Over the last few years, there has been a lot of
hullabaloo over a book entitled, "The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery That
Holds America's Future" by Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn. Let me
state, right out the gate I do not share Rabbi Cahn's eschatological views. His
futuristic views are based on a book that was written by a Spanish Jesuit
priest named Manuel de Lacunza in 1790.
The book entitled, "The Coming of Messiah in Glory and
Majesty" was published in English in 1827 by Edward Irving. It was embraced
by J. N Darby and popularized by Cyrus Scofield when he added these views into
his notes into his Scofield Reference Bible – published in 1909. These views were denounced by every
evangelical scholar of their day.
The major problem with this view is that it does not account for the
Jewish people's return to the land, the rebuilding of the temple, and their
independence as a nation between 332-141 BCE. This history is unknown to
many evangelical and charismatic communities today because Martin Luther removed
the history recorded in l & ll Maccabees. These two books outline the
period of Jewish independence under the Hasmonean Dynasty, which I am sure that
Rabbi Cahn is familiar with. Even Jesus himself celebrated this history in his
time, (see John 10:22-23) which is known
as “The Festival Of Lights” or Hanukkah. Every Jewish person in the world
observes this celebration.
Hanukkah is a festival that commemorates the period, after the death of
Alexander the Great, when Mattathias of the Hasmonean family overthrew
Antiochus IV the Seleucid (Syrian) king and won Israel’s independence. This revolt led to the restoration and
cleansing of the Rebuilt Temple (which Jesus referred to as “His Father’s
House”), the Jews returning to the land, and the national borders of Israel
being extend to its original boundaries as it was during the time of King
David. This history fulfilled all the ancient prophecies of Israel's return to
the land. Israel remained an
independent state for eighty years until being overthrown again by the Romans
in 63 BCE. The unfortunate thing
is that Rabbi Cahn’s futuristic Lacunzain ideas have left out this history and
has resulted in “Zionism” being taught to the Body Of Christ. Many misinformed, misleading teachers
in the Body Of Christ no little of this history and focus their time on
teaching the false views of Manuel de Lacunza. As a result, all their end time
views present a negative, pessimistic view of the future. Matthew 25: 31-46 speaks of a time in
the future when every nation will be judged. However, the question that
Jonathan Cahn presents to us is – Can the ancient prophecies against the
northern kingdom of Israel (During 735-722) be applied to America today? Having said that, I do agree with
Rabbi Cahn that America is under judgment. However, I find Rabbi Cahn hermeneutics, semiotics, theology and interpretation of American History completely
inaccurate. America is not under
judgment because of having broken a national covenant with God like Israel
had. During what period of American history did our national leaders make a covenant with God like
ancient Israel? Pat Robertson, Michelle Bachman, nor Rabbi Cahn can prove this as a historical fact. The only reason our nation is under judgment is because of our refusal to repent and make amends for our national sin.
Let me state clearly, that I think Rabbi Jonathan Cahn
is a sincere, gracious, and godly man and that my evaluation is not of his
character or integrity. He also is a great speaker. However, his
presentation in “The Harbinger” of the nine signs of judgment found in Ancient
Israel’s history become suspect unless he can demonstrate where else in Gentile
history those same judgments came on other nations because of their national
sin. If we are going to apply the
same national judgments of Israel onto other nations we need to establish that
those nations had not only a national covenant but also a direct promises from
God, and who outlined the terms of such covenants to those nations. America has no such covenant because we
were not one consolidated nation until after the civil war. Before our present constitution was
established the 13 original colonies were 13 independent nations. This is a
historical fact that is well documents under the Articles Of Confederation."
Now I would like to turn our attention to a summary of “The Harbinger” and Rabbi Cahn’s nine signs
of judgment based on his interpretation of Isaiah 9:1-11. We will look at
his what he presents and I will demonstrate why his application of the Northern
Kingdom of Israel’s judgment is a misapplication to the events surrounding 911.
Theologian David James, who has both debated
Cahn and written a significant book about The Harbinger, argues that Cahn “believes he has discovered nine
signs, or omens (“harbingers”), and an ancient mystery in the Isaiah passage
that ‘explains everything from 9/11 to the collapse of the global
economy.’ The nine Harbingers include:
The Breach, The Terrorist, Fallen Bricks, The Tower, The Gazit Stone, The
Sycamore, The Cedar Trees, The Utterance, and The Prophecy.
Before we begin examining these nine aspects of Cahn's presentation I think we need to understand the historical context of Isaiah 9. During the time that the prophet Isaiah penned these words, it was a time of great political turmoil for the nation of Judah. Assyria was expanding its empire, attacking the Northern Kingdom Of Israel and Syria. When Judah refused to join a coalition with Israel and Syria to resist The Assyrian empire, Judah was attacked by Israel and Syria in retaliation. As Judah seriously considered inviting Assyria to help, Isaiah sought to encourage the king and the people to trust the Lord. King Ahaz of Judah rejected Isaiah's advice and asked Assyria to come to his aid. It soon became apparent that Judah was next on Assyria's hit list. So Judah, instead of turning to the Lord for guidance and listening to the prophet Isaiah, looked to Egypt and the Babylon for help which eventually led to the Babylonia exile. This is the context of Isaiah 9:10. Now let examine Rabbi Cahn's scripture text Isaiah 9:1-11 and how he applies it to America.
First Harbinger: The Breach
Rabbi Cahn begins with his notion of a national covenant being established by Rev. Robert Hunt and cross planted by the first English colonists on the shores of Cape Henry, Virginia on April 29, 1607. In his book, he argues that The United States has created a breach by forsaking this covenant just like the Northern Kingdom Of Israel broke its covenant with God. As a result, the 400 years of protection around America was lifted on 911 in a similar way that the hedge of protection around ancient Israel was lifted. He cites that when the United States banned prayer from schools (1963), abortion was legalized (1973), the collapse of the global economy (2008), and now He uses the recent Supreme Court decisions (2015) on Obamacare and Gay Marriage as a continued proof of this broken covenant.
Isaiah 9
begins with the messianic promise of Jesus. In the midst of the Assyrian threat
to the northern kingdom, God speaks through Isaiah to say that despite all the
infighting between Israel and Judah - God will establish David's kingdom.
It’s a passage of hope. However, Isaiah continues his prophecy by
addressing the southern kingdom. He tells them the northern kingdom will fall
because of its arrogance and conceited hearts but then explains that The
Kingdom Of Judah will fall because of their own national sins. This
passage presents that both kingdoms would be judged for their (differing) national
sins and then turns to judging the nation of Assyria (Isaiah 10:5) for its sin. An important thing to see here is that only Israel and Judah have a covenant that is broken. Assyria had no covenat at all with Yahweh. All this passage of scripture presents is that nations will be judged
according to their national sins. However, It does not leave these nations without
hope. Isaiah is a book that promises "restoration”. No where do we
hear Rabbi Cahn offer the prophetic hope that "God will restore" the nations in
his usage of this passage of scripture. In Isaiah 11:1-16 it promises that The
Lord's kingdom (not Judah or Israel) will be ruled by a shoot from Jesse's
stump. We know this is another messanic promise pointing to Jesus. My question is: How do these Old Testament promises apply to a nation in light of
Jesus' finished work on the Cross?
American History Explored: Rabbi Cahn
holds to the view that The English colonization Of America began with the
planting of the cross at Cape Henry, Virginia and a covenant and dedication of
the land to God. Unfortunately, this history is complete fiction.
Rabbi Cahn has relied on "faulty research" that was presented to
Pat Robertson. The Virginia Company was a commercial business venture
that was granted a charter based on "The Doctrine Of Discovery."
(Search "doctrine of discovery" with professor Robert Miller on
youtube) It had absolutely nothing to do with a covenant with God. The
Doctrine of Discovery was the foundation of our country's settling. It
involved The Dutch, The Swedes, The French, The Spanish, and The English. The
English planted their flag to let the other Euro-centric nations know this was
their claimed territory. Their whole purposes in coming were to dispossess the
land and bring the Native American population into slavery. As the Natives
resisted the English elected to bring in African slaves dispossessed from West
Our author states that for Israel, the Assyrians were like the modern day terrorists. For America, the terrorist of 911 were like the 8th century BCE Assyrian terrorist. (I didn't know the ancient Assyrians knew how to fly airplanes. Lol)
The Assyrians were a Semitic people, children of the Middle East. Any Student of history knows that the Ancient Assyrian Empire extended through modern day Iraq, Turkey, and down through Egypt. When threatened by The Northern Kingdom, Judah appealed to Egypt as well as Babylon to help them.
American History Explored
The Terrorist on 911 were from Saudi Arabia. Even though former President George Bush and his team had us all believe that Iraq (Ancient Babylon) was involved the United States, none of the hijackers were from there of the ancient Assyrian empire. In fact, here is the list of muslim nations involved:
Hijackers by Airplane:
American Airlines Flight 11
Mohamed Atta - Egypt, tactical leader of 9/11 plot and pilot
Abdul Aziz al Omari - Saudi Arabia
Wail al Shehri - Saudi Arabia
Waleed al Shehri - Saudi Arabia
Satam al Suqami - Saudi Arabia
United Airlines Flight 175
Fayez Banihammad - United Arab Emirates
Ahmed al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Hamza al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Marwan al Shehhi - United Arab Emirates, pilot
Mohand al Shehri - Saudi Arabia
American Airlines Flight 77
Hani Hanjour - Saudi Arabia, pilot
Nawaf al Hazmi - Saudi Arabia
Salem al Hazmi - Saudi Arabia
Khalid al Mihdhar - Saudi Arabia
Majed Moqed - Saudi Arabia
United Airlines Flight 93
Saeed al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Ahmad al Haznawi - Saudi Arabia
Ziad Jarrah - Lebanon, pilot
Ahmed al Nami - Saudi Arabia
Hijackers by Nationality:
Mohamed Atta
Ziad Jarrah
Saudi Arabia
Ahmed al Ghamdi
Hamza al Ghamdi
Saeed al Ghamdi
Hani Hanjour
Nawaf al Hazmi
Salem al Hazmi
Ahmad al Haznawi
Ahmed al Nami
Khalid al Mihdhar
Majed Moqed
Abdul Aziz al Omari
Mohand al Shehri
Wail al Shehri
Waleed al Shehri
Satam al Suqami
United Arab Emirates
Fayez Banihammad
Marwan al Shehhi
You might wonder why I invoke the use of the
term "muslim" nations. Most Americans have no idea why we were attacked on 911.
First, let me be very clear that all of our national movements since 911
have been based on "The Doctrine Of Discovery" which has been
embedded into the US legal system since 1823. This Doctrine had its foundations
in the crusades to the Holy Land in 1096-1271 CE. against the Islamic control
of The Holy Land. European
countries and the Christian church began developing law to justify their
alleged rights to dominate and colonize non-Christian nations – particularly
Islamic nations during the crusades. One wouldn’t think of this archaic papal
bulls when witnessing democratic states like Brazil or the United States
building dams on Amazon rivers or drilling for oil in the Arctic Ocean. Yet
today's political ethics are surprisingly based on the doctrine of discovery
set by the Vatican back in 1452. Fifteenth-century papal bulls have declared
war against all non-Christian peoples and encouraged the conquest and
exploitation of enemy territories throughout the world. European explorers like
Columbus took possession of newly "discovered" non-Christian lands
with the express authorisation of the European Churches.
This internationally recognised doctrine allowed claims to be made on
"empty" invaded lands outlasted long gone European
monarchies and has become enshrined in secular nation-states. In the US, for
instance, Chief Justice John Marshall used the right of discovery in 1823 to
invalidate Native American claims over their land and to assert the authority of the US
government over land titles which led to the "Introduction of the African Slave trade" and "Trail Of Tears." But what most people havent heard was that the US invasion of Iraq was legally based on the Doctrine Of Discovery.
This is why the the Islamic world has viewed our involvement in the middle east as a Holy Jihad. The Islamic world has declared a Holy Jihad against our nation because of claims to their lands, assets and promise of American democracy. What does this have to do with the ancient Assyrian Empire expansion into Israel and Judah? Rabbi Cahn has led many to believe it's a covenant issue. No! It's a matter of American expanisionism on other nations. We are more like the Assyrians rather than the ancient kingdom of Israel. Maybe Isaiah 10 would be a better chapter to apply to our nation. In light of the Saudi Arabian money funding the 911 terriorist, it could be suggested that the Sunni nation was attempting to coerce the United States into invading Iraq, to keep the shites (Iran) from dominating the middle east. But, Rabbi Cahn's only concern would be our nations relationship to Israel and the application of Israel's ancient history to the new promised land - America!
The Third Harbinger: The Fallen Bricks
According to Rabbi Cahn the most visible sign to ancient Israel were that of the fallen the fallen bricks. He explains that the Fallen Bricks of Isaiah 9:10 were like the bricks of the fallen twin towers of the World Trade Center (The Destruction Of The Temple and Walls Of Jerusalem took place in 586 BCE by the Ancient Babylonians) According to Rabbi Cahn "In 911 the most visible site of the attack was also the fallen brick of the fallen buildings." The Twins Towers were made of STEEL, CONCRETE and GLASS. No Bricks! Another thing that needs to be pointed out in the midst of the twin towers - God gave another sign to speak to our nation that Rabbi Cahn missed. The Cross!
Isaiah 9:8-10:4 is a prophecy to the ten tribes of Israel. A careful study of the southern claim against the north began in the divided kingdom between Rehoboam vs. Jeroboam in I Kings 12. When Isaiah 9 begins God is addressing the whole issue of empire building. The two nations of Israel and Judah were embattled over which kingdom was right. This same argument is present to Jesus with the Samaritan woman in John 4 with a promise. The day is coming when you shall not worship in Jerusalem or Samaria but worship the Lord in spirit and truth. The conflict between these two nations had to do with centralization of power and decentralization of power. A tension that has always been in our country since our civil war - Federalism vs. state rights. Ultimately, this passage points to the words of Jesus in John 4. What I don't understand is how can so many Christians be so gullible to rely on Rabbi Cahn's assertions that this conflict applies to our nation. Israel and Judah were being judged for their national sins as independant nations. Judah's overconfidence in believing that as long as they had the tempple and city - God was on their side - would keep them from believing that nothing would happen to them. But their appeal to Babylon resulted in the destruction of Jerusalem. The World trade center was not a TEMPLE... NO WALLS SURROUNDING THE CITY either. NO Babylonians (Iraq) were involved. How can you take an ancient prophecy of judgement like this and apply it to a nation where there never was a national covenant established.
American History Explored:
Isaiah 9:8-10:4 is a prophecy to the ten tribes of Israel. A careful study of the southern claim against the north began in the divided kingdom between Rehoboam vs. Jeroboam in I Kings 12. When Isaiah 9 begins God is addressing the whole issue of empire building. The two nations of Israel and Judah were embattled over which kingdom was right. This same argument is present to Jesus with the Samaritan woman in John 4 with a promise. The day is coming when you shall not worship in Jerusalem or Samaria but worship the Lord in spirit and truth. The conflict between these two nations had to do with centralization of power and decentralization of power. A tension that has always been in our country since our civil war - Federalism vs. state rights. Ultimately, this passage points to the words of Jesus in John 4. What I don't understand is how can so many Christians be so gullible to rely on Rabbi Cahn's assertions that this conflict applies to our nation. Israel and Judah were being judged for their national sins as independant nations. Judah's overconfidence in believing that as long as they had the tempple and city - God was on their side - would keep them from believing that nothing would happen to them. But their appeal to Babylon resulted in the destruction of Jerusalem. The World trade center was not a TEMPLE... NO WALLS SURROUNDING THE CITY either. NO Babylonians (Iraq) were involved. How can you take an ancient prophecy of judgement like this and apply it to a nation where there never was a national covenant established.
American History Explored:
Why would God trust our founding father's who came here intent on dispossing the land and bringing the inhabitants into perpetual slavery. How could God trust these colonial powers to keep their word. Our founding fathers made some 330+ covenants with the Native Americans and not one was ever kept but Rabbi Cahn doesn't point this out. When the founders of Jamestown found that they could not subjugate the first nations people along the Chesapeake Bay, Governor Berkley of Virginia said, "bring in the African." This was the beginning of our national sin - slavery.
Rabbi Cahn believes that America's secularism has resulted in America's broken covenants with God. I think God is concerned how we've always been a nation of covenant breakers. He is a coveant making, covenant keeping God. We haven't keep one covenant we've made with the Native American tribes. Even our story of Thanksgiving history is a story of Native American slavery. According to Dr. C. Peter Wagner, our national sin is "Slavery." (See https://renewaljournal. wordpress.com 2011/07/18/the-power-to-heal-the-past-by-c-peter-wagner/ ) This country was founded on the "Doctrine Of Discovery" which is still used to deny the equal treatment of Native American under the laws of the United States.
These next six aspects of Rabbi Cahn's interpretation of events we will discuss after reviewing each of his viewpoints:
The Fourth Harbinger: The Tower
In Rabbi Cahn's book, "The harbinger" uses Israel's history to demonstrate that after the Assyrian attack, the kingdom of Israel did not repent from its sins but vowed to rebuild its buildings with its own power. He continues to build his case that United States has not repented from its sins even after the warning of the fallen towers. Rabbi Cahn continues his arguement that, like ancient Israel, The United States (People? Government? Leaders? have continued on a path of defiance and
vowed to rebuild on Ground Zero. The problem here is that he does not bring his readers in a complete understanding of the prophet Isaiah.
The Rabbi is right that Isaiah was speaking to Israel being on a path of defiance. Isaiah 9:11 says "Who say in pride and arrogance of heart: The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with hewn stones; the sycamores are cut down, but we will replace them with cedars. In their pride, the leaders and the people of the Northern Kingdom of Israel said, Who cares if God judges us? Whatever is torn down, we will rebuild with something better. We have nothing to fear from what God can bring against us." What a brief but deeply psychological picture this is of an unfaithful generation that keeps dreaming of better times to come and lightheartedly ignores the severe judgments of God. But the only correlation betwen ancient Israel and our nation is to ignore WHY God's judgment is upon our land. John Calvin once said more than 300 years ago: How many are the distresses with which Europe has been afflicted for thirty or forty years? How many are the chastisements by which she has been called to repentance? And yet it does not appear that those numerous chastisements have done any good. On the contrary, luxury increases every day, lawless passions are inflamed, and men go on in crimes and profligacy more shamelessly than ever. In short, those very calamities appear to have been so many excitements to luxury and splendour. What then should we expect but to be bruised with heavier blows?
American History Explored:

The World Trade Center to disrupt America's financial institutions. No where in Rabbi Cahn's book does he show how The World Trade Center is linked to America's REAL sin - Slavery and Racism. W
hat most Americans are not aware of is that The World Trade Center was built on the graveyard of slaves. If there is a prophetic sign in this fact here is what I believe Rabbi Cahn is missing.
According to Martin Frazer's research, which was published in an article entitled, "Slavery In New York: Uncovering The Brutal Truth" (See http://peoplesworld.org/slavery-in-new-york-uncovering-the-brutal-truth ) Wall St. and much of this city's renowned financial district was built on the burial ground of African Slaves. Frazer points out: "New York's prosperity stems in large part from the grotesque profits of the African slave trade and African enslavement." If God is saying anything to our nation it is that we have to address our past national sins and the present "racism" evidenced by all the recent police profiling and shooting, recent events in Baltimore, The massacher at Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC., and the recent churches burned to the ground in the south since. God has lifted his hand off our nation because we refuse to address our sin of racism... not because we have a naitonal covenant. I'd like the Religious-right to provide us with any "documentation" that founding father's made a national covenant with God. Michelle Bachman, Rabbi Cahn, and others have been saying we need our nation to go back. Go back to what "Slavery"? The Trail Of Tears? The religious right always yells about the devestating effect that abotion has made on our history - but never discuss that the abortion industry began with Margret Sanger introducing it to extremenate the black race in America. You will never hear them discuss the African American Slavery Holocuast or the atrocities committed against the Native American populations. Rabbi Cahn is quick to point out our nation was a Christian nation? Well Rabbi, it is the church that colonized our nation under the "Doctrine Of Discovery" and instituted slavery right from the beginning of our nation - including Philadlephia's beloved William Penn who came with 18 slaves in the founding of Pennsylvania. Just before the election of Abraham Lincoln...
- The 15th President Of The United States Franklyn Pierce said,
"Slavery: “I believe that involuntary servitude, as it exists in different states of this confederacy, is recognized by the Constitution.”
Relationship with Native Americans: “The settlers on the frontier have suffered much from the incursions of predatory bands, and large parties of emigrants to our Pacific possessions have been massacred with impunity. The recurrence of such scenes can only be prevented by teaching these wild tribes the power of and their responsibility to the United States.” (December 1854)
Even with the writings of the late Peter Marshall and David Manuel in their Christian Utopian version of New England, "In the Light and The Glory" They wrongly present the puritans of New England "City On A Hill" vision. They believed that New England began with a motivaiton to evangelization the First Nations. Others would argue the same for Jamestown. But why? One only has to explore the rights granted under the English Charters to learn the truth. The real proof that evangelism was not the real motivation for the colonialization of American is found in author Jill Lepore's work. In her highly acclaimed book, "In The name of War," demonstrates that those same "good Christian" intentions brought about the death of thousands of "savages" in King Phillips War. Then there is the fact that before a black was made to sit in the back of a bus - the church made slaves sit in the balcony or back of the church. The church in America cannot call for a national repentance until it deals with it's own sin and instutionalized racism. America will experience judgement like the members of the boat crew on Jonah's journey to Ninevah, Assyria until the American Church repents for it's involvement in the "Doctrine Of Discovery." I find it odd that Rabbi Cahn would use the ancient prophetic texts refering to the Assyrians as the basis for his indiment against America. It's always easier to point out someone else's sin in order to aviod our own. I wonder if Rabbi Cahn understand the history behind the German Church's role in the holocaust. Has the German Church ever repented for that artrocity?
According to Rabbi Cahn This particular stone was carved out quarried stone from mountain rock and bring it back by the Israelites to the ground of destruction where clay bricks once stood. Three years after 9/11, a 20-ton quarried rock meant to serve as the cornerstone of the new building was brought to Ground Zero. A ceremony took place over the rock in which New York Governor George Pataki pronounced: "Today, we, the heirs of that revolutionary spirit of defiance, lay this cornerstone and unmistakably signal to the world the unwavering strength of this nation, and our resolve to fight for freedom.” Eventually, the stone was removed from Ground Zero.
But what exactly was the stone removed from ground zero? It was the corner stone of the Twin Towers which was removed and replaced into the foundation of The Freedom Tower! It was rededicated to the memory of those who last their lives on 911. Can anyone please explain why on earth the Rabbi would alude to The Gazit Stone?
The Gazit stone was used as the cornerstone of The Jewish Second Temple in Jerusalem.
God promised the exiles of Jerusalem that they would return to the land, become and independant nation again, and rebuild the temple. This whole passage is outlined in the Book of Isaiah. It was the promise of Restoration. Hosea 4:6 says "My people are destroyed for their lack of knowledge. Too many Christians have not read the Bible and have depended on too many religious leaders to explain things they have never read.
American History Explored:
The Gazit Stone in New York was dedicated to remember the loss of life at The World Trade Center on 911. When a cornerstone is dedicated it usually has inscribed on it - "its purpose." the inscription on the stone that was removed from the Twin Tower site and then replaced into the foundaton of the freedom tower reads "A Tribute to the enduring spirit of freedom." Gov. George Pataki said in his fourth of July cornerstone speech that the 20-tom block came from the Adirondacks, "The bedrock of New York." How can his words be so miscontrued by the rabbi and turned into some kind of difiance toward God? In fact, the word, "adirondack" should be a clue to Rabbi Cahn and others that this is a "Mohawk" word. In fact, they were the first tribe in support of the American revolution. So if anything, if the Gazit stone, represents the bedrock of New York, or that we are heirs of that revolutionary spirit... then I don't understand how the Rabbi can apply the friendship and support of the Mohawks to George Washington's revolutionary was against England as an act of defiance toward God.
If this stone is a prophetic symbol representing judgement then we need to have a national repentance on how we murdered and dispossed the Native Americans of their people and land.
According To Cahn's interpretation of Isaiah 9:10, the nation of Israel declares that its sycamore trees have been destroyed by the Assyrians during the attack but they would replace them with cedar trees. After the collapse of the buildings during the 9/11 attacks, a shock wave was created that damaged most buildings around the area. Only one building was not harmed which was St. Paul's Chapel, which was protected by a sycamore tree that is believed to have captured the blast. Cahn points out that St. Paul's Chapel was also the place that the government of the United States prayed on the day of the first inauguration of George Washington on April 30, 1789. The sycamore is known today as the 9/11 Sycamore and a memorial was built for it. Again cahn's application Of The Sycamore Tree being replaced by a Cedar is misdirecting people to believe that we've offended God because of our sins of abortion, removing the ten commandments and prayer out of school, and I'm sure the recent Supreme Court decisions on Obamacare and gay marriage.
American History Explored:
In Deuteronomy 12:2, the Israelites are directed to "to destroy all the places, wherein the nations whom you shall dispossess served their gods, upon the high mountains and upon the hills and under every green tree; you shall tear down their altars, and dash in pieces their pillars, and burn their Asherim with fire." The green trees refered to in this passage were the Sycamore Trees. Israel was directed by God to remove the sycamore trees because they associated with the canaanite religion devotion to the goddess Asheriah. So, again Rabbi Cahn's faulty hermanutic points to the sycamore as a place of protection. It is a simple question to ask how the church remains standing but the Sycamore is removed and replaced as being a sign of Judgment.
American History Explored:
Historically, just google the history of
the ole Lynching trees of the south. The Sycamore Tree was known as the
old Lynching Tree in which America is guilt for killing African American
people. If anything, the prophetic perspective is that God is pointing
that he is removing the Sycamore (Lynching Tree) and demonstrates that the
CHURCH is our national hope for protection. It is also important to
recognize that "Isaiah 9:10" provides the replacement of "Cedar
Trees" which have served as a major part in our national history. Now here's the kicker...

The Seventh Harbinger: The Cedar Tree
Again according To Rabbi Cahn "In Isaiah 9:10, the nation of Israel vows to replace the damaged sycamores with cedars, which are stronger." Two years after the events of 9/11, on November 29, 2003, an actual tree was planted in the place of the original sycamore in front of St. Paul's Chapel. This tree was a 21-foot spruce tree and was called the Tree of Hope. The tree itself no longer exists, as it died and was dug up and destroyed and not replaced. Recently, Dutch sheets has been making some interesting points found in our American history.
In the scriptures Cedar trees were not used as an act of defiance. In fact, it was just the opposite. Rooted in in Ancient Israel's history, from the time of Moses, cedar tress were used to make the "ark of the covenant." Cedars were used for ritual cleansings (Number 19:6).
Cedar trees are everywhere mentioned with admiration in the Old Testament. Solomon made the cedar the first of trees (1 Kings 4:33). They are the "glory of Lebanon" (Isaiah 35:2; 60:13). The most boastful threat of Sennacherib was that he would cut down the tall cedars of Lebanon (Isaiah 37:24). They were strong, as is implied in-- - "The voice of Yahweh is powerful; .... The voice of Yahweh breaketh the cedars; Yea, Yahweh breaketh in pieces the cedars of Lebanon" (Psalms 29:4,5). The cedars are tall--"whose height was like the height of the cedars"--(Amos 2:9; 2 Kings 19:23); majestic (2 Kings 14:9), and excellent (Song of Solomon 5:15). They are in particular God's trees-- - "The trees of Yahweh are filled with moisture, The cedars of Lebanon, which he hath planted" (Psalms 104:16).
The wood of the cedar has always been highly prized--much more so than the sycamore (1 Kings 10:27; Isaiah 9:10). David had a house of cedar built for him by Hiram, king of Tyre (2 Samuel 5:11), and he prepared "cedar-trees without number" for the temple which his son was to build (1 Chronicles 22:4). Cedar timber was very much used in the construction of Solomon's temple and palace, the trees being cut in the Lebanon by Sidonians by orders of the king of Tyre--"Hiram gave Solomon timber of cedar and timber of fir according to all his desire" (1 Kings 5:6-10). One of Solomon's most important buildings was known as "the house of the forest of Lebanon" (1 Kings 7:2; 10:17; 2 Chronicles 9:16), on account of the source of its materials. While cedar was well adapted for beams ( 1 Kings 6:9; Song of Solomon 1:17), boards (Song of Solomon 8:9), pillars (1 Kings 7:2) and ceilings (Jeremiah 22:14), it was also used for ships' masts (Ezekiel 27:5). So, how does Rabbi Cahn not see the prophetic implications that the cedar tree represents a returning to the Lord?
American History Explored:
1775, George Washington and the American troops were about to face their greatest battle on American soil. Our General decided to take upon himself behind closed doors to commission 6 privately owned schooners and start his own navy bearing a flag known as "An Appeal to Heaven" flag. It bears the symbol of a cedar tree. Dutch Sheets has been issuing a call to churches across America "with this flag in hand" for the church to make "Appeal to Heaven" when the government stops listening. If Rabbi Cahn could stop moving from his "negative" prespectives, born out of his wrong Lacunzian eschatology maybe he could hear God speaking an important word to the church in America. Our land is filled with inquitity which runs from the time of our founding fathers to our present sin of racism. As President Obama in his powerful eulogy, at the funeral of Pastor Clementa Pinckney, said, "For too long we have been blind to the way the past injustices that continue to shape the present." It evaluating Dutch Sheet's "Appeal To Heaven" call bearing the flag of the Cedar Tree. The Sycamore Tree (Used for Lynching) should be replaced with a Cedar Tree Flag Appealing to Heaven to help us win this age old national sin that still plagues us today. Like Israel, in Dueteronmy 12:2 we are being called to remove the Old Sycamore and make it a symbol as it is placed next to St. Paul's in New York to say - The American Church repents for it's involvement in the sin of slavery and is making an appeal to heaven to heal our land (II Chron. 7:14). So now lets look at Rabbi's Cahn's final two points.
The Eighth Harbinger: The Utterance Or Vow Of Defiance
Rabbi Cahn stated in the Harbinger that words of defiant pride and arrogance were uttered by Israel after Assyria’s invasion. He believes that in light of Isaiah 9:10 When America's leaders repeated Isaiah 9:10 in their 911 speeches, they were vowing to defy God’s judgment on America.
For there to be a parallel with this ancient Israel story, Cahn says a national leader would have to speak the defiant vow to rebuild in the tower just as Israel and Judah vowed to rebuild their nation. What he argues is that U.S. Senator John Edward did this during a 9/11 memorial on September 11, 2004... by quoting Isaiah 9:10. Was Senator John Edward's words a "vow" of defiance? Lets remeber that Senator John Edwards was a presidential canidate at the time and is not known for being a biblical scholar. At best, he like many politicians in America qoute scripture as a part of America's Civil Religion. Here's the context of what he said on September 11, 2004 in an address to the Congressional Black Caucus Prayer Breakfast.
"Good morning. Today, on this day of remembrance and mourning,
we have the Lord's word to get us through. "The bricks have fallen,
but we will build
with dressed stones; the sycamores have been cut down
but we will put cedars in their place."
And let me show you how we are
building and putting cedars in those three hallowed places
he footprints of
the Towers,
the Pentagon, and the field in Pennsylvania. W
alk with me through
this day and you will see that this is a season of hope."
promise of the coming Messiah when the government would rest on his shoulders.
In fact, it's in this northern context that JESUS was raised and ministered in.
They were the first to hear the gospel. So, Rabbi Cahn's hermenutic and
interpetation of this passage is completely off base. Isaiah 9:10 was a
prophecy of the downfall of Samaria the northern capitol of the Kingdom Of
Israel not Jerusalem. The defiance spoke of here has to do with the
northern tribes rebellion against Jerusalem. Cahn
violates one of the most basic principles of hermeneutics—the literal, historic
grammatical method of interpretation. His hermeneutic is an allegorical
one, where there are mysteries hidden deep in the text that, apparently, he has
now uncovered. This allegorical interpretation of the Bible is terribly
dangerous and subjective because there is no test for it. This is the
mystery he sees in Isaiah 9:10 and, because he sees it, it is true and
applicable to America. I know of no biblical scholar who would argue that
Isaiah 9:10 can be directly or indirectly applied to America. Yet, Cahn
clearly wants us to think so. The subtitle of his book shows this: The
Ancient Mystery That Holds the Secret of America’s Future.
Although Cahn denies he is applying Isaiah 9:10 directly to America (he says it merely reveals a “pattern” of God’s judgment), it is next to impossible to read the book and not reach that conclusion.
American History Explored:
In many ways, if we want to properly
apply this to our national history - it has nothing to do with NEW YORK or
WASHINGTON. Everything points to Richmond, Virginia! The capitol of
the OLD SOUTH under President Jefferson Davis. The context of Isaiah
9:1-10 may demonstrate Israel’s defiance Of God, however, the only way to
properly apply Rabbi Cahn’s use of this text to our national history would have
to be rooted in calling for “Richmond, Virginia” to repent and reconcile itself
for it’s history in being the capitol of the South. But, the problem with that
thought is that it already has.
According to Rob Corcoran, author of “TRUSTBUILDING: an honest
conversation on race, reconciliation and responsibility,” Richmond has repented
for its history.
When you examine Senator Edwards words
There is absolutely NO defiance
toward God in his remarks to the "BLACK Causus PRAYER breakfast." If fact, I think we need to be very careful to insinuate that such words of defiance would be uttered against God in such a context. In light of Dutch Sheets usage of the CEDAR TREE flag I see Senator Edwards words in this context "AS AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN" syaing we are placing cedars in THREE hallowed places of 911. Ground Zero, Stoystown, PA. (Flight 93), and the pentegon. What I don't ubderstand is why Rabbi Cahn views 911 only in the context of New York. If we are going to use 911 imagery as the bases of Isaiah 9:10 why isn't it applied to Stoystown? This is the place where the passengers rose up to stop the plane from it's planned destination... our national capitol building where the House and Senate were in full session. They entire government would have been taken down. When the Assyrian Invasion took place "THE NORTHERN KINGDOM OF ISRAEL" was removed and their capitol was destroyed. The Kingdom of Judah anticipated this fall as a result as a result of the split in the kingdom. It's kind of like the south falling during the civil war! Our national narrative points to the liberation of African slaves from the grips of a planned national structure for permanent slavery.
There is no way Cahn can make the leap using this scripture to show Senator Edwards was being defiant like the Northern Kingdom Of Israel was toward Judah. Let me state the only thing 911 points to is that America is under judgement because the church has not dealt with it's sin of slavery and racism. Someone once said, "As the church goes, so goes the nation!" God is calling the church to repent for its actions under the "Doctrine Of Discovery." Rabbi Cahn's final point focuses on...
The Eighth Harbinger: The Prophecy
According to Cahn, For
Israel, Isaiah 9:10 was a prophecy from God as to what would happen to
Israel. For America, Isaiah 9:10 is likewise a pronouncement of judgment
from God. Rabbi Cahn states clearly in his teachings on this subject as well as
in his book, that ancient Israel, according to Cahn, had a national leader who would utter the Isaiah 9:10 vow as a prophecy. Cahn says type of event occurred one day after the events of 9/11, then America issued its official response to the terrorism attacks. Senator Tom
Daschle, who was the Senate Majority Leader at the time and in charge of the
official response. Speaking before the Congress quoted Isaiah 9:10. The problem here is the order of Cahn's own perspective. Wouldn't John Edwards have to speak first then it would be confirmed by Daschal? Daschal spoke on September 12, 2001. Edwards spoke on September 11, 2004 four years later.
Again a
nyone familiar with this historical
background to the passage would understand that the indictment results from the long history of the Northern Tribal history from the time king Ahab and Jezebel lead the Northern Kingdom of into Baal worship.
This was their national sin. I know doomsdayers like Cahn would say
America can be likened to the northern kingdom of Israel but Isaiah is a book of hope that
promises "restoration." America does not need to be restored.
It needs to be transformed.
American History Explored:
Our history under the Indian Removal Act,
the fugative slave law of 1793 and the work of President Franklyn Pierce in
making slavery the major component of our national economy points to
God's judgement on our nation. It didn't begin in Philadelphia. The
charters issued under the "Doctrine Of Discovery" provided the
foundation to our ever present sin. The American Church needs to lead the
way to advert judgement. If it doesn't the nation will continue to divide
and suffer without understanding why... just as Sen. Edwards and Daschle have
misunderstood why 911 has happened.
Let me be clear about a major component
to this discussion on "WHY RABBI CAHN" is wrong as to the whys.
Isaiah 9:1-11 is written by a prophet to GOD"S people.
Christian America may believe that this is a historic Christian nation
but I ask when was it Christian? It's a nation that has had dynamic
movements of the Holy Spirit which resulted in people coming to Christ but
historically our Christian historians tainted views of utopian America have
resulted in a view of Manifest Destiny, This is what the Islamic World is
figthing about. The Papal Edicts given in the 1500's now known as the
"Doctrine of Discovery" began as an effort to convert the Islamic
World to the Roman Catholic faith. The
Harbinger has a legitimate message—America needs to
repent. It is a nation that God will hold accountable for the pervasive
nature of sin in this country. But, that is the message of the Gospel
itself. Humans are sinners; Jesus came to die for that sin; we
appropriate that finished work of Jesus Christ by faith. If we can't trust his allegorical applications of Israel's history to America then how can we trust his blood moons and shemitah claims. Too bad for him that he's so caught up in Manuel de Lacunza's false eschatology. A great friend once said to me, "Never prophecy out of a negative spirit." Revelation 19:10 says, The spirit of prophecy is the testmony of Jesus! Does Jesus off America judgement or mercy? Did he pay the penalty for our national sins or not? Does he give us grace when we are blind and cannot see?
On September 29, 2012 I spent a few
moments with Rabbi Cahn taking him to the new home of the liberty bell in
Philadelphia. I wanted to get his mind "redirected" on our
National Sin of "SLAVERY" as the basis for the impending judgement we
are facing as a nation. Here's why. In 2002, when the new site of
The Liberty Bell opened it's doors, visitors began treading directly over
ground where George Washington's slaves toiled, slept, suffered and
plotted escape during the eight years of his presidency. When the pavilion
was designed, no one knew the exact location of the old President's House, where
Washington and successor John Adams lived from 1790 until 1800. And no
one apparently considered the possibility that the pavilion would be on the
soil where Washington kept his human property. During the development of
the site, excavations led to the discovery that George Washington had a
house where his slaves stayed during those times he met with the early
continental congress. This site is now the location of the Liberty Bell
pavilion. The Liberty Bell, which is inscribed "Proclaim
Liberty to the inhabitants of the Land," is now resting on the top of this
old slave house! Now that's prophetic! But Rabbi Cahn and those who
gathered to pray in Philadelphia at my insistance didn't get it. Enough