Over the last few years, I have been writing a few articles about the fact that the United States Of America is a democratic republic. It is a unique form of government that was developed by Algernon Sidney, a member of the British parliament during the 17th century, and given to us by William Penn in the founding of Pennsylvania. Originally, this form of government was developed to replace the British government and monarchy during the period just after the beheading of Charles I. Algernon Sidney was a republican political theorist, whose writings were considered radical. He became an American hero and inspiration for the American Revolution in 1776. He was executed in 1683 for treason against King Charles II. His political writing was used as "evidence" against him but became the foundation of our form of government known today as the Democratic Republic.
As I have stated in past blogs, in early November 2016, just before the election of President Trump, God spoke to me that Hillary Clinton would not become the president of the US, since she would have handed over our national sovereignty to the globalist. The Lord then spoke to me something I was completely unaware of, during the time, that He was placing Donald Trump into the presidency of the United States to protect our democratic republic. I didn't even understand these words until I began reading the "Discourses Of Government" written by Algernon Sidney. That night, the Lord explained to me that He had given us this form of government to protect his church and advance his kingdom through the nations because His work was almost extinguished because of the civil wars of Europe. I had no knowledge of this history either even though I am a lover of history. However, I have shared and pointed out that our democratic republic was under threat because our form of government and constitution is a disruptor to other forms of government for those craving power. This is why there is a threat to the government at this time. Powerful globalists understand that to "create a new world order" (Like George Bush Sr. called it) they would have to get rid of Algernon Sidney's democratic-republic notions and replace our form of government. But, God has other plans which is why it is interesting to watch it all being exposed. Last year, President Trump acknowledged that, despite all his accomplishments in just one term, that the greatest work he had before him was to defend the democratic republic from being stolen and dismantled. In my own perspective, this is why I think we could witness the overthrow of our form of government. Some suggest that we should move to a more European parliamentary form of government. Because of the lack of teaching of American history in our educational system, most Americans are not aware that this was the form of government that the founders of our nation rejected and designed our form of government based on Algernon Sidney's "Discourses On Government" and John Lockes' "Two Treaties Of Government."
A number of months ago, just before the 2020 election, God gave me a picture of Donald Trump in a vision and explained to me that He was doing this work just as God had shown me in November 2016. Then I had a new vision of Senator Ted Cruz flash before me and the Lord said, Ted Cruz, will be used by The Lord to restore the constitution to its rightful place. This vision came was just a few days before the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, At that moment I wasn't sure if the Lord was going to raise up Mr. Cruz to the Supreme court or place him in the presidency. I also inquired of the Lord, "How could Ted Cruz become president if Vice President Mike Pence would run as president after President Trump's term was up?" So, I thought well maybe Mr. Cruz was going to the Supreme Court. However, here we are now faced with the fact that President Trump did not continue in office. Again let me be clear, this discussion is not about who becomes president - this is about God preserving the Democratic-Republic for the sake of His church and kingdom work. Advocates for moving toward a democracy need to read why our founding fathers voted against that form of government. Right now, however, as the results of the 2020 election move goes I am thoroughly convinced, President Trump, whether in office or out of office, will continue this great assignment that God has given him - which is to protect the democratic republic. God has given The Body Of Christ a reprieve from the globalist agenda for the last four years and exhorted us to repent for our national sin and called us to pray for an awakening. As election fraud is exposed across the nation, we are going to witness whether our leaders and institutions are going to remain committed and will follow the US constitution or not.
Recently, I asked The Lord, why he put Joe Biden in office? He responded immediately to me explaining that He put him in the office to avert another civil war. He did this so that The Body Of Christ would be given another opportunity to do the work of Isaiah 58:12 "Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings." What we are facing is not about politics. Ephesians 6:12 "For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." This is a spiritual war and it's important to remember what attitude we should have as believers. II Cor. 10:3-5 "For though we live in the flesh, we do not wage war according to the flesh. The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world. Instead, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We tear down arguments and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God..." We are called to the work of restoration, the ministry of reconciliation, and the healing of our national wounds. We are called to praying, evangelism, and disciplining our nation to the Lord. From a prophetic perspective the next phase of God's plan and purpose - to refamiliarize us with the history behind our democratic republic and national constitution. This nation was formed to protect God's kingdom work that was almost destroyed by the religious civil wars of Europe. God moved his people to the shores of America and gave us a form of government that protected His work. The first amendment was given to protect the freedom of worship.
Notice, Freedom to worship was not the fourth or fifth amendment - it was written for God's priority to continue his kingdom work throughout the nations. The United States Of American has given more to world missions supplied more missionaries and given their lives to preserve freedom throughout the world. Despite our national sins, Romans 3:23 is still true, "For All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." All nations have sinned and are guilty of far more atrocities than our nation has ever done. Fascism killed 6 million Jews - America liberated the camps. Communism murdered millions who opposed them and the United States has fought and championed freedom for those nations that were under the hand of those oppressive governments. Godly Americans, became abolitionists, fought for women's rights, championed human dignity, and gave us a nation that requires us to work together to finish God's assignment and task for our nation. We are living in an unfinished national vision - where we the people will mean all the people - with equal justice and equal application of the law. The current attempted overthrow of our nation will not be successful as long as the Body Of Christ steps up and does what it has been called to do - discipling our nation to Jesus. Let's continue to believe what God's word proclaims in Rev. 11:15 "“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign forever and ever.” The globalist, oligarchy class, and communist may have a plan but God has a greater plan - and His plan will prevail.
Edward Hicks painting of "The Peaceable Kingdom"