Friday, September 21, 2012

It's Always Too Soon To Quit!

In the Apostle's Letter to Timothy he writes: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith."  Getting there was another thing!  In 2 Corinthians 11:25 He explains how he got there. "Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, a night and a day I have spent in the deep."  So, according to the way I read the Apostle Paul's words, working toward a finished life doesn't necessarily mean the road toward your destination is going to be easy.  Life has a few twists and turns along the way.  Keeping your faith in tact is probably the major key to surviving a ship wreck or two.
       Over the last few years, I have had a few challenges of my own.  On Feb. 3, 2010 my mother died of small cell lung cancer (Never having smoked a day in her life).   She was one of my major supporters.  That same year, my only nephew, Jake Veir was tragically killed in a head on collision by a young girl texting one of her friends.  Then on July 9th, 2011 my father passed away in Fort Myers, Florida leaving me the responsibility of caring for his 85 year old German wife.  All the while, I have been in an intense "Lawsuit" against a predatory mortgage company with our ministry, stood close to a dear ministry friend who's wife ran off with another man, sold a home our family loved but could no longer afford, and coping with major mood swings of grief and depression - and still pastoring a church.  And you know what it's all good!  
My Mother, Ruth L. Berry
May 11, 1935-Feb. 3, 2012
       I haven't been beaten with rods, been ship wrecked  on the Chesapeake Bay, or stoned yet.  Just a few verbal abuses, stealing ideas, and thrown under a bus or two but no stones yet.   To the right you will see my mom holding on to what was my last Christmas gift to her six weeks before her death and she loved it!   We Berry's are very motivated in faith and have always fought to have a positive view of life and the future.  Bishop Fulton J Sheen in his renowned book, Peace Of Soul, wrote: "People would be in a less unhappy state if they realized that conflict, struggle, effort are inescapable in Adam's progeny."
       Job 23:10 gives us a great promise of hope when going through difficult times. "When He has tired me, I shall come forth as gold!"  Galatians 6:9 is a great promise of faith: "Be not weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap... IF WE FAINT NOT."   Too often, we are tempted to throw in the towel (so to speak), and quit.  My dear friend, Australian Entrepreneur, Peter Daniels, once asked, "What is the cost of a vision?"  It's not money.  Never is.  Money always follows vision. Mark 8:36-37 Jesus asked, "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own life? What should a person give in exchange for life?  The real cost of a vision is pain!  Disappointments, rejections, self-inflicted problems, broken promises, and low return on investments were not what you expected. And the rewards, were they worth the risks?  It is very normal and HUMAN to get disappointed.  It's okay to be bummed out... However, succumbing to negative thinking and negative people is a luxury that none of us can afford.  Dr. Robert Schuller once said, in his book, "Don't throw away your tomorrows:"  "Never make an irreversible negative decision in a down time!"  Recently, I've been thinking... "You know what?  I've done a lot of good over the last 20 years of my life, made some really good decisions that have brought thousands to Christ... I just wonder, with all the great knowledge I have gained and life experiences I now have, what damage could I possibly do to the kingdom of darkness with the next 20 years of my life?"  

"Face Your Fears.  Confront Your challenges with a 
stubborn, positive attitude!"  - Dr. Robert Schuller

       One of my favorite authors, Norman Vincent Peale, in his book, "You Can If You Think You Can," wrote, "When you have a problem, one that is especially difficult and baffling, perhaps terribly discouraging, there is one basic principle to apply and keep on applying, it is simply this -never quit.  To give up is to invite complete defeat And not only in connection with the matter at hand. Giving up contributes to an ultimate defeat of personality."  The Apostle Paul, always in the face of difficulty because of his vision wrote in Romans 8:28, "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."  Our journey to finished may not take the exact road we expected to go on but God does ensure everything will work together for our good.  In other words, learning lessons is what failures are- or should be - all about!  Sometimes when we are chasing a dream without taking steps to avoid the twin nightmares of over-estimating our own abilities and leaning too much upon the wrong people can be the very reason God allows us to get ship wrecked.  Out of all such experiences, lessons can be learned.  However, If there is one thing I'm learning about life, it is this: "If you keep making the same mistakes, you will never graduate, because you have not learned your lessons properly."  II Timothy 2:15 exhorts us to, "Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."  Rightly dividing the truth, to me, does not mean becoming a great bible expositor, rather it means 'when faced with difficult times, STUDY what the contributing factors were to my bad decisions, learning the lessons from failures or obstacles I face, to enable me to live in (truth vs. delusion) reality. These foundations provide the insights necessary rectify our weaknesses and poor decision making processes. But always remember, Christ strength is made perfect in our weaknesses (2 Cor. 12:9).  Peter Daniels in his book, "How To Reach Your Life Goals," wrote, "Don't let failures crush you- remember, failures are lessons. Document your lessons into life-principles to prevent their recurrence!"
       So in light of my own writing today, I want to share with you what I believe God has called me to do over the next fifteen years in Annapolis, Maryland.  I would like to invoke all of you reading my posts today to pray for me to accomplish this and finish well... and come visit Annapolis someday and see how we are progressing in finishing what my wife, myself and others have pioneered here.  Our vision is to finish building a Quaker Renewal Center which will tell the history of Annapolis, which will continually call for God's people to fulfill Isaiah 58:12 "Those from among you will rebuild the ancient ruins; You will raise up the age-old foundations; And you will be called the repairer of the breach, The restorer of the streets in which to dwell."  
       We will build a center that includes:  a new meeting house,  a new friends center called 'Harris House' in honor of Quaker missionary Elizabeth Harris, and a beautiful chapel in the woods, called "Fox Chapel" (Named after George Fox, founder of Quakerism) designed by renowned architect, Maurice Jennings.  This center will be rooted in the past and provide guidance into our great future as a nation.  It will be home to the (noted Quaker Historian) Ken Carroll Memorial Library, become a place that remembers the tragedy of Annapolis' slave trading history and call for the end of slavery world wide in our time, and be a ministry dedicated to healing and reconciliation - that values reciprocal liberty as defined by William Penn, who often visited Maryland while establishing his "Holy Experiment" in Pennsylvania with the help with Maryland friends - like my family "The Berry's of Maryland."  This is my vision! Let's pray for your God giving calling... share it with me!  For the scriptures says, Habakkuk 2:2 "Write the vision. Make it clear on tablets so that anyone can read it quickly."
       Just remember, Businesses can be rebuilt, broken bodies can be healed, nothing is final as it seems. Any chain can be broken and any captive can be set free! Even  damaged reputations can be resurrected and financial security can be regained.  There is an abundance of evidence in every city, every town of someone who has overcome the challenges they faced when working toward their finished line!  
Robert Half once said,

“When faced with a mountain, I will not quit! I will keep striving until I climb over,

                                                                                    find a pass through, tunnel underneath or 

                                                                                 simply stay and turn the mountain into a

                                                                               gold mine, with God's help.”

Sunday, September 16, 2012

What To do About Anger!

      Ask yourself, "How would the quality of your life improve if you used your anger in safe, acceptable ways?"   Anger is an emotion – neither right nor wrong in itself. There is no morality to feelings. Anger can arise from grieving, feeling misunderstood, having a values conflict in relationship, or negoiating your way through a relationship. You can learn positive things to do with your anger!   It's important to try to understand what prompted the feeling.  
Anger is one emotion that people use to respond to threat, stresses or loss. It can be a real threat, stress or loss or a means that we use to make up in our mind. To be human is to be angry some of the time. It is important not to make anger bad. Anger like a hammer can be a tool for destruction or to build something. Anger is a necessary part of being a human being.  
There are many people who try to repress anger because they think that anger is somehow wrong. As a result, We spend a lot of time trying to deal with our anger. We repress it. We channel it. We sublimate it. We let it roll over us. We dream and fantasize about it. We feel ashamed of it, and we talk to friends and psychotherapists about it. But we do not pray it. We do not bring our anger to God, at least not enough. Christians in particular have a hard time bringing anger into their prayer life. They will pull out the whole range of scriptures to defend that anger is inappropiate, like:

Colossians 3:8 - But now  you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.
Colossians 3:21 - Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.
Ecclesiastes 7:9 - Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.
Ephesians 4:26 - In your anger do not sin.  Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry
Ephesians 4:31-32 - Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.  Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Hebrews 10:30 - For we know him who said, "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," and again, "The Lord will judge his people."
James 1:19,20 - My dear brothers, take note of this.  Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.
Psalm 30:5 - For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.
Psalm 37:8 - Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret - it leads only to evil.
Psalm 145:8 - The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.
Romans 12: 19-21 - Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.  On the contrary:  "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.  In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.  Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Nehemiah 9:17 - They refused to listen and failed to remember the miracles you performed among them.  They became stiff-necked and in their rebellion appointed a leader in order to return to their slavery.  But you are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.  Therefore you did not desert them.
Matthew 5:22 - "But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment.  Again, anyone who says to his brother, 'Raca,' is answerable to the Sanhedrin.  But anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell."
Proverbs 14:17 - A quick-tempered man does foolish things, and a crafty man is hated.
Proverbs 15:1-  A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Proverbs 15:18 - A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel.
Proverbs 16:32 - Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city.
Proverbs 19:11 - A man's wisdom gives him patience, it is to his glory to overlook an offense.
Proverbs 21:19 - Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife.
Proverbs 22:24-25 -  Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn his ways and get yourself ensnared.
Proverbs 27:4 - Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy.
Proverbs 29:22 - An angry man stirs up dissension, and a hot-tempered one commits many sins.

    Each of these texts are presented by some as the basis of shutting down an important emotion and to stuff or repress the anger because it is seen as ungodly behavior.  Lets not be confused.  One Third Of the Book Of Psalms is devoted to venting anger.  As we look at the Book of Psalms, we see that anger is an integral part of the prayer life of the psalmist. Anger is a recurring theme -- all kinds of anger: personal, national, political, and even anger toward God. In fact, the anger in the psalms is so strong that it often takes the form of rage. Rage expressed, not repressed. Rage prayed, not excluded from the divine-human relationship. This is a mode of prayer that needs to be revitalized.
   Psalm 109 is a psalm that expresses personal anger.  Psalm 83 is another type of expression of national anger.  Psalm 44 is an expression of anger at God.  In fact, Anger and rage are inseparably a part of us. One who has experienced no anger, no rage, is not human. Such a person has no deep investment in life, no love to protect, no vulnerability. Anger and rage are integral to human being.  There is so much anger in the world. There is the personal anger we feel for someone who has taken advantage of us, who has cheated us, or abused us. There is the national anger we feel for those who have attacked our nation and endangered our people. There is the political anger we feel against those private and public institutions which have exploited us, or ignored or neglected us. And there is the anger we feel toward God Who has mistreated us or, in neglect, has allowed others to mistreat us.

It Is What We Do With Our Anger That Is Important.

  • We can use anger to lash out at others and intimidate them.
  • We can turn it inward and beat ourselves up.
  • We can use it to speak out with firmness increase our self esteem.
  • We can use it to correct a situation that is wrong.
All great social movements had their beginning in someone feeling angry. Anger is a powerful tool for social change on a personal and societal level. We can use our anger as a tool for change. When we use anger in a positive way, self esteem increases.Anger is a coping mechanism for dealing with some event that threatens our body, property, self esteem, values of what we hold near and dear or when we don t get our way.

      One cannot always be angry and full of rage, for anger does indeed distract and distort. It can disconnect us from life, as easily as it connects us to life. However, the proper prayer life includes moments of deep anger, as well as times of tranquility and serenity. It includes moments of rage, as well as times of reflection and meditation; moments of sadness, as well as times of joy and praise; moments of depression, as well as times of gratitude and exultation; "To dwell in the house of the Lord forever" together with "For how long, oh Lord, for how long shall the wicked rejoice"; "Every breath shall praise God" together with "Oh God, make them as tumbleweed, as straw before the wind." Psalms, precisely because they flow from the sheer variety of human life, contain the whole range of human emotions, feelings, and awarenesses -- all of them brought before God, all of them incorporated into a full and vital prayer life. One simply alternates, bringing first this and then that feeling before God, turning first this and then that emotion into prayer.

My wife's favorite bible verse is Isaiah 30:15.  It most assuredly is a prescription to help us in times of anger:   "This is what the Almighty LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: You can be saved by returning to me. You can have rest. You can be strong by being quiet and by trusting me."

The important thing we all need to learn about being human is that we need to get the anger out, forgive the trespasses, and learn from the conflicts we all face.  

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Modernist War Against Post-Modern Culture!

     C.S.Lewis was a remarkably effective evangelist to the culture of his day, and Mere Christianity in particular still helps many come to Christian faith. Yet western culture has changed greatly since Britain in the first half of the twentieth century, not least in the ongoing shift from modernism to post-modernism.  Modernism concerns itself on "Questions" vs. "Mystery."  It is hierarchical in organizational nature, Darwinist in practice, and keeps the world divided between the haves and the have- nots. During the 20th-century British Christian imaginative writers who also happened to be scholars of the Middle Ages. G K Chesterton, C S Lewis, Charles Williams, J R R Tolkien, and Dorothy L Sayers faced the many tentacles of modernity with a sense of alarm deepening into cultural embattlement. And they sought in medieval faith and culture antidotes to modern malaise's.  

       Modernism began in the 1890s and lasted till about 1945. Postmodernism began after the Second World War, especially after 1968. Modernism was based on using rational, logical means to gain knowledge while postmodernism denied the application of logical thinking. Rather, the thinking during the postmodern era was based on unscientific, irrational thought process, as a reaction to modernism. A hierarchical and organized and determinate nature of knowledge characterized modernism. But postmodernism was based on an anarchical, non-totalized and indeterminate state of knowledge. Modernist approach was objective, theoretical and analytical while the postmodernism approach was based on subjectivity. It lacked the analytical nature and thoughts were rhetorical and completely based on belief. The fundamental difference between modernism and postmodernism is that modernist thinking is about the search of an abstract truth of life while postmodernist thinkers believe that there is no universal truth, abstract or otherwise.

       Modernism attempts to construct a coherent world-view whereas postmodernism attempts to remove the difference between high and low. Modernist thinking asserts that mankind progresses by using science and reason while postmodernist thinking believes that progress is the only way to justify the European domination on culture. Modernist thinking believes in learning from past experiences and trusts the texts that narrate the past. On the other hand postmodernist thinking defies any truth in the text narrating the past and renders it of no use in the present times. Modernist historians have a faith in depth. They believe in going deep into a subject to fully analyze it. This is not the case with postmodernist thinkers. They believe in going by the superficial appearances, they believe in playing on surfaces and show no concern towards the depth of subjects. Modernism considers the original works as authentic while postmodernist thinkers base their views on hyper-reality; they get highly influenced by things propagated through media.

       During the modernist era, art and literary works were considered as unique creations of the artists. People were serious about the purpose of producing art and literary works. These works were believed to bear a deep meaning, novels and books predominated society. During the postmodernist era, with the onset of computers, media and advancements in technology, television and computers became dominant in society. Art and literary works began to be copied and preserved by the means of digital media. People no longer believed in art and literary works bearing one unique meaning; they rather believed in deriving their own meanings from pieces of art and literature. Interactive media and Internet led to distribution of knowledge. Music like Mozart, Beethoven, which was appreciated during modernism became less popular in the postmodern era. World music, Djs and remixes characterized postmodernism. The architectural forms that were popular during modernism were replaced by a mix of different architectural styles in the postmodern times.

     Since the emergence of post-modernity, decentralization, participatory culture, and egalitarianism has threatened modernity's hold on the culture as well as the church.  This has erupted into a cultural war where demands of colonialism vs. incarnational theology collide and Modern Leaders gripping hold on the emerging church is facing death.  The aging leaders of the twentieth century are fighting a losing battle to an emergent leaderless culture. 
     Just as "modernity" was the problem in Lewis' time so is it become the major problem in our time.  This is the Ancient-future where the pre-modern and post-modern cultures will intersect giving the church a new opportunity to be on the right side of history vs. being on needs of the right for more political political power.  I believe God has given us a great generation of deconstructionist who are being used to tear down the colonialism and imperialist views of the modern Church.  Those in power still have not understood they are not God's anointed... Jesus is. Popes, Bishops, and churches seeking to weld political power will become a thing of the past as heirarchy is deconstructed... and Jesus will become Lord of his church once again.
     Noted apologist, Ray Steadman, wrote: "Read the Scripture: Mark 10:32-52

Jesus called them together and said, You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you (Mark 10:42-43a).

Jesus sees the cross waiting for Him. James and John see thrones waiting for them. And what do the other ten see? They see James and John! They are angry and upset at them. Why? Because they got to Jesus first. Obviously they wanted the same things that James and John did and were angry only because James and John beat them to it. This is often the explanation for our anger, is it not? We are so often upset because somebody thought of it before we did.
But notice how Jesus sets aside all this business of politicking and maneuvering and asking for special privileges. That is the way the world works, but it is not to be part of the kingdom of God. In the kingdom—the church, if you like—there is not to be struggling and striving for position and honor. Paul brings this out so beautifully in his development of the body of Christ in 1 Corinthians 12, where he says that because we have gifts given to us by the Holy Spirit and a ministry opened to us by the Lord Jesus and power granted to us by the heavenly Father, we do not need to be in competition with anybody.
This is what our Lord wants to set before His disciples, so He gathers them together and patiently says, Now, fellows, sit down. I want to say something to you. You've looked at the Gentiles. Have you noticed that when they exercise authority, it is always over somebody else? They measure their power by how many are under them. That is the mark of their authority. It is still true today. That is the way people do things, the way they judge their success. And although it produces all kinds of rivalry, competition, skulduggery, politicking, conniving, maneuvering, manipulating, and trying to undercut everybody else, nevertheless, you cannot blame people for that, because that is all they know.
The key is in these words: Not so with you. The church is not to be set up as a hierarchy of power. There is no chain of command in the church of Jesus Christ. Jesus had already said to these disciples, You have only one Master and you are all brothers (Matthew 23:8). Every apostle is careful to remind us of the danger of lording it over one another, the problems that arise when those in positions of authority think they have the right to tell others what to do or how to act or what to think or how to behave, believing they have the right to make decisions that others must follow. This is not true in the church. Paul is careful to say to the Corinthians, Not that we lord it over your faith (2 Corinthians 1:24). That is, You can do what you want. You stand before God, responsible to Him, not to me. But he is also faithful to point out what it is they need to do and to warn them of the results that may follow if they do not want to do it. But no one is ever to be commanded to do something by another person in the church. Only the Lord commands.

Thank You, Lord, that You are my Master, and You've made me a significant part of Your church.

Life Application: How do the leadership principles Jesus teaches equip his disciples to live counter-culturally? How does a true follower cope with political & personal power struggles?

Alienating The People God Calls Us To Reach?

Romans 5:8 is a very powerful scripture and one of my favorites. It says, "God demonstrated His love toward us, in that while we yet sinners Christ died for us!"  Wow. Imagine that.  God loves the gays who want to make their relationships into marriages.  God loves the doctors who perform abortions. God loves democrats, Muslims, Mormons, and atheist as much as He loves Christians... because he loves people.  No where in the Bible do we have a verse that says, "God loves the sinner, but hates the sin."  What this phrase really has meant by those who use it is that God hates sin, so I need to hate sin like him and alienate people by pointing out their sin and forbidding them to practice their deviate behavior.  But where did Jesus ever assign his people to do this?

I think most people who sense that their responsibility to "Police Others" in the bedroom, are probably addicted to something or come from an addictive background. Why?  Because usually the people who yell the loudest about something are guilty of it themselves.  We are called to examine ourselves (2 Cor. 13:5) not others.  People who are fixated on the lifestyles of others usually have forgotten that their own sin separates them from God as much as the others sins outlined in scripture (Ephesians 4:31  Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:  see also - James 1:26; James 3:5-8; 1 Pet 3:10).  The Apostle Paul to the Gentiles tells the individual Titus to speak evil of no man (Titus 3:2  To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men.)

War on Traditional Marriage?

Fox News is loudly proclaiming that President Obama has declared War on Traditional Marriage!. Really Fox? Then why were divorce rates among Evangelical and Fundamentalist Christians the highest in the country since before someone even imagined that Gays and Lesbians should be allowed the same right to marry as other people? Before I am accused of being for pro-gay marriage, let me be clear I am an advocate for traditional marriage. These statistics came, by the way from a Evangelical Christian research institute, the Barna Group, in the year 2000:
Denomination (in order of decreasing divorce rate)
Non-denominational** 34%
Baptists 29%
Mainline Protestants 25%
Catholics 21%
Lutherans 21%

Barna's results verified findings of earlier polls: that conservative Protestant Christians, on average, have the highest divorce rate, while mainline Christians have a much lower rate. They found some new information as well: that atheists and agnostics have the lowest divorce rate of all. George Barna commented that the results raise "questions regarding the effectiveness of how churches minister to families." The data challenge "the idea that churches provide truly practical and life-changing support for marriage."
The data showed that the highest divorce rates were found in the Bible Belt.* "Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama and Oklahoma round out the Top Five in frequency of divorce...the divorce rates in these conservative states are roughly 50 percent above the national average" of 4.2/1000 people.  Hmmm....
Abortion Rates Among Christians:

 A new study by The Center For Reason ( finds that Christians have just as many abortions as their non-Christian counterparts. The study concludes that in the year 2000, Christians were responsible for 570,000 abortions. Catholics were found to be the worst offenders, with abortion rates higher than the national average.

San Francisco, Calif. (PRWEB) March 12, 2006 -- With over one million abortions being performed in the US each year, this issue has dominated the political landscape. In recent years the rhetoric has escalated, with the pro-life movement becoming a flagship for Christian morality and ethics. The prevailing Christian doctrine--that abortion is murder--has polarized the issue, firmly placing the vast majority of Christians on the pro-life side of the debate.

Incendiary comments by some of the more outspoken Christian figureheads have sought to portray abortion as an “evil” perpetrated by the non-Christian left. In response to this, The Center For Reason, a private research group, undertook a study to test the premise: “Christians have fewer abortions than non-Christians”. The results disproved the premise.

The study, reveals that Christians have just as many abortions as non-Christians. Data analyzed for all fifty states show that the rate of abortion is the same in the most-Christian segments of the population as it is in the least-Christian. The most-Catholic segments, on the other hand, showed significantly higher abortion rates.

All data sources used in the study are publicly available, and are referenced in the report. All raw data and calculated values are tabulated in the report, to allow full verification of the results.  This research was undertaken to test the premise: “Christians have fewer abortions than non-Christians”. This topic was chosen in response to the very-public stance of certain far-right Christian groups, who assert that abortion is an evil perpetrated by the non-Christian left.

The results disproved the premise. It transpires that Christians have just as many abortions as their non-Christian counterparts. The study concludes that in the year 2000, Christians had approximately 570,000 abortions. Within the Christian segment, Catholics were found to have abortion rates significantly higher than the national average.

Fifty percent of Christian men and twenty percent of Christian women report being “addicted” to pornography. What are we to make of these staggering numbers? 

Compare these numbers to other nationwide statistics:
  • A 2001 Forrester Research reported 19% of North American Internet users were “regular visitors” to adult content sites.
  • A 2003 Nielsen/Net Ratings reported that an estimated 34 million people visited adult entertainment sites in August and 32 million in September—about 25% of Internet users in the US.
  • In 2009, Michael Leahy polled 29,000 individuals at North American universities. 13% of the male students and 2% of the female students reported spending 5 or more hours a week online for Internet sex.
  • Sex therapist Barry McCarthy, PhD, concludes that about 15% of men and nearly 5% of women compulsively use porn.
When polled about addictive or frequent porn use, Christian percentages always seem significantly higher. Why? Are Christians simply more likely to get hooked on porn? What is going on here?
We must not forget that, while Christians have been protesting against the sexual sins of our nation - tried to ignore Wikipedia outlines the evidence of scandals in the church:

 The unfortunate thing is that these types of scandals are used against the Body of Christ to alienate people from the Gospel.  Don't get mad at me when I point this out!  This is how people within the American culture see the church:

Our world is a place of alienation and brokenness. Christ calls us to reconciliation and wholeness. He calls us to remember That while we "TOO" we yet sinners, Christ loved us so much he died for us as much as he died for those BIG  sins we keep harping on in others.   We need to ask ourselves:

-”Is Protesting a means of How We Reach the World for Christ?”
-”How do people on the other side see us?  Is the message we preach filled with  judgementalism and   condemnation.”
-”Let’s not risk alienating people we want to reach for Christ merely so we can make a political statement.”

 We are called to minister to all people of our world, knowing that the world is often an unloving place. Our world is a place of alienation and brokenness. Christ calls us to reconciliation and wholeness. 2 Cor. 5:18 says "And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation."  We are challenged by the Gospel to be agents of healing within our  world... not politician trying to build a "religious state"!  Let's stop the rhetoric and address the sin within the church and then offer hope to others in our nation.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What Quakers Believe!

Who would have guessed that Quakers 
actually had a statement of faith?

Over the last few years I've been researching the history among Quakers learning their faith and practice.  Again and again, I've been told that Quakers had no "creed" or "statement" of faith. Despite the fact that Robert Barclay wrote a catechism and early Quakers defined themselves with a vision that took them around the world championing human rights; a mission that presented Christ the inward teacher; and defining themselves as a new testament reformed church.  Recently I ran across a small book written by William Penn entitled "Journal Of William Penn while visiting Holland and Germany in 1677." (Pg. 25-26) I was startled to find him articulating the Quaker Statement of faith.  William Penn wrote out these positions in a letter to the King of Poland articulating the beliefs of the Religious Society of Friends for him.  Here it as follows:

1.     We do reverently belive that there is one God and Father, One Lord Jesus Christ, and
        one Holy Spirit and these three are one. (Eph. 4:6)

2.     We believe the scriptures of the Old and New Testament to have been given forth by
        Divine inspiration; and that they are profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction
        for instructin in righteousness; able to make the man of God wise unto salvation through
        faith, which is in Christ. (II Tim. 3:15-16)

3.     That these Holy Scriptures are not to be understood but by discoveries, teachings, and
        operations of the eternal Spirit, from whence they came.

4.     We believe that all mankind, through disobedience to the Spirit of God, are fallen short
        of the glory of God, and in that state are under condemnation;  but that God, out of his 
        infinate goodness and kindness, hath sent the world his Son a light into the world, that
        whosoever believeth and obeyeth this light, should not abide in darkness, but have the 
        light of eternal life.

5.     We believe this gift of light and grace through Jesus Christ to be universal;and that there
        is not a man or woman upon earth, that hath not sufficient measure of this light, and to 
        whom this grace hath not appeared to reprove their ungodly works of darkness, and to
        lead them that obey it to eternal salvation.  And this is the great condemnation of the world
        at this day, under all their professions of God, Christ, Spirit and Scriptures; that though Christ
        hath enlightened them, yet they will not bring their deeds to the light, but hate the light, and 
        love their dark customs and practices rather than the light, 'because their deeds are evil.

6.     We do believe in the birth, life, doctrine, miracles, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus
        Christ our Lord; and that He laid his life down for the ungodly, not to continue so, but that they
        should deny their wickedness and ungodliness, and live soberly, righteously, and godly in this
        present world, as the saints of old did, who were redeemed from the earth and sat in heavenly

7.     We do beieve that as the devil, through man's disobedience, brought sin into man's 
        heart, so through Christ Jesus, through man's belief in, and obedience to His Holy Spirit, 
        light and grace, cleaneth the heart of sin, destroyeth the works of the devil, finisheth
        transgression, and bringeth in everlasting righteousness.  That as the devil hath had his kingdom
        of darkness in man, so Christ may have his kingdom of light, life, righteousness, peace and
        joy in the Holy ghost in the heart of man; and not that Christ Jesus saveth men from wrath
        and not from sin; 'for the wages of sin is death,' in whose heart soever it liveth; 'but the gift
        of God is eternal life,' to all that believe and obey, through Jesus Christ.

8.     We do believe that all true ministry and worship stand only in the experimental sense, operations
        and leadings of this holy light, Spirit or grace, that is shed abroad in the hearts of men and women,
        to conduct them in the holy way of regeneration unto life eternal.

Penn goes onto write, "This was the ancient apostolical doctrine; they spoke what they had seen, tasted, and handled of the Word of God.  And this is our faith, doctrine, and practice in this day."

Monday, September 3, 2012

America For Jesus 2012 September 28-29, 2012 Philadelphia

Here's the truth as I see it! This is not a story about any idea I have had, or trying to take credit for things only God can get credit for.  This is a only to serve as a documentation of events of the Holy spirit's call for us to gather on September 28-29, 2012 to pray for our nation.  We are at a crossroad spiritually (See Jeremiah 6:16) as a nation not politically. There are no political solutions to our problems as a nation. Only God himself can deliver us.  Here is my testimony as an eye witness:
     A little over two years ago, Bishop Anne Gimenez (Senior Pastor Of Rock Church, Virginia Beach, Va), contacted me and said, "Mike the nation is divided. We can't even get ministries to cooperate and come together for anything today because everyone has their own agenda.  Our nation is at stake.  It's worse than it was in 1980. This is the 30th Anniversary of Washington For Jesus!  Before my husband died, he told us to go do one more.  We need to do something to heal this division. Can you see about getting a permit for us?"  Within two weeks, Sister Anne was struck down by a major heart problem that almost took her life. In fact, she almost died from a rare heart disease that hit her heart.
     During the next year, as she recovered, I had continued discussions with her son in law, John Blanchard, Jim Cucuzza (former WFJ logistics coordinator), and even discussed briefly with Gordon Robertson about a gathering on the Washington Mall to do this event.  As Jim and i continued to talk and pray, we recognized that doing a rally on the Mall was no longer unique since everyone does their rallies there now. We knew we had to do something different. Much thought was given between John, Jim and myself about doing a smaller solemn assembly of invited guest in the rotunda of our national capitol.  This thought came out of a thought about how divided our government was so why not go to the seat of government and pray there. John had even been surprised during one of Awakening Alliance board meetings under the direction of Billy Wilson, that one gentleman suggested the same idea not knowing we were thinking about this.  However, nothing was moving forward due to Sister Anne being near death.
     Personally, I had hoped we could get this event wrapped up by the fall of 2011 due to our desire to stay away from the political events coming up in 2012.  We all knew that their was no political solutions to our spiritual problems as a nation. God  answered, and led us to go a different way.
     In March of 2011 I was invited into a private intercessory prayer meeting, hosted by a Washington DC lobbyist named Sue Ironfield and a former Texas district attorney named Bill Hunter in the bottom of a small hotel ballroom in Washington, DC.  About 30 people gathered and I knew no one there.  During this strategic moment I met some wonderful intercessors like Jamie Fitt, Beverly Clayborn, and Robert Claiborne from the Philadelphia area.  Also present was a prophet named Dave Wagner from Pensacola, Florida. During this time Sister Anne was still recovering from her heart problems while her daughter, Robin Gimenez Blanchard stood in faith believing God she would fully recover. She grew stronger and stronger everyday. I was shocked when Robin shared pictures of her mother on a breathing machine and watched with amazement God having resuscitated her and giving her a new heart according to her doctors. 
     Well, here I was in this small prayer gathering with Sue, Bill praying for Washington but then all of a sudden the prayer shifted to Philadelphia. Bill Hunter began to pray for our nations first capitol and the first capitol of Israel Jerusalem. As he was praying, Dave begins to prophecy "Washington was the head, but Philadelphia was the heart and the heart needed to be resuscitated!  Wow, right then and there I knew we weren't to gather in Washington- we were to go to Philadelphia.  Just as Robin had prayed for her mother's heart to be resuscitated, God was calling us to Philadelphia to our nations first capitol for the heart of the nation to be healed.  I knew right then and there, Sister Anne had called for a national gathering to end division and was attacked immediately in the heart just as a prophetic sign that our nation's heart was near death and needed to be healed just as her heart had to be healed.  God was calling us to hold a National Prayer Meeting in Philadelphia not DC.
     To make a long story short, I went to Sister Anne in August 2011 and shared my heart, what I had heard, the prophecy and what history I had learned as to why I thought we should go to Philadelphia.  I knew Sister Anne was a great woman of faith, who would hear God, and summon all of us to gather if God said so.  That night, she sat intrigued, promised to pray about it and said to me, Why Not!  Why Not! we've got to do something!  Prayer changes things."  I'll never forget as I witnessed a great anointing come on her that night.  I went home and waited for God to speak to her and confirm we were hearing God.  
     After a few weeks of prayer, a bowl of Sister's Anne's awesome Tex-mex soup, She began to meet with several key leaders like Pat Robertson, Billy Wilson, Prophet David minor, and others to listen to what they thought about going to Philadelphia.  Then along comes a prophet named Phillip Cappuccio with this prophecy from 2 Kings 2:19-22 (KJV):

"And the men of the city said unto Elisha, Behold, I pray thee, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord seeth: but the water is naught, and the ground barren. [20] And he said, Bring me a new cruse, and put salt therein. And they brought it to him. [21] And he went forth unto the spring of the waters, and cast the salt in there, and said, Thus saith the Lord , I have healed these waters; there shall not be from thence any more death or barren land . [22] So the waters were healed unto this day, according to the saying of Elisha which he spake."

The beautiful city of Jericho which had become the first city gained by the Children of Israel in the Promised Land, was suffering from polluted waters, causing death and bareness in the land. Elisha gave the instruction that a NEW CRUSE of SALT be brought to him and that he would cast it in at the specific place from where the HEAD WATERS flowed. This resulted in the waters being healed

Today, our beautiful nation has become barren and is experiencing death in so many ways. And especially within the last 40 years, we have seen what would have easily been considered the shameful and sinful blights of past generations now become the very portrait of our present American culture. These sinful, unrighteous and immoral practices have become and are continuing to become 'codified' by the laws of our land. 

America is in a STATE OF EMERGENCY! We have been witnessing a clear and steady moral breakdown of our nation from the family unit on up! Especially, over the course of these past 40 years. Unless there comes a renewed and revived force of RIGHTEOUSNESS arising from within the converted hearts of the redeemed throughout our land, it will become quite apparent that all hope for our nation's recovery will then be lost. 

Ours is not primarily a POLITICAL problem, nor a FINANCIAL one. These are the clear and measurable symptoms of a much deeper problem. The 'soul' of our nation desperately needs healing!!  And the only remedy to heal our national 'soul' will be a true Spiritual Awakening! And again, we NEED a National Day or 2 or 3 of a FASTING & PRAYER Gathering. Our National Moral & Spiritual Crises in this hour demands it!

This Holy Convocation should not not be primarily directed toward who will become the next occupant of the White House (as important as that is). But solely, should be a gathering once again under the banner of 2 Chronicles 7:14; Characterized by our humble appeal to Almighty God, for a REVIVAL of RIGHTEOUSNESS to take place throughout our land. And for a true SPIRITUAL AWAKENING to sweep across our country! 

We need to see that same kind of Renewed Righteousness that was awakened during one of the greatest Spiritual Movements ever to take place in recorded history... THE GREAT AWAKENING of the 1730's! This Awaking produced such a Conscious awareness of God that it summoned a renewed zeal for true Righteousness, which in turn brought about an exaltation to this nation from its fledgling beginnings. 

Those Righteous principles and concepts then became reflected within the very fabric and the framework of our founding documents.  All of these flowed out from PHILADELPHIA, PA., America's city of BROTHERLY LOVE! 

Let us now return to that city, only this time bringing with us a NEW CRUSE FILLED WITH SALT! Humble; Penitent; Prayerful and Faith-Filled hearts to renew a National (salt) Covenant with God , paying and believing for the preservation of our nation as God intended from the beginning. Let us return to that city from where the HEAD WATERS of Great Spiritual Awakening and our National Identity was first drafted and signed and then from where the formation of our new government was ratified. Rediscovering the HEAD WATERS of our nation... PHILADELPHIA:  1730's THE GREAT AWAKENING. The city of Philadelphia became a main center for the Great Spiritual Awakening of the 1730's, ignited by then English born Revivalist, the Rev. George Whitfield. Having swept through the New England colonies already, the Great Awakening culminated in Philadelphia, which was at that time perhaps the most influential city of the colonies along with Boston, MA. 

Here is a brief but very telling description of Benjamin Franklin's personal account of the Awakening's affect upon the city of Philadelphia in the year 1739: "From being thoughtless or indifferent about religion, it seem'd as if the whole world were growing religious, so that one could not walk thro' the town in an evening without hearing psalms sung in different families of every street". -The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. 


The place again was Philadelphia and the year 1776. Fifty six representatives affixed their signatures to this DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. A document which would define AMERICA as it's own independent and sovereign nation, to be reckoned among the nations of the world. According to this document we as a nation would be identified as having a "national" conviction in a Creator. And One who has endowed ALL men with certain unalienable rights. Among which are: LIFE; LIBERTY and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS! 


Eleven years following the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Philadelphia would once again play the vital role of being that host city to 55 delegates who would become the architects and signers of a NATIONAL CONSTITUTION, defining the framework of a newly formed government to serve those ideals spelled out within the Declaration. This would take unswerving dedication and tireless commitment on their part. But what came about eventually resulted in becoming a blueprint and framework for what would become recognized as being one of the greatest National Constitutions ever written. To date, our US CONSTITUTION is the longest running ORIGINAL NATIONAL CONSTITUTION in history. Perhaps, it is because again here in Philadelphia all 55 delegates of the Constitutional Congress got on their knees daily before God, appealing to his aide and wisdom before commencing with the enormous task at hand. These were motivated to do so, by a special motion made by the senior statesman within their midst, Benjamin Franklin. The delegates had been in convention for 4 or 5 weeks making little progress. When Benjamin Franklin, not noted by the way to be a particularly religious man, yet had become so touched by the Awakening and seeing God's intervention during our battle for Independence against Great Britain, proceeded to make an appeal for the Convention to begin on their knees with daily prayer: "...I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth- that God GOVERNS in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aide"? -Benjamin Franklin (1787 Constitutional Congress). 

George Washington, who then presided over the Constitutional Congress and to whom Franklin directed his motion, concurred and so as a matter of historical record, the US CONSTITUTION flowed out from the prayerful and inspired hearts of America's founding fathers as they convened in Philadelphia.  And so it seems quite apparent that the city of Philadelphia (Brotherly Love) was that influential city to be chosen as the place from where the HEAD WATERS of Spiritual Awakening and our National Identity would flow. 

Ever since those "waters" began to flow from that city, history will forever record America as being one of the greatest nations that God brought into existence. Truly A LIGHT and a BLESSING to the nations of the world.Within our relatively short history as a nation, more missionaries carrying the LIGHT of the GOSPEL have left from our shores than any other nation in existence, to date. More AIDE has been extended from our National Prosperity and resources to the the hurting nations of the world, especially during their hours of national crises and calamities. And more immigrants have willingly and eagerly left their counties and kin to head for these shores. And it was all because God had given our nation a reputation throughout the known world for being a LAND OF FREEDOM; OPPORTUNITY and PLENTY! Our own NATIONAL CRISES now demands that a NEW CRUSE FILLED WITH SALT (a Renewed Covenant with God for preservation) be brought back to where the HEAD WATERS of NATIONAL AWAKENING and NATIONAL FREEDOM first flowed. The City of Brotherly Love... PHILADELPHIA!  Let there come a NEW CONVENTION hosted in the bosom of that city once again. Only this time, A CONVENTION of desperate PRAYER; REPENTANCE and HUMILIATION before God of His own Redeemed remnant under the the banner of II Chronicles 7:14.

Sister Anne took this prophecy as a serious confirmation from the Lord.  But further confirmation from the prophets would be needed before she would go.  The scriptures said, (II Cor. 13:1) "Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses."   As Jim Cucuzza prayed God gave him, I Sam. 23 where God tells David to go up against the Philistines a second time only this time go a different way. Normally, when God called us to gather as a nation he told us to go to Washington DC.  This time, Jim said, God is telling us to go up a different way- Philadelphia (The original US capitol). 

Another prophetic word from Pastor Phillip Heflin was passed on to us which said:

This is an Extract from the Book, "William Penn, A Biography, By Harry Emerson Wilde's, Page 212
On August 12, 1684, he boarded the ketch, "Endeavor" to set sail for England. As the little vessel with its tall mainmast forward and the much shorter jiggermast aft stood down the river, he composed a prayer for the little city of Philadelphia. "And thou, Philadelphia, the virgin settlement of the province, named before thou wert born, what love, what care, what service and what travail has there beein to bring thee forth preserve the from such as would abuse and defile thee; my soul prays to God for thee, that thou mayst stand in the day of trial that thy people may be blest of the Lord and thy people saved by His power"
Prophecy, July 28, 3:30am
Philadelphia, even as I ordained that you were to be a city in which a great nation was to be born, even so now do I call you forth to further fulfill your destiny in this end-time to be used to birth an end-time, world-wide revival.
This is My doing! By My Spirit, I shall do a work that will be felt, first through out this land and then, also throughout the world. I shall lead in this and the hallmark of My doing shall be in the unity of all involved.
My ministers shall not be empire builders, but Kingdom Builders. All differences that may have been a part of their lives and their ministry shall have been abrogated, set aside. They shall be known as "Seekers," those that seek Me at all times to know My will and way. They shall quickly ascribe all signs and wonders unto Me for I am the one who shall do them.
It is because of this seeking after Me that I shall raise them up. It is a consistent seeking and a consistent worship that shall be the spring board of this end-time revival. Philadelphia shall truly become a city of brotherly love! Out of this atmosphere, she shall birth My ministers who shall go forth to do My bidding in My time, for I am the Lord.
Come forth, O Beloved Philadelphia! Have done with racism, denominationalism, sectarianism-all that would divide My Body. My Body consists of those "New Creations" who are a part of Me, of My Body. Know that these "New Creations" are for the purpose of My manifesting Myself with all My power through them to the world. Know assuredly that "eye hath not seen nor ear heard" what I shall do through these of Mine, but these shall know for they shall know Me, saith the Lord.

So as you can see we had several major confirmations that Philadelphia was the place we were to gather to pray for the healing of America.  Since these moments of confirmation, we all have encountered spiritual warfare trying to discourage us, divide us, losing heart about doing this etc.  Friends along the way have had health attacks, financial attacks, and friendships tested.  Christians along the way, have called this a "dog and pony" show, accused it of being politically motivated to defeat the President, told us that it wasn't God's will for a national gathering, he only wanted it to be a local thing.  I've heard people say "no one's coming to over inflated numbers that supposedly are coming. We've been told if he comes, I'm not going... If he serves I will not... division, division, division coming from a divided "City" principality over the City Of Brotherly love.  Hmmm....  Again, let me be very clear here:  "God has been summoning The Body Of Christ together in Philadelphia on September 28-29, 2012  The only question we each have to ask ourselves is "Am I going to be there, regardless of who else comes?"

There are only TWO reasons to be there:

1.  To pray for the divisions of our nation to be healed.  (II Chron. 7:14) God wants to heal our
2.  To understand that September 28-29 is an important date in our National history.
      On September 28-29, 1789 our first continental congress gathered to ratify a document
      to end the division of the 13 original colonies.  They had functioned under the articles of 
      confederation for several years but found it inadequate to address the divisions in 
       the four cultures of America.  That new document pulled together and has sustained 
      our nation over it's history. It is called the  Constitution of the United States.
      God is calling us to reaffirm ourselves to this national 
      convenant!  It is our salt covenant.

The Bible states in 11 Cor. 3:17 that "Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty!"
Unfortunately, American culture was born with four different cultural understandings of this word liberty.  In the Puritan founding of our country, Liberty meant "ordered liberty." This led to any hints of disorder would necessitate a "purging" of those causing it.  Liberty was denied to those who did not live their lives as the puritans defined it.  The second understanding of liberty, established by William Penn was called, "Reciprocal Liberty," which means I can't deny the rights of others that I'm seeking.  William Penn's relationship with the first nations people was seen as his attempt to give equal rights to all people.  The third idea of Liberty, was held by the great Tidewater area of Virginia which sought to define "liberty" in terms with "conformity" to the Anglican Church and allegiance to the English government.  They loved "Frames of government" and saw "liberty" as a right if you complied to be a good citizen.  The final understanding of liberty given to us by the south meant "personal liberty."  It meant being free from government. A man's word can be based only on his honor.  All four of these cultural values were brought together under our present constitution.  But when there is no "Presence Of The Lord" our nation breaks down into these four divisions.  In 1789, George Washington sat in a chair with a hand-craved sun in the chairs wood for nearly three months of the Federal Convention's continuous sessions. James Madison reported Benjamin Franklin saying, "I have often looked at that behind the president without being able to tell whether it was rising or setting. But now I... know that it is a rising...sun."  He knew because of our four regional cultural differences we needed the help of God to overcome our four cultural ways... which are still with us today.  Our gathering in Philadelphia requires the "Holy Spirit's intervention."  Left to ourselves we always find ourselves in a war of culture!

This gathering in Philadelphia should be focused on "resuscitating the heart" of our nation. Only God himself can resuscitate our hearts. Even we as the church need our hearts to be resuscitated.   Philadelphia gives us an opportunity for "reciprocal liberty" to be extended once again.  We can't go there to demand our rights to the exclusion of others rights... if so, then on another day another group will come and then deny us our rights of Religious liberty to pray.  We need a spiritual encounter with the Holy Spirit. Only He can make us "one nation under God with LIBERTY AND JUSTICE for all!"  Our gathering in Philadelphia is a solemn assembly to pray for our "Divisions" to be healed and reaffirm the constitutional heritage that God gave us as a people.  Anything less would be disappointing, displease God, and be a travesty and assault on our faith!  

God bless each of you... as we gather as "One Nation Under God!"

An American Obsession With Ukraine

 In 1992, a young man from Hillsong Church came and spent time with my wife, Andra and I on his way to join a team planting a church in Kiev...