Instead, we carry our communities in our pockets (Cellphones). What did Jesus really mean when He said, "I go to prepare a place for you?" (See John 14:1) Are we committed to that “Place”? Real transformation can never happen within a place we have been called to, without our commitment to it. Another Great Awakening or nationwide revival will not happen until we make that commitment to the place God has assigned us to. We can't be "halfway" committed to it. We must rise up and stand firmly in it! God is calling The Body Of Christ to understand that He is calling us "from the dirt" or "from a place of humility" to rise up and take responsibility to intercede for our "own" communities, cities and nation. In closing we should reflect on these scriptures as we consider what God has spoken through this "Gulliver Prophecy" so far:
Micah 6:9
The voice of the LORD will call to the city-- And it is sound wisdom to fear Your name:
"Hear, O tribe. Who has appointed its time?
Luke 19:41
As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it.
Isaiah 66:8
“Who has ever heard of such things? Who has ever seen things like this? Can a country be born in a day, or a nation be brought forth in a moment?
Rev. 11:15
"The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom of our Lord"
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