I love my friends. I have so many of them it's hard to keep track and in touch with all of them. And, its a difficult thing when you lose them to death. Dr. Peter Marshall, author of "Light and The Glory," was a good friend who passed away this past week. Peter died on a tread mill. He was always concerned about his heart because heart disease ran in his family. He often told me his father died from heart problems. Peter was a very interesting man. One of the great stories he told me about was about how he received the Baptism In The Holy Spirit. His mother, Catherine Marshall, yes the famous writer, was a regular attender of the upper Octorara Presbyterian Church meetings affectly known as "Parksburg." in the 1970s. She had recieved the Baptism Of the Holy Spirit there under Jim Brown. She called Peter and told him he needed to come to the Saturday night prayer meetings. So to get his mother off his back he drove over to Parksburg in his little sports car, and came to the meetings. There he witnessed people singing, lifting hands, worshiping, and speaking in tongues. He thought they were all crazy including his mother and bolted out of the place. He returned to Princeton University where he was studying only to find himself overcome by the spirit and he began to speak in tongues. next thing you know he starts to share his new encounter of the spirit with others and founded the first Charismatic prayer meetings on Princeton's campus. Peter loved the Holy Spirit as well as writing. His most recent studies were focused on Revival during the civil war.
I hope his book is finished and published. I loved Peter and will miss him very much. Make sure you value your friends before they're gone... because time does go fast and you never know when you're going to lose them.
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