In John 5:1-17, we find Jesus standing along side of a man who was an invalid for thirty eight years at the pool of Bethesda. The story explains that many people who suffered from blindness, crippling diseases, and the paralyzed were laying around the pool in anticipation of an angel to come down, stir the waters and cause healing for those who got in. As we do a cursory reading of this text, we find a number of interesting statements made by the man. (1) I have no one to help me to get in the pool; (2) I keep trying to get in but people keep getting in my way; and (3) Others keep me from getting my healing. In other words, "I am not healed because of others." Then Jesus says, "You get up, pick up your bed and walk." Well, that seems a bit harsh doesn't it. But there are some important thoughts behind "How Healing Begins."
Over the last 35 years of ministry, I've spent a lot of time praying for hundreds of people seeking both physical and inner healing. I have listened to people share their struggles with addiction, struggles with their health, their relationships, their sexual problems, and struggles in other areas of life. I am often puzzled by "how many" don't get healed because they don't want healing. They just want to complain, blame others for their problems, remain stuck in their past hurts, and choose to remain in chaos rather than choose to be healed. I have wondered sometimes why so many people want to remain addicted to chaos.
Jesus asked a very important question in this passage that we all need to ask others before engaging
our time to praying for people, "Do you want to be healed?" If so, Jesus says, Pick up your bed and walk! I believe that unless you're prepared to stop licking your wounds, rehearsing your past over and over, and blaming others for your chaos or condition, you will never be healed. You have to be willing to do something about it. Some may get upset by my making this claim, however, many people run to doctors (even, before they call for the elders of the church- James 5:14) quickly to get "medical treatments" in order to find relief from sickness, accidents, etc. There is no question people want to be healed when physical pain is afflicting them or they wouldn't being going to a doctor. The unfortunate thing is that so many people want their doctors to ease them of pain but don't want to address the real cause (poor eating habits, lack of exercise, etc) of their sickness and diseases. Too many don't want to change their lifestyle and bad habits that make them sick. Do you realize that the medical professionals serving us everyday, practice what Jesus commanded? When you have an operation... within hours the nurse comes into the room and insists that you get up and try to walk as soon as your able. They send you to physical therapy to get exercise. Heart patients are told to change their diets. It's a part of the healing process.
Years ago, Kenneth Hagin Sr. was praying for people after a service and a woman came up who was unable to walk. Dr. Hagin asked her,"why did she want to be healed?" Her response was that she wanted to go dancing in the bars again. Dr. Hagin decided to not pray for her. Why? Because her problem was a spiritual issue not just a physical issue. Why should God heal people who aren't committed to living a transformed life? I often wonder why people who don't want to change their diet should be seeking healing. Those who come to be prayed for physical healing might find that if they changed their diets they might find that the right foods might produce the health they're seeking.

Its time to commit yourself to a better life. It's time to lose that weight. Stop smoking Cigarettes or pot. It's time to get clean. It's time to address your sexual addiction, friends with benefits affair, or your adultery. Yes you were born with full capacity to live "sinfully." But you can choose Jesus and let him heal you, deliver you, and set you free from anything that is crippling you emotionally, spiritually, mentally, socially, or physically. But you've got to get out of your culture of excuses and complaint and activate a life of faith and healthy living. You can overcome anything... and become a positive, inspiring person who demonstrates "yes I was once crippled, lost much, sat around near troubled people, but I made a decision to allow Jesus to heal me... whatever that looks like for you. I'm at a point in my life that instead of laying around a pool, waiting for some sign and wonder, with people who have no vision, aren't moving forward to change their lives and remain paralyzed by their circumstances - I'm choosing to devote myself to people who want to be healed. Life is too short to spend another 38 years with people who have no intention to do something for themselves. DO YOU REALLY WANT TO BE HEALED? If you do... Pray and ask the Lord for healing and what changes you need to make in your life to stayed healed.
(See Norman Vincent's Peale prayer for healing: )
(See Norman Vincent's Peale prayer for healing: )