Over the last ten years I've kept personal diaries. It helps me record events in my life... what I think about them at the time and challenges I face both internally and in my "world." I used these diaries more as a way of processing thought. I've decided to do the same through blogging. In fact, these are my personal thought processes and were not written to indict or be a commentary on any "person" particular. I am interested in all forms of cultural architecture and have opinions too. What bothers me is that some have read my blog and have thought I was writing about them personally or a particular situation... which is just not true. I do write about ideologies I disagree with. I don't write people I may be upset personally with - because I really don't get upset by people. I try not to post anything online that would be a detriment to my relationships with my friends, peers, or family. What a paradox... I am still puzzled by the "protocol" of all these new digital forums and how people read into things. Let me just say this "the views and opinions expressed here are not representative of the staff or management of the church world or profession I serve." These views are opinions of my own... I know they are not politically correct, could kill me professionally (I wish), and come from a "post-modern" cultural understanding. I am a post-modern thinker. I'm abstract, eclectic, and love exploring new things and options toward problem solving. I am against all forms of heirarchy, uniformity, standardization, and censorship. I value "dissent." I am Post-modern American.
Sorry if you don't get that but it's not my job to be an interpreter for my friends in the modern world culture as to what "post-modern" language and culture means. I know who I am. I have given room for each of you who read my blogs to leave comments... and your opinion does matter. I believe in dissent. I believe in the Universe Next Door! I may not share your perspectives, your views, ideology, or theology - and that's okay. Maybe relativism is okay.... The idea of human rights and freedoms must be an integral part of any meaningful world order. It's all about permission, honor, respect, and personal boundaries... not assuming you have the right to "assert in yourself or opinions" into each other's personal space without asking permission. I live in a house "not like yours." I share a theological view which some would consider "Left" of center. I believe in an inerrant, infallible God just not an interpretation or view of the bible that makes infallible "oracles" of God in the pulpit. The radical reformation ended Papal rule and I haven't been informed that there will be a return to any seat of the anti-christ spirits that prevails in many churches today. Jesus is still the head of his church the last I checked - not us. Thank God!

You mean to tell me "Freedom of Speech" is still covered by those that served/sacrificed their lives for our country? Awesome!Thank God we still have the ability to choose freely, every day, every moment.