Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Future Is Ours!

Struggling through grief is a difficult thing. Some days, I feel such a sense of loneliness. Other days, a deep need to organize myself... and then there have been those dark moments of depression wondering if anyone even cares. Not a fun way to journey. A few years ago, the Holy Spirit told me to sell my house and move to Kent Island. When I got here, I asked, "Lord why did you bring me to this wonder place?" He said, "I brought you here to mourn the death of your mother and father." I was stunned. "Why Lord, would you take them at this time in my life?" He said, "Because of the significant work I have for you in the days ahead, their death would have been a disruption to the work I have for you and you would not be able to finish the task assigned." Little did I realize how fast my parents would die and the grieving that has begun. I'm still shocked. My mom died last year on Feb 3, 2010 and my dad died two months ago on July 9, 2011. In between these two deaths, my family has also lost my Aunt Rose (Sept. 2010), My uncle Harold (Oct.2010)and my only nephew Jake Vier (Nov. 2010). Wow! A little much.... and so "The who cares" group in my life just want me to suck it up and move on. The "pissed of with their lives" group want to be pissed off at me because I'm not meeting their needs to be heard for the bad choices they've made in their lives over the past 18 months. Oh, and I haven't forgotten "The I'll always be there" group who are no where to be found in my time of grief. What's also bothersome is the "Your not allowed to be angry" group who don't want to hear any expressions of grief - because all your loved ones are better off and you need to let them go. Jerks!
You know what I like best about blogging. It's my blog. I get to say what I want when I want. I get to express my love for my President in the face of "Right-wing" idiots who "hate" rather than "Pray for those in authority that we might live a quiet and peaceful life." I get to say, "I don't have to be a pastor here" - I get to be Mike Berry! A great husband, father, pastor and friend - despite those "Who have said all manner of evil about me" as I've remained quiet and defense-less. Jesus can quiet the voices of the "Addicted to Chaos" over time... and my personal history speaks for itself. I've pastored, loved, and have served others for 35 years this month. I'm happy and looking forward to being used by God - in China, Mongolia, South America and in the former Soviet Union. I want to preach and lead people to Christ in the land my dad served - Viet Nam. Dad I miss you - Mom I miss you. Thanks for being the people who taught me the values I hold dear. To John and Carolyn - what can I say. "If it were not for you I would have never heard about Jesus." Thank you for being my grandparents. To my wife and kids - thanks for being the great people you are. The future is ours!!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Political Difference Between our Two Parties? Based On Two theological views?

Most people that I meet have not figured out why our two party's in our current Political System can't get along. It is my hope to give some insight to why there are differences:

Republicanism -In political theory and philosophy, the term ‘republicanism’ is generally used in two different, but closely related, senses. In the first sense, republicanism refers to a loose tradition or family of writers in the history of western political thought, including especially: Machiavelli and his fifteenth-century Italian predecessors; the English republicans Milton, Harrington, Sidney, and others; Montesquieu and Blackstone; the eighteenth-century English commonwealth-men; and many Americans of the founding era such as Jefferson and Madison. The writers in this tradition emphasize many common ideas and concerns, such as the importance of civic virtue and political participation, the dangers of corruption, the benefits of a mixed constitution and the rule of law, etc.; and it is characteristic of their rhetorical style to draw heavily on classical examples—from Cicero and the Latin historians especially—in presenting their arguments. (In light of the last point, this is sometimes referred to as the ‘classical republican’ or ‘neo-roman’ tradition in political thought.)

Republican Economic Theory is based on "Classical Economic Theory" introduced by Adam Smith. This theory is based on the premise that free markets can regulate themselves if left alone, free of any human intervention. Theologically I believe this view is advanced by 

Arminianism. This view holds that men, governments, and systems are guided by libertarian free will. This means that our choices are free from the determination or constraints of human nature and free from any predetermination by God. All "free will theists" hold that libertarian freedom is essential for moral responsibility, for if our choice is determined or caused by anything, including our own desires, they reason, it cannot properly be called a free choice. Thus, Free markets can regulate themselves because people can self regulate themselves.

Democratic Values-The democratic party is built around the idea – the philosophical principle – that citizens should be called upon to look beyond their own self-interest and work for a greater common interest. This, historically, is the moral basis of liberal governance – not justice, not equality, not rights, not diversity, not government, and not even prosperity or opportunity. Liberal governance is about demanding of citizens that they balance self-interest with common interest.

Democratic Economic Theory is based on Keynesian economics which advocates a strong mixed economy - predominately private sector, but with a moderate role of government and public sector - and served as the economic model during the later part of the Great Depressian, World War II, and the postwar economic expansion (1945-1973) though it has lost some influence following the stagflation of the 1970's. The advent of the global financial crisis in 2007 has caused a resurgence in Keynesian thought. The basic premise of this theory is that an active government intervention in the marketplace and monetary policy is the best method of ensuring economic growth and stability. I believe that this theory is based in the Theological view advanced in Calvinism's view on the total depravity of humanity.

No longer can our American christians just sit around like "political pundits" choosing candidates based on popularity, government programs or views on church/state issues. If thinking Christians spent time understanding their own theological heritages and the philosophical under pinnings of our country's values we might have a fighting chance to revitalize our political system. I am of the opinion that the Theological views of the Western Church have taken us to new heights of polarization in our political and religious cultures.

My Question as a result of the failure of the two sides to work together - "Is There A Third Way?"

Friday, September 2, 2011

Politcal Dreams, Messanic Expectations, and Aspirations

Last night I had a vivid dream. Now it could have been prophetic or as John Wesley said, "It may be God, it may have been the devil, or the the food I ate last night." The dream was about the political aspirations and candidacy of a Christian leader who felt called to become our President.

A number of years ago, two great men of God, Bishop John Gimenez and Pastor Glen Foster, spoke about a vision the Lord had given them of a president who would sit in the oval office of the Whitehouse and call the nation to repentance. In my dream, I asked an aspiring Presidential canidate if he was a man who would be able to do that. In my dream, he said, "yes." As I have pondered this, I am of the opinion that God's hand is resting on a person who is yet to come that will become President that both John Gimenez and Glen Foster envisioned. However, we need to be careful about our own expectations.

When our current President Barack Obama, who I've admired and loved as our President, despite all the critics, ran for the Presidency; many looked toward him with messanic expectations. I believe the Christian right has the capacity to do the same with any of those running for public office. John the Baptist's question of Jesus keeps running in my mind, "Are you Him or shall we look for another?" Many in the Christian world today look toward our candidates as though they should meet some messanic criteria and save our nation. There are no political messiahs!

Even Jesus himself didn't meet the expectations of ancient Israel. Why? Because the kingdoms of this world are not the kingdom of God. America is not the kingdom of God and even though it had deeply Christian influences in its history - it has never been the Kingdom Of God. The kingdom of God does not have slavery, capitalism, war, economic inequality, or injustice. These issues will never be resolved in our country by a President or legislative process. Israel had the ten commandments and they didn't produce anything except the furtherance of sin and death. Read the book of Romans. In choosing our candidates for office, we need to look at qualifications, credentials and experience just like any other employer does when he hires a new worker. We also need to kill off anything with in us that thinks that Jesus is in the business of turning American into some kind of Christian Utopia. Jesus said "My kingdom is not of this world, had it been so they would have fought for me..." What is the Christian community fighting for?

Are we looking for a godly president who will legislate or use executive orders to Christianize our nation? Constantine tried this one during his rule of the Roman empire. He tried to legislate christianity in the culture through law. It didn't work and it was detrimental to the church... and the Western Church has never really recovered from it. William Penn once asked "Do we think we can force conversion on people?" So the next time I have a dream - I am not going to just stand up and proclaim it as a prophetic dream. During my dream I found myself sharing the visions of John Gimenez and Glen Foster with a man who was contemplating running for public office, that person responded that doing something like "calling the nation to repentance on TV" was a hard thing to do. Some believe we have leaders who can do that without compromise.  I've yet to find this kind of leader in America yet.

Yes we need the godly leadership in our country today. However, in my humble opinion, we have too high expectations on our candidates, so much so, that our expectations are messanic in nature and we too often forget that there is no one "Righteous" enough or godly enough to meet our expectation of a president ushering in the millennial rule of Christ!  God is not looking to place a "Pastor in Chief" in the Oval Office.  We need men and women of God who understand who have the qualifications in leading the government in a CEO fashion to make it work.  I enjoy the idea of a President who relies of his "faith" to inform his work place ethic.  But, just because someone says they are born again doesn't mean they can do the job effectively.  We need godly leaders who are gifted, qualified, and who demonstrate a character reflective of Christ to lead our government - but we also need leadership that knows how to work with every branch, department, and understands how to effectively manage the finances and economy of our country without bankrupting it.  A friend of mine recently asked me, "Do we want a president who gives us comfort or fixes what's wrong with our government?"  It's a great question!

An American Obsession With Ukraine

 In 1992, a young man from Hillsong Church came and spent time with my wife, Andra and I on his way to join a team planting a church in Kiev...