Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Moving On From The Past

Quietly forgiving and moving on is a gift to yourself.
Recently, I was praying and felt that Isaiah 43:18 was to become a direction for me in order to move forward with my life.  "Do not remember the former things, neither consider the things of old..."  So many good moments, and difficult ones too, can often keep us trapped in the past. That one great success, or that one failed relationship, or that special moment can keep us from more great experiences in life.  Over the past year, with my mom's death, I have had a lot of challenging thoughts.  I am deeply aware of how much I don't like or handle unresolved failed relationships in my friends lives, my extended family relationships, or even in my own life.  The only way I can choose to get past all this is just "let it all go" regardless of the memories these relationships have brought to my life.  It's time to start afresh and use the back half of my life to accomplish all that God has given me to finish... now if only I could only understand all that. All I know is that "Relational Holiness" is a calling God has on all of us today.

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