One of my favorite passages in the scripture is in Daniel 9: 24 which says, "Seventy sets of time periods have been decreed for your people and your holy city. These time periods will serve to bring an end to finish transgression, to make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to usher in everlasting righteousness, to put a seal on a prophet's vision, and to anoint the Most Holy One." What a powerful assignment. Daniel the prophet had been praying and asking how long the people of God would be held in captivity. God sent an angel to deliver this powerful vision. But, how would this vision be fulfilled? How long would it take? How would this task be accomplished?
At first glance, we see that 70 weeks were determined as the length of time for the task to be accomplished. Here it is obvious Daniel had been thinking in terms of years- specifically the 70 years of captivity. Daniel had assumed that the captivity would end after 70 years and that the kingdom of Judah would be re-established after the 70 years. But here Gabriel was using a play upon words in the Hebrew language, pointing out that insofar as the coming Messiah's kingdom was not concerned, it was not "70 years," but "70 sevens of years," a total of 490 years (70 times seven). This period of 490 years had been "decreed" over the Jewish people and over the Holy City (Jerusalem). The Hebrew word translated "decreed" literally means "to Cut Off" or "to Determine." From a project management perspective this task had a timeline, an assigned task, and a defined "finish." In another words, Daniel was shown what finished looked like. God said, The project was -
- To Finish Transgression
- To Make An End Of Sins
- To Make Reconciliation For Iniquity
- To Usher In Everlasting Righteousness
- To completely fulfill the vision and prophecy
- To anoint the most Holy

Wow! How do you do this? This probably was the most difficult assignment that had ever been assigned by God to anyone. As you continue to learn and read the scriptures we learn that the job was completed through the work accomplished on the cross by Jesus. In John 19:30, Jesus last words from the cross just as he died was "It Is Finished!" What was finished? The prophecy given to Daniel. As we read Isa. 53:5, we see how Jesus was wounded for our Transgression (willful disobedience by being completely obedient See Phil. 2:5-11); He made an end of sins (sin meaning: missing the mark. See Heb 10:12); He made reconciliation for iniquity (The sins of our fathers. See II Cor. 5:19); He ushered in everlasting righteousness (See Romans 5:17); and he completely fulfilled the vision and prophecy (He met every requirement of the Messianic prophecies); and went into the heavenly temple and anointed the most holy place (See Hebrews 9). these passages of scripture are completely awesome and show us that we can finish any task that God gives because this same Jesus lives in us. What a thought - we can all finish the tasks God assigns us. However.... A new thought came across my mind in thinking and reviewing these passages.
After Jesus completed his work on the Cross, he took on new tasks after completely finishing all the obligations of the old covenant. That new task is called The New Covenant which has better promises (See Hebrews 9-10) What this insight provides to us is - we can all finish a task and move onto to other things. We don't have to keep on doing it over or over, tweaking and tweaking, or adding to the assignment. Your work, your project can be completed. Assignment done. Time to move on. Someone once asked me a very important question, "What does Finished Look Like?" Daniel 9:24 told us what finished looked like. Once that last piece of anointing the most holy was done - the project ended. I'm glad projects end. To finish your degree - you have to meet all the requirement of the courses of study. When you finish you get the degree. When you write a book - it requires a last chapter, goes through editing, and then to print - because it is finished. When you film a documentary, or story, once you edit the pieces of the project together - you don't have to rewrite, re-film, or re-tweak.The film is done. Time to have a showing. The Apostle Paul made it clear when he had completed his ministry task when he said, II Timothy 4:7 " I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith!" Then he said, (II Tim 4:13) "When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, and my scrolls, especially the parchments." What does a man do when he's completed his work? He gets his coat, collects his things and moves on to the next phase of his life. So finish up that project of yours and move on.