Sunday, October 17, 2010

How God Uses Broken People To Heal Broken People: A tribute to Frank and Hazel Houston

Many years ago I had the awesome privilege of meeting Frank and Hazel Houston. Frank and Hazel were founders of what is today Hillsong Church based in Sydney Australia. They originally began as Salvation Army officers in New Zealand. Frank was sent out to to serve churches which were basically struggling to survive. For those, who have worked in this field, it is a well known fact how hard struggling churches can be on a minister, his wife and family. It can certainly be depressing, frustrating, and taxing on your faith. Sometime during this period, as I remember, Frank experienced some kind of mental breakdown and checked himself into a mental hospital. Both Frank and Hazel shared with me the difficulty they had during that dark time in their lives. This story can easily be found in "Being Frank" by Hazel Houston.  This story has been widely known for years by many of those around Frank and Hazel and was often shared by Frank as he shared his testimony publicly. Even tough, Frank never shared the day to day details of his 3 year stay in this mentally hospital, there was no hiding of this dark period - especially in light of it being published in Hazel's book.

In fact, this book is a huge testimony to Gods healing and transforming power. It's an inspirational story of how God can take any broken person and use them to reach other broken people. Anyone familiar with Hazel's book, knows that the first few chapters alone explains and gives huge insight into the depth of how this period of mental illness impacted them. A few years, after Franks hospitalization, Frank and Hazel were mightily touched by the Holy Spirit under the ministry of Ray Bloomfield in Auckland's Miracle Tabernacle. As the years progressed Frank experienced healing and went onto have awesome crusades where hundreds were brought to Christ. At age 60, God led he and Hazel to Sydney where they began Sydney Christian Life Centre. Everyone who really wants to know the truth about Frank and Hazel's journey should buy a copy of the book.  Their story needs to be revisited instead of dishonored. Read Hazel's book!  John 8:3-7  demonstrates Jesus' attitude toward on any of our accusers:

"The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, "Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women.Now what do you say?" They were using this question as a trap,in order to have a basis for accusing him. But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."

Mental illness is a huge embarrassment on those who have suffered with it and painful on their loved ones who have had to live through it. It is so sad how this subject has been neglected in the church today. In the late 1980's,  I had the awesome privilege of meeting Frank and Hazel in the Dulles Airport in Washington, DC. I stayed in their home several times and became a close friend to both of them.  I never knew Frank as the broken person he was during this dark period of his life. What I experienced was a faith-filled very inspiring and encouraging person. I loved being around him. I spoke often at Sydney Christian Life Center (waterloo) as it was known and Frank's network of churches, including Hills (now known as Hillsong) throughout the early 90's. The men and women of God who serve all across the world today because of Frank and Hazel is a testament to their lives. I loved and had a great time with Frank and his family. They have always been a remarkable family. The Frank and Hazel Houston that I knew inspired both my wife and I, filled us with vision, and always encouraged us to always be radicals for God as they did for so many other ministers around the world. However, one of the most inspiring moments came later long after Frank and Hazel had gone on to be with the Lord. It is a lasting testament to their story. In late 2010, I watched a remarkable church plant that is both a tribute to Brian and Bobbie's Houston and the many leaders that Frank and Hazel left behind. (See John 15:16 This verse says it all!)

I witnessed, as a new generation of leaders, the launch of Hillsong NYC as it began in the actual facility that Evangeline Booth, daughter of William and Catherine Booth, had built in 1929 as she lead the Salvation Army into America. Lines of young people poured around the building.  1500 seats... and three services that first night. As each serviced progressed, hundreds of young people were saved after Brian shared a great message on the 3Gs Grace, Glory, and Goodness. It was an inspiring message as usual. Hillsong leader, Christine Caine followed up Brian's message and gave an awesome invitation for people to receive Christ... in the true form of the house. It was also nice to see Judith McGhie, Frank's youngest daughter, Roma Kasevich from Kiev, and Joel and Ben all serving the Lord. Lord have mercy those boys have grown up. I am very thankful to have witnessed this ongoing ministry and work of Hillsong across the world. Thanks guys for letting me have a moment with you in the past and in continuing the legacy of my friends "Frank and Hazel Houston." I am so thankful to have met you and I will always honor and remember you as "my friends." Frank and Hazel must have been having a real moment with Evangeline Booth in heaven the opening night of Hillsong NYC! :) It's always good to remember the good things about people who we knew and loved.  I am forever grateful for my experiences with Frank and Hazel, in both my home (in Annapolis) and theirs (in Sydney) and that final time in Evangelist's Jeff Beacham's home in New Jersey just before they died. (See Psalm 116:15) This is how I will always remember them, and as Frank always said:  "To Hell With The Devil!"

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Can a post-modern thinker admit to being wrong?

In our current culture, post-modernism has become our generations way of thinking. Postmodernism is a tendency in contemporary culture characterized by the rejection of objective truth and global cultural narrative. It emphasizes the role of language, power relations, and motivations; in particular it attacks the use of sharp classifications such as male versus female, straight versus gay, white versus black, and imperial versus colonial. Many people believe that truth is relative. That their truth is their truth and my truth is my truth and as long as our truths don't conflict then we can be friends. However, If my truth conflicts with your truth we can't be in relationship. My question is "then who is correctable?" "Where is accountability?" and, "How do you discern if you are deceived? Jeremiah 17:9 states that " ABOVE ALL THINGS the heart is deceitful. Who can know it?" Prov. 15:32 He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding.Prov. 15:33 The fear of the LORD teaches a man wisdom, and humility comes before honor.

Criteria for secure people
  • They can be corrected, without feeling rejected
  • They are teachable
  • They listen to constructive criticism

A good question to ask ourselves is "How well do I respond to correction? Am I defensive? People that hate taking advice are the kind of people Pro 15:32 is speaking about. They get bent out of shape when they are corrected, or believe that they are being attacked, you name it.

Criteria for insecure people
  • They never feel secure about their identity, and are constantly comparing themselves to others
  • When someone corrects them they get defensive
  • They wont take advice from people not like themselves
  • They are the kind of people are constantly trying to prove something
  • They may tend to lie to make themselves look good in front of others
  • They are ashamed to let others know who they really are
  • When they are corrected, they typically feel rejected

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Cultivating Contentment

Phillipians 4:11 says "... I've learned to be content in whatever situation I'm in."  Life has a way of throwing some defining moments at us that challenges - our status quo, the familiar, life routines, and work structures.
These challenges sometime demand our commitment to "cultivate" a life of contentment and personal growth.  Sometimes these challenges require a re-evaluation of our relationships.  Jim Rohn says you become an average of the five people you associate with most. The people we spend our time with determine what conversations dominate our attention, and what observations, attitudes and opinions we repetitively are introduced to.
Personally over the years, I have kept close relationship with people who are "stable, consistent, not given to change in their family relationships, friendships and work enviroments." I have a great difficulty with people who mishandle their relationships.  I believe God is calling us to "cultivate contentment" in our relationships.  The Apostle Paul said in Acts 20:18 "And when they were come to him, he said unto them, Ye know, from the first day that I came into Asia, after what manner I have been with you at all seasons."  We all go through seasons of life (Ecclesiates 3) marriage, births, mid-life, deaths, grieving periods, etc. The Question is how we remain connected to each other, living and loving each other through the good times and difficult moments.  Throughout the years I am amazed at the poor decisions people have made to not stick with their friends during these difficult moments.  I want to be a faithful friend with the same attitude Jesus had "While we were yet SINNERS Christ died for us." I'm not looking to keep transactional relationships but rather covenant friendships which last through all seasons of life.  I know when I'm old I'll have a great story but the more important things to have is to have someone who shared that story with me.  What kind of people are you cultivating around you in life?  The discontented? or contented drama free types?  Personally I have learned that some people are just addicted to Chaos and want to be perpetual victims.  I don't want to be foolish to keep people like this in my life. I'm looking for my friends to just join together with me and cultivate contentment in our lives together.

An American Obsession With Ukraine

 In 1992, a young man from Hillsong Church came and spent time with my wife, Andra and I on his way to join a team planting a church in Kiev...