Pastoral Counselor, Public Health Advocate, Author & Social Media Producer
Sunday, December 11, 2011
I come to you with hands free of weapons!
This morning I am sitting in a Starbucks that was the pub where the "Treaty Of Paris was signed" and the constitution was written. I've just spent two days in a wonderful meeting that enlightened me that "God is Bigger" than my little imagination can get around. The scripture is still true "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways." Over the last few months I have been busting out of my comfort zone and connecting with church leaders across the nation. What a mess the church is in. I have concluded that "AS THE CHURCH IS so goes the nation." II Chron 7:14 is still very needed... however, Isaiah 58:12 is the task. Re paring the breach, raising up age old foundations, restoring paths to dwell in for future generations. The church is divided this way... God has told me thus and so. Another party will say God has led me this particular way. The first party responds and say well that's okay however, if you don't make my thus and so more important and central to your life.... you're not hearing God, you're not of God and I can't be in relationship with you. Sounds like the republicans and democrats in DC. It sounds like our work places and board rooms. Everyone has their own agenda and use the "God told me" to solidify and codify their positions. They have subterranean language and treat everyone as "Frienimies."
Recently, I received a letter venting their hurts and offenses on me. In other words, they had issues with me. I've done the same thing in the past and probably reaping what I've sown in others. Let me explain. I once wrote my Dad a letter I regretted sending to him later. The letter vented all my unforgiveness, offenses, and disappointments I had about my relationship with him... and of course it was all his fault. Certainly, I did nothing to contribute to the breakdown of our relationship with each other. After receiving the letter, he called me and said, "Mike, I got your letter." I responded, "Dad, I should have never sent that letter." It was one of those letters that needed to be written to get it out of my system but should have never been sent. He said, "Mike, I understand let's just forget it, put this behind us and I'll Throw it away. Okay? " "Yes, Dad I'm sorry." Nine months later, after months of trying to get him on the phone, he finally picked up. "Dad, Where have you been?" "I didn't throw that letter away!" He nursed his hurt for nine months. "Love is patient, Love doesn't keep track of wrongs!" I caused him hurt... and lost nine months of time I wish I could have had. I should have never sent that letter but I failed to learn my lesson.
I recently wrote a friend I was have difficulty with. I vented all my frustrations out on him. He got offended. He sent my letter via e-mail to many people around the country. I pleaded with him to forgive me for sending that "Vent filled letter." Like the letter that offended my dad that should never have been sent... I did it again but now to a dear friend. Proverbs 18:19 says "An offended brother is more unyielding than a fortified city, and disputes are like the barred gates of a citadel." When will I learn? Our own Petty nature with a bit of temptation to reach into our arsenal of weapons to strike out at those who offend us is habitual and second nature to us. Offenses are the bait. We're filled with self-importance aren't we? "Don't take the Bait!" "The farmer sows the "SEED." Some people are like seeds that were planted along the road. Whenever they hear the word, SATAN COMES AT ONCE and takes away the word that was planted in them. Mark 4:14-15 How does SATAN come???? a more opportune time! God quietly speaks to us to deal with our old nature and not strike out at others. It takes discipline. It takes love. It takes courage to rise above our fray and build healthy relationship with the need to vent our selfishness - "You hurt me" attitudes. Michael Youseff recently wrote in his journal:
When we are serving and sharing Christ, the Enemy will be carefully planning his next and most effective attack on our lives. He does not sit idly, hoping that we will fall into temptation by chance. He calculates the conditions of the battle. He carefully works out the timing of his ambush. To help us prepare our hearts, the Bible outlines for us five of Satan's opportune times for attack.
Opportune Time #1 - Immediately after a great victory.
This is a time we feel least dependent on God. When we feel least in need of Him, we risk losing sight of how His blessing gave us the victory.
Opportune Time #2 - Immediately before a great victory.
Right before we experience some of the greatest blessings of our lives, Satan works overtime to derail our trains of blessing immediately before they get to the station.
Opportune Time #3 - When we are emotionally, mentally, and physically drained.
Lack of sleep, long hours at work, and mental stress can make us too tired to stand against temptation.
Opportune Time #4 - When we are waiting for the Lord.
Waiting is hard for everyone. Waiting on the Lord's mysterious but perfect timing can be the hardest, since His ways are higher than ours. Satan knows this and will tempt us to take the shortcut, causing us to lose out on God's answers to our prayers.
Opportune Time #5 - When we are in the house of God.
When we are in the house of God, our hearts are open to the Word of God and to His teaching. But when our hearts are open to God, they are also vulnerable to other influences, even attack.
We must guard our hearts, with vigilance, against temptation during Satan's opportune times. Satan's strategy is not new - from the beginning of time until now, he has tempted man at the same times, in the same ways. However, God has promised that He will provide a way out so we can stand up to temptation (see 1 Corinthians 10:13). Be aware of Satan's opportune times and look for the way out.
God help me to learn how to "come to others with hands free with weapons" - especially when they think I hurt them or offended them in some way! My dear old friend John Sandford said, "Where there is fruit, there is a root." Holding onto Offenses, hurts, and unforgiveness doesn't do a thing but cripple us. I Corinthians 13 says "Love doesn't keep track of wrongs."
I'm learning and practicing, when offenses do come, to "not reach in my arsenal of weapons, come back lines, defenses, and fire my guns." Instead, "Trying what Love will do" Be patient, kind, tender hearted, not being irritable, etc..." So, is it possible after reading my discourse on my venting letter with my father and my friend that I had an obvious root in my life that needed some repentance. I think God is calling my to repent and no longer practice venting through letter writing and then sending it.
Dad is in heaven, my friend is in the mid-west, and today I have reaped a letter in kind. Hmmm... Heb 13:15
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