330 Years Ago, on October 28-29, 1682 William Penn landed in New Castle, Delaware. This historic moment in history laid a foundation for a democratic republic which would later become the United States of America. Penn's "Seed Of A Nation" was based on recipocal liberty. During the late seventeenth century, when Protestants persecuted Catholics, Catholics persecuted Protestants, and both persecuted Quakers and Jews, Penn established an American sanctuary which protected freedom of conscience. Almost everywhere else, colonists stole land from the Indians, but Penn traveled unarmed among the Indians and negotiated peaceful purchases. He insisted that women deserved equal rights with men. He gave Pennsylvania a written constitution which limited the power of government, provided a humane penal code, and guaranteed many fundamental liberties. Penn is often referred to as the architect behind our "frame of government," "our american justice system - trial by jury," and those "religious freedoms" we enjoy as Americans. In fact, Penn was the only person who made major contributions to liberty in both the New World and the Old World.
330 years later, a major hurricane named, "Sandy" hit the very locations Penn landed and where his charters extended. The name "Sandy" means "defender of humanity." It's extremely prophetic that this major storm was named "Sandy." One of Penn's greatest and most controversial phamplets, written from his time in the tower of London, was entitled, "The Sandy Foundation Shaken." Most people do not remember that New Jersey, which was hardest hit by the storm, was owned by William Penn before he was granted Pennsylvania by King Charles II. As early as 1660 George Fox and the Quakers had sought for over a decade a colony in America where they could practice their religion freely. When a dispute over land holdings in West New Jersey (then a separate colony from East New Jersey) between John Fenwick and Edward Billinge arose, the Quakers (preferring to settle their differences among themselves) had Penn settle the dispute in England. In 1672, He wrote the "Concessions and Agreements" charter for a group of Quaker colonists who were settling in the newly acquired New Jersey. Among its provisions were the right to trial by jury, the freedom from arbitrary imprisonment for debt, and edict against capital punishment. Penn also strongly argued for religious freedom, writing "no Men. . . hath Power or authority to rule over Men's Consciences in Religious matters." This document has been called "the first clear statement in American history of the supremacy of the fundamental law [universal rights] over any statutes that might be enacted." The New Jersey project was a success. The colony reported having fertile land, ample game and being stocked with goods. However, there wasn’t enough room for everyone from England, Germany, Scotland and Holland (places where Penn and his fellow Quakers had been spreading Quakerism). Penn then looked to the Crown for land west of the Delaware River.

On Oct. 28-29, 2012 Hurricane "Sandy" came up the Atlantic and turned left into the Delaware Bay. It came with 50 mph winds, affected 50 million people in the mid-atlantic and northeast, it did 50 billion dollars in damage, and killed 50 people. 50 is known as a Jubilee. Hurricane Sandy caused Wall Street to shut down. Recently, this past year my dear friend, Chuck Pierce, prophesied that Atlantic City would go under water! In Basking Ridge, New Jersey on June 8, 2012. “God is going to give us power over the next storm in this area. There will be a storm on the coast, and the Lord says I am going to give you power. You are going to see My power working. Now I am here to say again, New Jersey, Newark, Rehoboth Beach in Delaware, Hartford area in CT and all the way to Yale – God is going to move in an unprecedented way – now get ready! The power of God has come into the atmosphere. This power is going to surprise you in a way that you have not been surprised. Some of you are saying how does this affect me? Well, some of you are going to wake up in the Presence of the Lord, and He is going to say I am waiting for you. He’s going to stand there and you are going to be arrested by HIS SPIRIT. God’s people are coming under a supernatural power and favor in this region.”
On the 50th year after the founding of Pennsylvania, The Liberty Bell, was presented in honor of William Penn. Lev. 25:10 "Proclaim liberty throughout the land..." is inscribed on the top of the Bell. The revision of Penn’s Fourth Frame of Government in Pennsylvania was named the Charter of Privileges and was celebrated on its fiftieth anniversary in 1751. 50 represents Jubilee. It appears that we are coming into a time of Jubilee where God himself is pressing the reset button on our nation! As I wrote these words God spoke to me the following prophetic word...
Hear the word of The Lord! My people are called to be a people
who hear and listen to my voice. My voice is not found in the majority.
My voice is not found in what is popular... Nor in the voice of the many
who share in the same opinion. My voice is the still small voice
and there will you find the almighty. By the sword you shall fight
but you shall fight from a broken place... I will be your defense.
The Sandy Foundation is Shaken!